Saturday, 1 March 2025


Courtesy YOU TUBE

 The call of the wild, the call of the soul, the call of Spirit, the silent call, the still silent voiceless voice. Do you hear it-NO, Do you feel it -YES.

Sit and listen to it, it is still and yet moving, it is noiseless and yet speaking, invisible and yet very there and apparent, what is IT then?  I haven't the remotest idea, so there you have it. What is this IT?

SHACK   aka    GEOFF

The first time I heard a Wolf call I felt a tingling sensation go up my spine and then I was filled with and ancient feeling of the unknown origin of ourselves, I feel this tingling, an aliveness, I feel connected to nature and the Universe. I feel spirit, I just feel feeling. I feel I am a soul whatever that maybe and as unearthly as I can be and yet strangely very much in tune and alignment to Mother Earth and her comfort. The tingling feels icy cold and yet not cold of Earth cold, it feels neither hot nor cold but a sensation which the brain cannot decode, so its nearest is cold / hot and it is not of this world and yet it is a fundamental of it. SHACK. 


Courtesy Albuquerque Kite Festival 

 Sometimes a quote or phrase 'grabs' one and its sticks in mind although one may not understand it or its meaning it seems to resonate somewhere in the psyche and may linger for some while.  

There are two that I set out; ' Mountain Spirits, who walk the wind, Guide me on the path of resilience and determination'. This feels very ancient an old tribal of some ethnic race in the mountains who felt the banshees or spirits rode the turbulent mountain winds, the snows and challenges that the high mountain passes and valleys with crevasses challenged them and they sort of surfed them and went with the winds thermals and so on they felt the waves and rode them and this seemed to me a lesson on riding the difficulties and fears, the anxieties, set backs and some disasters in ones life. I felt that instead of fighting the tides of opposition and currents too strong for my body and seeming inevitable, I could surrender the hard thoughts of doubt and fear and try to relax and let the fear subside by watching and sensing the undercurrents that offered a way out of the dilemma even it meant going along with the waves and winds until a way out spontaneously and miraculously appeared.  

The resilience was somewhat physical and not so much a determined will power but a gathering and building up to trust in the 'deep feel' by an inner relaxation from anxiety and angst. A sort of letting go as was felt appropriate for that circumstance presented. The determination was an inner 'knowing' by riding the winds that it is all is well even through the darkest storm and riding it out was the determination not by will and fear but relaxing and trusting in the deep intuitive feel in the quietest atmosphere that one could engender by being as still and quiet as possible.

The second one; May the sacred waters cleanse my soul. And the the fires of transformation forge my spirit.  By waters it feels like the flow of awareness, qi, kundalini, dreylas and the flow and buzz I feel as life evolves and courses through me like a river of light, the feel of aliveness, the specks of energy(dreylas) buzzing and pulsing everything is alive even the bed and chair this seems to be food for my soul and cleanses the scum of the harshness of the world, everything thing seems pristine and pure.

Sometimes the 'heat and cold' of the energy cascading through me raises my awareness to a joy and nourishes my spirit to such an extent that I  feel invincible, not so much physically but as a spiritual energy being and my earthly fears are 'burnt up and dissolved' not by meditation alone or qi gong or prayer but by being still and feeling beneath the surface of thought to a stillness that beckons and invites me to rest replenish the soul and let the body just rest and do its thing.

These two quotes seem to suggest very ancient and in past experiences that built up the the now of my many lives journey, not so much the incarnations but the nuances that shaped the lives to be. 

SHACK    aka    Geoff


Courtesy Free Your Flow

 When I am still, quiet and thoughts and buzz have subsided, I am just aware of being aware, who runs or is charge of my body then? Who organises my heartbeat, my organs, I am being breathed and kept alive in this form and certainly not by any effort on my part, not thinking of the effort to stay alive or to save it either.

So why not totally surrender to the unknown, invisible something, indeed is it a something, no thing? That unknown something, that awareness aware of Itself, might have something to do with the organising of the body's and functions and how it does this is the Great  Mystery and should we try to analyse, define and grab it, we limit its wonderous works.   

Get behind me oh ego, agenda. When the old cantankerous bull elephant retires to the forest, leave well alone. Let the bees be undisturbed in their hive. Let the Mother bear and her cubs be at peace in their den. Let the Wolf pack do its hunting and living. Let me be still and trust.

SHACK    aka    Geoff  


Courtesy LinkedIn

 In the silence of stillness I feel the silent growth unfolding like a scroll and it is seamless a steady emission, an implicate order of something evolving, as if an inner blueprint were being unfurled, as if the divine plan was being displayed in a silent evolutionary growth, not the growth of form but of spirit, an energy being unfolding in elapsed unlimited non local time.

It feels like a slow cooker, the contents being energy spiritual particles, like an alchemic process and the crucible being a containment field of an energetic etheric nature and the out working to grow in the silence away from the chattering mind and tense body. A secondary effect may help the physical form but that is not the main aim, the aim I feel is the growth of an energy 'body' a being of light and power far from anything flesh or physical endeavour and I feel that the silences that enrapture me will grow and expand and when it is mature and ripe I will, that is my individual spirit will merge fully into the growing energy glow and I will pass from the physical into the spirit that is all encompassing. 

