Tuesday, 11 September 2018


Odyssey Online

Am I escaping into 'no-mind'

To avoid a troublesome mind?




Even all this void no mind stuff is just a theory 
and more stuff

There isn't anything 

And that is just conjecture as well



On a long journey with Calvin and Hobbes.wordprees.com 

Who is this me that lets me down and is there another me, have I a psychological aberration or schizophrenia or a multi personality disorder?

Is there anything behind all this? Its mind  puzzling, perhaps its blowing the mind?  Then there is talk about ‘no mind’ so where does a sneak look at what is it come in?  Its all very suspicious.

Crazy yes, but what kind of crazy ---crazy according to world concepts of crazy—who defines what is crazy, one humans crazy is another humans sanity.

Many are locked up and shut away for not conforming, classed as mad because they have crossed the line of some concept of sanity, especially if you will not kill the enemy who rubbishes the concepts of the norm of the defender.

It’s a puzzlement said the King Of Siam in the film and maybe that’s what it really is a fantasy played in real and earnest terms--- What is there then!!!?




Having known that essential ‘I’ in meditation without a corporeal body this was gleaned from the NDE experience and the same feel as in meditation.

The feeling is that I know I am me (I AM) seemingly without a form, like a witness in a dream but without pictures or anything other than bliss, happiness and free.

I have often wondered if this was another mind trick as the masters have said to move on. I do not seek this willingly it seems to be happening more spontaneously and at odd times doing ordinary things as well as meditation and Qi Gong.

Then a dilemma presents itself; it seems that the negative side of my mind interrupts and wants to take over and the two sides of my ego get into a tangle. The ego is beginning to realise that it is not the power and force it was and realises that surrender to the bliss would benefit someway somehow, this I am not sure will happen.

I have abused my dear body in many ways and it is hard for me to love my body as I have been so let down by it and then it is not my bodies fault as the negativity and life’s experiences and traumas have left their scars in and on it. I acknowledge the miracle of how the body intelligence heals and preserves and of course the invisible intelligence field the body swims in.  This field if allowed access and felt not just believed would give this beautiful form good health and long life. Again the negative programmes so impacted and ingrained, brainwashed and bashed into the circuits of memory sometimes work against the field.

However the life after the body as the bliss body is merely a refined bodily form and as much as I am late learning to appreciate and have compassion on this human form body I willingly would give it up for the refined energy body.

In a way all bodies and forms are composed of energy which is vibrancy in motion guided by thought.  Maybe I came to Earth albeit reluctantly to give up all Earthly forms and the human form especially.

It irks me when a blemish, illness or misfortune happens because I feel that in the bliss body this does not occur, I understand from mediums and psychics that they have their troubles in the spirit world not wanting to cause controversy I feel the bliss body is perhaps on a different plane and does not have associated memories taken over to the other side so to speak. The bliss body may go to realms very far from Earthly experience.

So I must endeavour to shed as much of Earthly Life as possible and to live simply and keep my body well and in good care for I have been entrusted with it and must be a good caretaker.

I do hope for a gentle beautiful parting of the ways and my body cremated with dignity and love it richly deserves.





Sleepy Moose. Wordpress.com

Its taken lots of little nows

now--distraction---now ---unconscious--- now-----fear

---now ---lots of other things---now---a life full of memories---

seducing one away from being present and now

we can have memories but not live through them

We can let them go

until we reach the 





On some days and even for an extended period I go through what I call ego assault. It usually starts as a booming echoing thunderous voice within my head so to speak and tells me I have every illness under the Sun.

Many years back when I had suspected cancer of the jaw and mouth I was walking across a park to get my car that I parked in a friends garage when a vision appeared to me as an umbrella carried by the Grim Reaper and hanging from the veins of the umbrella was a number of small skulls all with my relatives who had passed away with cancer. The Reaper came towards me and whispered and the whisper sounded like a echoing voice and it said in a drawl ‘cancer---cancer---cancer.  I collapsed on the ground and passed out.  When I awoke I got up and walked to my car. Some weeks later it cleared up.

Now and again I get the same fear come back without the vision. This day as I type this 6th July 2017 I awoke with a huge dread, nothing specific but the same feel as the reaper, my mind went to many things; was I picking up a terrible world event, was I indeed going to get sick, was I, was I? It drove me to distraction and was never as intense like this.

