Tuesday, 11 September 2018



Having known that essential ‘I’ in meditation without a corporeal body this was gleaned from the NDE experience and the same feel as in meditation.

The feeling is that I know I am me (I AM) seemingly without a form, like a witness in a dream but without pictures or anything other than bliss, happiness and free.

I have often wondered if this was another mind trick as the masters have said to move on. I do not seek this willingly it seems to be happening more spontaneously and at odd times doing ordinary things as well as meditation and Qi Gong.

Then a dilemma presents itself; it seems that the negative side of my mind interrupts and wants to take over and the two sides of my ego get into a tangle. The ego is beginning to realise that it is not the power and force it was and realises that surrender to the bliss would benefit someway somehow, this I am not sure will happen.

I have abused my dear body in many ways and it is hard for me to love my body as I have been so let down by it and then it is not my bodies fault as the negativity and life’s experiences and traumas have left their scars in and on it. I acknowledge the miracle of how the body intelligence heals and preserves and of course the invisible intelligence field the body swims in.  This field if allowed access and felt not just believed would give this beautiful form good health and long life. Again the negative programmes so impacted and ingrained, brainwashed and bashed into the circuits of memory sometimes work against the field.

However the life after the body as the bliss body is merely a refined bodily form and as much as I am late learning to appreciate and have compassion on this human form body I willingly would give it up for the refined energy body.

In a way all bodies and forms are composed of energy which is vibrancy in motion guided by thought.  Maybe I came to Earth albeit reluctantly to give up all Earthly forms and the human form especially.

It irks me when a blemish, illness or misfortune happens because I feel that in the bliss body this does not occur, I understand from mediums and psychics that they have their troubles in the spirit world not wanting to cause controversy I feel the bliss body is perhaps on a different plane and does not have associated memories taken over to the other side so to speak. The bliss body may go to realms very far from Earthly experience.

So I must endeavour to shed as much of Earthly Life as possible and to live simply and keep my body well and in good care for I have been entrusted with it and must be a good caretaker.

I do hope for a gentle beautiful parting of the ways and my body cremated with dignity and love it richly deserves.




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