Saturday, 1 March 2025


Courtesy Free Your Flow

 When I am still, quiet and thoughts and buzz have subsided, I am just aware of being aware, who runs or is charge of my body then? Who organises my heartbeat, my organs, I am being breathed and kept alive in this form and certainly not by any effort on my part, not thinking of the effort to stay alive or to save it either.

So why not totally surrender to the unknown, invisible something, indeed is it a something, no thing? That unknown something, that awareness aware of Itself, might have something to do with the organising of the body's and functions and how it does this is the Great  Mystery and should we try to analyse, define and grab it, we limit its wonderous works.   

Get behind me oh ego, agenda. When the old cantankerous bull elephant retires to the forest, leave well alone. Let the bees be undisturbed in their hive. Let the Mother bear and her cubs be at peace in their den. Let the Wolf pack do its hunting and living. Let me be still and trust.

SHACK    aka    Geoff  

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