Instead of a usual distraction I stayed focussed and looked at it, then I went and did my one hour Qi Gong and during this I had a usual occurrence of bliss and peace and I had a realisation that this was an ego assault.  I realise it is easy to blame it on the ego and distance myself from the ego which some say is the real self however I do not subscribe to this as foolhardy as one may think it is and indeed the battle for the false ego and the real me is just a mental type of paranoia and psychological blip. Some would say I am in delusion and all this stuff about empty mind, illusion and such like is just fuelling the battle and torment.  I have to admit at times I feel that as well.

However foolhardy or not as I felt the bliss I got a distinct feeling that the dread would latch itself onto something and sure enough it did---you guessed it cancer.  Nearly all of my family passed away with cancer and I knew from many sources that it might not be hereditary genetics more like emotional and psychological hand me downs----this really rang a bell for me.

Then a realisation and it was visual; I saw the dread thoughts lurking in the background waiting to plant their seed and fertilise it in the soil of fear in the mind which would if nurtured transfer to the body, because of a saying from therapy ‘your body believes anything you tell it—the body is repository for negativity---the body is a dumping ground for anything not owned by one and so on’  

My awareness was sharp and I saw clouds in the sky as it were and the ego cancer thought jumped on one, it needed a raft, a platform to know it’s real and take root and form its life.  I then realised the collective human unconscious or ‘cloud’ was full of negativity due to the world ethos and world ego was rampant at this time in our history.

The ego in me, like a television that is looking for its own programme from the invisible frequencies that the aerial is programmed to and hastily attune the remote tuner to get its confirmation, since those who do subscribe to the world ethos of money, politics, religion and material wealth and possessions being top of the pile is the only worthwhile pursuit and to keep the body young, healthy, attractive forever then those that buck the trend have to fight the tide.

Perhaps it is learning not to fight just to let the waters flow around the rocks in the stream of living and Life and let that intuitive feeling as came to me in quiet moments be my way and not succumb to fear. That is not to push it away which merely empowers it and says to fear ‘see how strong you are you frightened the pants off of him, he crapped himself, he keeps urinating out of fear, his father died of bladder cancer, his mother of thymus cancer, his brother of lung cancer and many of his friends have skin cancers, so keep up the good work, become strong and your family of Alzheimer’s, motor neurone, MS and all the others are having a field day, your collective family is doing this’.

The world governments and media are providing the scene and perceived extreme fear, doctors although well meaning do this to some extent, adverts in the press and TV often start with ‘Have you these symptoms---illness named---go check it out'.  Then the food industry with sugar warnings, health gurus warnings, new supplements, diet and so on.

Become a hermit, just distract and what the hell If get ill I’ll suffer the treatments and hope to die quickly with as little pain as possible, get senile so I will not know anyway, suicide not an option because I am scared to do it---no because of unfinished business and if there is a thing as reincarnation -----no not again.  So it can all seem hopeless and despairing. I know go to the doctor and get anti depressants and there are many getting high or low on these the same as alcoholics, heroin, weed and so on. Then perhaps meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Palate's and all points North of the Compass.

For me the redeeming part comes when I get into the bliss, not so much the bliss as the realisation of looking through the fear and realising it’s a fabrication, I can feel it dissolving.  Yet it will attack again because it is the family history and the Jewish paranoia, it is in the five books of Moses, and many bibles are doom and gloom. I cannot take away I was born into a Jewish family and at its roots beautiful and the worship of the One Source, yet the dogma has become more than the experience. I feel I am a Universal being. I was taught to be a Jew, if as a baby I was not taught to be a Jew I could have been taught to be any other religion or none at all.  Do I blame religion, politics, science and the modern Western Way?  No blaming just shelves the issue or dumps on whatever is suitable.  Owning these thoughts and thinking, contemplating, ruminating and meditating on these incongruent aspects, looking at them straight ahead without flinching, not judging them as right wrong or indifferent often reveals the transparent nature of their substance.

What follows when this realisation hits home after the intellectual level has discerned this and followed by an understanding, then an Ah Ha and then dissipation and relief---like the stream wears down the rock the unflinching awareness unbiased observer witness may one day bring joy and liberation---from what---ones own mind content.            




