Saturday, 1 March 2025


Courtesy YOU TUBE

 The call of the wild, the call of the soul, the call of Spirit, the silent call, the still silent voiceless voice. Do you hear it-NO, Do you feel it -YES.

Sit and listen to it, it is still and yet moving, it is noiseless and yet speaking, invisible and yet very there and apparent, what is IT then?  I haven't the remotest idea, so there you have it. What is this IT?

SHACK   aka    GEOFF

The first time I heard a Wolf call I felt a tingling sensation go up my spine and then I was filled with and ancient feeling of the unknown origin of ourselves, I feel this tingling, an aliveness, I feel connected to nature and the Universe. I feel spirit, I just feel feeling. I feel I am a soul whatever that maybe and as unearthly as I can be and yet strangely very much in tune and alignment to Mother Earth and her comfort. The tingling feels icy cold and yet not cold of Earth cold, it feels neither hot nor cold but a sensation which the brain cannot decode, so its nearest is cold / hot and it is not of this world and yet it is a fundamental of it. SHACK. 

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