This feeling grows and I find myself more and more in silence and solitude and yearning more of it, one may say it is growing old and yet many elderly are content with a hobby, watching TV and other pursuits and this is OK and their karma, their allotted destiny, I do not feel isolated or lonely, I feel I am on the right path as it were for me. I may be kidding myself, however I feel it my bones and water so it is said.

In the stillness of my being I rest content and yet occasionally there are sharp reminders when the stream of the silent growth is somehow interrupted by events not foreseen or intended and these increase the thirst and quest to be in the intimate presence with the silent process within or is it within? It is indeed everywhere and yet individual as well, such is the wonder of being still and feeling the spirit doing its silent work however one has to be still and acknowledge it.   

I sit still and attentive, time has no meaning, I am still and no thought, just a stillness with nothing to offer or attract me, it is beyond the physical sensation and yet is somehow resting in it and gradually the physical will have served its purpose and the silent 'gnawing' of the growing spirit will shine through and the job of the physical had completed its purpose. This does not necessarily mean a painful illness or disaster to shear away the physical to reveal the spirit, it can be a silent smooth parting of the waves so to speak, this again is in the hands of a greater intelligence which has the blueprint and destiny for the individual and that individual becomes one with the one and withal and is no longer an individual.



Courtesy Pinterest

 I have described my Near Death Experience elsewhere in these writings and on national TV and Radio. What is clear now more than ever; I did not want to come to Earth and was convinced to do so and I thought I had a mission and that seems to be the case in a way.

It was not a grand mission of a world light or do anything much, a few workshops and a few healings of patients and myself. The main mission was to learn to learn the facade of apparent reality. 



Courtesy Martial Arts Anononmous 

 Sitting still and with an agitated mind, there was such a stillness in the garden, the trees still, birds and and cat still as if transfixed, no wind just a heavy grey sky and no cloud movement and my mind stagnant still and an ominous feeling and then I started Qi Gong and became aware of an icy tingling in my spine and then spreading to my whole body, so powerful as to feel is was hot / cold and I had the feeling it was chi, kundalini, orgone, life force, spirit and so on. I felt it was stimulating my whole body inside and out so to speak and felt the chi like pin pricks, darts of energy and I sometimes see these minute specks as 'dreylas' it was like fine rain spitting on water and I felt this was rejuvenating and stimulating the stem cells every 'prick' was like acupuncture needles injecting energy, life force and renewal, it felt regeneration was taking place, it was not so much physical but seemed to go deep into the substrata of my being as if the build up would eventually rejuvenate the physical.

I felt the tingling sensation was the chi / life force entering the 'atomic level' as it were arriving from the quantum level to the coded 'sparkle' the information 'fertiliser' of the minute particles that have the life giving force commencing at the 'ground level' so to speak at the very centre of the body the dantien / hara everything seemed to be imbibing, ingesting. soaking up as if every pore was opening up and sucking in like a sponge this chi energy, this tingling pin pricking sensation and then travelling deep into  the inner lining of the organs and the fascia and even to the foundation of the fascia itself, in fact it only becomes solid flesh when sufficient trillions of these specks are sufficient in numbers in order to give the feeling of so called 'flesh' however under scanning electron microscopes it proves to be a moving tableau and like so much as they say the empty atom.

So I sat feeling this sensation of icy hot imbibing and feeing renewed mentally and realising that there was and is a need to continue this quiet stillness tot fill up a depleted 'sea of chi' that had has taken toll of my being by Covid years and vaccine injury and wasted fantasising and wasted theorising and past non creative ideas and speculations. At my age of 86 in the year of 2025 maybe I have the chance to fulfil the deficit?




Courtesy Vecteezy

At one time in my late teens I attended a Zendo in Chiswick in  West London and I was brought up there with quotations and sayings from several Japanese  老師) old teachers and many of these saying were well known. 'what is enlightenment--a dead log' I felt this meant when the mind was quiet and in meditation it was as if it were a dead log, but pleasant and peaceful. Then 'if you see the Buddha coming down the road cut his head off' I felt Buddha nature was not seen or had a form it was an experience of emptiness of thought without suppression it was no mind and is not a form. 'What is a hill is a hill and the busy inquisitive mind on the quest for enlightenment says it is not a hill but with no mind it becomes a hill again' To me this meant in the search and quest for satori   an awakening to Kensho () one's true nature the mind tries to identify the experiences on the way, the journey and because it upsets so many beliefs and convictions the mind tries to find an acceptable explanation so as to feel secure and safe and yet in the end has accept the fact its just a hill.

If there is not an acceptance not just a compromise or giving up and going to extreme distraction or depression and some even suicidal, then to some the gruelling journey is worthwhile and to some it is a challenge not so much of the will or the move away from suffering but of a distant ancient calling of the spirit and soul.