Where have you gone my beautiful friend?  Somewhere in the labyrinth of memories.  You might have gone there?

How frail the personality appears and the person I once knew and is still alive is really not the person I once knew.

This lovely friend roams around the corridors of her mind, she does not recognise me or I her, I know her as my friend but not the personality.

Maybe dear friend you are somewhere you want to be. I do know I cannot reach you and bring you back to who you were. It makes one think and question what is the self? Is the self more than just personality and charisma?

It would be inappropriate for me to tender any reasons for this illness because it is a world problem.

Perhaps beliefs and experiences are frail and perhaps by chance we may look behind the personality and find something more sustainable.

I hesitate to suggest that with ‘no-mind’ there is an understanding so profound that with ‘no-mind’ there is no personality, or rather the personality is only a shop window for the owner of the shop and not seen as the ultimate reality and the shifting sands of personality change, like changing the shop window presentation.

I cannot boast of attaining ‘no-mind’ however I can acknowledge albeit intellectually that keeping up unbiased observation of myself I am uncovering who I am not.  


Google Images


Az quotes

Love worked for, Love craved for

Love begged for

Where is that Love I have yearned for?

Is it a person ---they die---where has Love gone?

Love is not external nor internal

Love is everywhere

It is not in a person or symbol, it has no form

So what is love?




If I don't do my duty

Will they still love me?


Picture Quotes



The egg is fertilised by the sperm and both have to be in a receptive mode and the correct temperature.  As two brief examples; the human male in hot weather his testicles drop a little too cool them off and cold weather rise to the groin for warmth. The female egg through the cycle of menstruation is in accord for the reception of the chosen sperm that is only one of thousands----a random choice---perhaps not.  A rare interview with Dr Graham Farrant and work by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden shows that this is not random and there seems to be an intelligent choice and not coincidence.   
These are references as the internet may have taken them off;-

Tuesday, 1 November 2005

Pre-Life Agreements and Reincarnation - November 2005                                                                                   

This lead me to Silent Intelligence that guides and times the sequences for the myriad cycles and interchanges that occur in the human body and also to plants, animals, seasons, Suns, Moons in fact all creation and its functions with symbiosis and ecological dovetail precision.

One might say that the human conception cycles are divorced from the Universal cycles, however take the Moon and the tides and the Sun on Earth Life and then the Sun to the Planets in the solar system.  Further studies will show the Suns eleven year cycles, Cosmic Rays, the magnetosphere, the Schumann Resonance and their relationship to human hearts and brains, it is truly fascinating. The Universe is one all-round entity only its forms seem separate yet underneath as it were it is one field of information, the silent invisible Intelligence.

The egg, sperm Sun and planets in fact all forms of the Universe are composed of atoms which are mainly space, 99.99% in fact so it might not be a leap to consider space as the Silent Informing Intelligence, the canvas in which all form are painted on, or arising from, and in its holographic scenario all around everywhere.

Space, the emptiness, the void, the ‘no –mind’ is all pervading, it is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscience and therefore it is the continuum of Life and is Eternal and impersonal.

As the cells silently divide in conception and the foetus forms there is a selection process that requires the cells to be organs, limbs and so on, the process of differentiation. We take no conscious part in this apart from the delightful and enjoyable act of coitus which assisted the process---what a blessing.

Then another sequence which many humans fear that is death. Gradually the process reverses itself and slowly the cells get the information to wind down and hopefully they do in a gentle and  in pleasurable increments and when the time arrives to depart from our bodies, the Life force  dwindles and we gradually expire.   

The Life force Intelligence on death is released from its encapsulated form in the body and merely joins the Informing Intelligence. Birth and death are opposites or more like complimentary pairs and Life does not have an opposite.  So the form of the body dissolves and the essence returns to formlessness.



Grief healing.com

A set of beliefs

must be adhered too

Going against them 

Brings on pain and punishment

The result 





All this writing is only trying to fix a definite explanation, I want to arrive somewhere, be somewhere and this is just another subtle trap to have a platform, a foundation and to have something material solid and real.  This might inevitably lead to concepts, disciplines, rituals, rules and dogma along with the defence mechanisms of guilt if not adhered too and punishment if due duty is not carried out. Shame because the side was let down, I will reproach myself and berate myself for the lack of motivation to the cause.

