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In the silence of stillness I feel the silent growth unfolding like a scroll and it is seamless a steady emission, an implicate order of something evolving, as if an inner blueprint were being unfurled, as if the divine plan was being displayed in a silent evolutionary growth, not the growth of form but of spirit, an energy being unfolding in elapsed unlimited non local time.
It feels like a slow cooker, the contents being energy spiritual particles, like an alchemic process and the crucible being a containment field of an energetic etheric nature and the out working to grow in the silence away from the chattering mind and tense body. A secondary effect may help the physical form but that is not the main aim, the aim I feel is the growth of an energy 'body' a being of light and power far from anything flesh or physical endeavour and I feel that the silences that enrapture me will grow and expand and when it is mature and ripe I will, that is my individual spirit will merge fully into the growing energy glow and I will pass from the physical into the spirit that is all encompassing.
This feeling grows and I find myself more and more in silence and solitude and yearning more of it, one may say it is growing old and yet many elderly are content with a hobby, watching TV and other pursuits and this is OK and their karma, their allotted destiny, I do not feel isolated or lonely, I feel I am on the right path as it were for me. I may be kidding myself, however I feel it my bones and water so it is said.
In the stillness of my being I rest content and yet occasionally there are sharp reminders when the stream of the silent growth is somehow interrupted by events not foreseen or intended and these increase the thirst and quest to be in the intimate presence with the silent process within or is it within? It is indeed everywhere and yet individual as well, such is the wonder of being still and feeling the spirit doing its silent work however one has to be still and acknowledge it.
I sit still and attentive, time has no meaning, I am still and no thought, just a stillness with nothing to offer or attract me, it is beyond the physical sensation and yet is somehow resting in it and gradually the physical will have served its purpose and the silent 'gnawing' of the growing spirit will shine through and the job of the physical had completed its purpose. This does not necessarily mean a painful illness or disaster to shear away the physical to reveal the spirit, it can be a silent smooth parting of the waves so to speak, this again is in the hands of a greater intelligence which has the blueprint and destiny for the individual and that individual becomes one with the one and withal and is no longer an individual.