Wednesday, 7 March 2018


Waiting for Eternity

Self serving in the manner of seeking a solid foundation in order to know that I exist and so there are so many probabilities and possibilities in endless combinations and computations that eventually which ever one’s predilection inevitably it will fade into the mists of the aeon's and ages, the many millennia of all existence. 

Perhaps then all ones fantasies, dreams and aspirations and empire building are mere attempts to establish a reality that is eternal, solid and is forever fulfilling.

The very dreams and fantasies are but the ego seeking its own reality other than the ego self realizing itself to be a set of experiences garnished and gleaned from ones cultural, religious political and world ethos and they are but memories that like a film or video are at best recalls and the button of rewind in the machine somewhere in the neuronal network.  This is the mind computer tinkering with seemingly reality presented in a display and array of its graphics.  Repeat after repeat is the mechanism which grinds and preserves this so that it becomes so ingrained and etched into the mind in its patterns of behavior and habit that is then taken as reality and security and is justified no matter what reason or challenge is presented to shake its shaky foundations which it would never admit is shaky. The ego mind contemplating this may indeed recoil and find distraction for it is contemplating its own demise, which is wholly and terrifyingly unacceptable.  

The Universal Creator maybe is doing the same and asks the same question as we do---how in heavens name was I born, and came into creation, I know I am here and create, and I have to keep creating to mirror to myself my existence.

The potter has to create pots to know he is a potter and to keep creating different colors and shapes and maybe asked how did I create these pots and where did I arrive from to create them?

The search for the origins of everything maybe never solved, for that would be end game and eternity would not exist as Life has to keep Perpetuating Itself as proof it exists-----of course all this maybe hypothetical and there might be something else.  Maybe eternity is nothing, empty, space or even?

An interesting assumption; what if one suspended the fantasies, dreams and aspirations and on realizing them as markers to identify the source from whence they came, one can come to the observer of the ruminations and be in an empty kind of mind, not really empty, a sort of dynamic awareness without restraint of encouragement, but is devoid of thought as such.

Maybe this is the source of it all for this space is not bound by borders, fences or tethers unless one interrupts it with mind thought stuff.  In unlimited space there can be unlimited space for creativity to prove that the space is the reality of its foundation--- how can one then describe emptiness for the very attempt at this fills that space and it is no more.

So on with the dreams and all, however reminding oneself that they are mere contents of nothing solid and like water vapor and clouds seem to be and yet disappear and to reappear in endless shapes and sizes and yet they are still and are in reality just blown by the wind and that wind is the way.  So one can seek reality and identity in the illusions but that identity will only be as the substance of the illusion, an illusionary identity, a mere false passport.

The wind is the motivator that in its essence is ‘mind’ wind and urges and coaxes ‘dream stuff’ out of the void and so one may endeavor to seek solid identity out of the dreams and yet all that it will be is an expedient, transitory appearing real but at best a very monumental and seemingly convincing illusion.


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