This then pressures me and causes anxiety and I feel I am being driven to the end of the length of my mind, indeed to the edge of my mind logic and reason.

The edge of my mind; it is like I have read and presented in workshops, gone to workshops; my Sensei said when I had a AH HA with a koan “now your troubles begin”. Then I had the feel of it elated and lost the buzz but a little something remained and lured me on to be more fully into ‘it’.

Over the years I now understand it as I realised the implications; I could not meet the standards of the world and what people expected of me; people would often say and of now as well, you lack ambition, be somebody, be important, famous, successful, your dumb, plain lazy, a failure and by world standards I would heartily agree with them.  I would agree with them from their point of view; I have tried to be ambitious, to assert myself (I did once and made a fortune and lost it because I had not worldly business sense) it just put me in conflict, it felt foreign and I just wanted to be in nature, go off grid, build an ecological bio Chalet, grow organic food and meditate, instead I ploughed my way through in my younger years soccer, cricket, martial arts, electrics, forensics, science and Uncle Tom Cobley and all and I suffered, even the workshops and clinical stuff, blogs and all just didn't seem right, there was always something missing.  There was a discord, it did not seem natural.

So then I stood at the edge of my mind; the edge being; having searched the libraries and reference books of my mind for the answer I was looking for, I was looking for the answer of no answer, frantically running hither and nether around the halls and highways and bye ways of my collective life experiences desperately trying to conjugate, reconfigure, juxtapose, compute, manipulate, make the facts fit the data ad rearrange the past to suit a nebulous future.

Lo and behold no satisfactory verbal, visual, intellectual or logical answer and no satisfactory sense or feeling came to my restless mind because I knew and deeply sensed all the above was temporary, expedient, transient and illusionary like with no lasting substance, this really caused more conflict.

I found myself standing on the top of a pinnacle on the very top plateau, perched on a very precarious table top on this massive tower, like the Tower of Babylon, The Tower of Babel, built by the bricks and constructs of my past; the theories, the workshops, the books, the discussions, the blogs, the dream and so on; I have to leap of this huge massive tower and off of the edge---the edge of my mind.  Where do I land?  Maybe there isn't a landing, maybe it is a never ending floating in something somewhere or maybe oblivion.

Jump is the only option---wait a minute is it? Here we go again---procrastinating.

If I dive into the abyss, this great yawning chasm, the great gaping black hole will  I become senile, unkempt, a Buddhist junky, a tramp, a hobo, a bum, a babbling imbecile and a captive of  an insane medical asylum and medically drugged in a fog of real madness and perhaps an incoherent non entity shuffling along aimlessly in the streets and people shunning me or feeling deeply sorry wanting to help but afraid too---why say this it keeps  you on the ledge of the edge like a suicide who is trying to make his mind to jump, here I go planning it again--- will I be healthy, end up in a wheelchair and maybe none of this will happen and something unexpected will turn up if you jump---so do it and do it NOW.



when you jump there maybe no 'I' so does it matter? ( SHACK)

Sunday, 2 September 2018


Quotes Master

What is the appropriate Path to follow?

Why are you asking me!!!?




There is a time when you come 

To a Crossroads

Which way shall I go?

Why its easy!

The right Way for You




There is a Self Growth and Spiritual sign

That says 

Give Way to Silence



Fractual Enlightenment

There is intelligence far greater than human intelligence. A cut finger and healing takes place (in healthy bodies) and it is silent and the only signs that this process is taking place is some itching, soreness and scabs. Similarly with other ailments.

The healing process like the witness observer of the mind of which the aware observer is indeed the mind, it is what we paint on the mind like canvas and retains what we see as our reality.

On close examination we take the painting on the canvas to be our reality. In serious thinking we can see that the painting can be removed and changed and reconfigured and the painting may remain for the purposes of establishing something seen as a foundation and form, a platform for assumed reality.  I am here so to speak the painting says yet in fact it is here as long as the painting lasts and the canvas is the only durable entity.

Again close unbiased observation one puzzles and may question, is awareness (canvas) my only reality, what is awareness aware of awareness must be aware and observing Itself which is awareness(consciousness) so from here there is nowhere else to go or maybe except wanting to paint more pictures.

Awareness is silent, the Universe is silent to our hearing, and we can see and hear the creation such as thunder, lightning, rain, beautiful colours, nature and scenery and the Cosmic displays, yet like the healing process the Informing Intelligence behind it so to speak is silent as well.  It maybe worth bearing in mind all matter is composed of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations and only come to life when they are decoded into forms which we take as reality.  

To assist the silent healing process one needs to rest, relax and seek the quiet mind, it is here that meditation is suggested and recommended, that is why sleep is so healing as well.

By being silent, quiet and relaxed one gets out of the way, one gets ones paintings off of the canvas and suspended for a while which then allows the canvas to appear and activate.  Actually the Cosmic Canvas Mind Source is there like the Sun behind the clouds (the clouds analogous to the paintings). Better less clouds and paintings in this way the Source which is the Silent Intelligence can do its work which in our lives we surrender willingly much of our ‘stuff’ and let the Universe have more silent intelligence run through us and our lives so that we may attune to the Cosmic Blueprint.

It seems humans get in the way most of the time by our personal agendas, silent running is impersonal and Universal and it shares in this abundance and blessings to everything everywhere.  



Slide share

So whats the matter with matter?

Matter is 99.99% empty according to science

So does anything matter then?

Are you trying to hold onto 1% of something

Maybe that 1% is us

And maybe we don't matter




Pins Faddy.com


David Seatons News Links. Blogger

You know you can drive yourself crazy

Trying to solve these koans

And they only beget more when they are solved

If they are solved and you know

Then it is not a koan


The finger pointing at the Moon is not the Moon 
One has to get there to see if it exists. SHACK


Explaner Academy

Can someone please tell me what is the imagination?

Should you say thoughts and life experience

Then how did I get born?

And who thought up the Universe?




Where in time and space is 'here'

Maybe 'here does not exist'

Ebaums world
It might be all in the imagination





Game FAQs





Here & Now

I imagined I'm here

So here I am


Constellation. Contemplation. Templation. blogspot com



Imagine yourself as a funnel broad and open at the top, this being the head chakra and Cosmic Supply coming in as energy with codes to decipher Cosmic Intent.

Then let the flow go from the rim to the lower narrower part which is more of the human frame, you could say just above the rim there is a vortex which is the halo, this being the energetic link and down load apparatus to the head chakra.

The body has a network of fine fibres which is the nervous system and even finer network carriers in the meridians / nadis. These sense the energy inputs and outputs and get top ups from the Chakra's which are fed from the Comos.  The chakras being the vortex which attune the Cosmic ray colour coding.

The flow has to complete its circuitous route by going from the top of the funnel  to the tip of the funnel where it grounds itself to the planet which purifies any remaining dross and returns it through the system of the funnel back to top these are the systems similar to rain, evaporation, cloud rain  which is the precipitation system.

Thought, food, environment has their input through the senses which are extensions to the nervous systems and of course blockages and harshness of intake can over time or in some cases immediately damage and pollute the system.

Breathing, relaxation and stimulating the fine subtle energies such as the chi / ki /kundulini clean and unblock impediments; these are exercises that use the chakras, acupuncture points and stretch the internal and external limbs, this is not the same as gymnasium work although this has important work as well. 

With refined and clearer systems all round, more abundance is attracted. This is so because purer energies, vibrations and frequencies are available and like a TV more channels are open to receive Cosmic input and so the programme of the Cosmos becomes in tune with the individual as it opens up to more subtle coded signals.  Ones vision is expanded into the screen of mind and it translates into more acuity of the Universal Plan.

Since all the Universe is a virtual reality and we are in the matrix with it what would be miracles and so called psychic phenomena can open up for us as we translate the higher frequency's decoded and deciphered messages and the brain neural network reconfigured and upgraded to be commensurate with the proliferation of the new inputs.

This does not happen overnight so to speak and needs work if you like to refine the process that is working for everyone everywhere----it is a question of priorities.



Star.Made Dock



Arab panting. com

What is it that stems the flow

Ponder, ruminate, contemplate and meditate

Found it yet?