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Many, many years back I had these two friends Rina and Roy Morris. They were my mentors and dear, dear friends. We were into meditation and spiritual things. Rina was an ex ballerina and Roy a true wandering soul and with no fixed job or anything and yet survived.
Rina went to India and stayed in an Ashram in Behar I do not remember the Guru's name but I know that Satyananda set up one there. Then from there she stayed a while with Sai Baba near Mumbai (formerly Bombay) and she visited Ramana Maharishi in Southern India at Arunachala. On reflection it may have been Satyananda who was the Guru there in Behar; there is another Guru with a similar name Satchidananda.
Lately I have been shivering cold and it does not feel like real cold or pending illness and I have intuitions it is kundulini. I used to discuss this with Rina and Roy and particularly with Rory Lee at Holosync as he said it have its own logic and Intelligence and would go mysteriously to where it was supposed to go. There is a famous book on the spontaneous arising of Kundulini by Gopi Krishna and it deeply impressed me and the agony of it if not supervised and of course there is the supervised arousal of kundulini. Some use this for sexual arousal as in tantric yoga and as I understand it from a Yogi friend it is felt in the muladhara (genital chakra) and it s meant to travel to the higher chakras, this energy is also used for powering satanic black magic and deep trance drug related orgies. I have seen people go mad with this and jump off of cliffs and run into traffic it can produce massive and horrifying hallucinations.
Because of my years of meditation and holosync with Judo, Aikido and kendo and then switching to Tai Chi and Qi Gong, juicing of veggies and more and being celibate for most of the time and realising that impotency I felt was age or something not working right I realise now is the raising of the ki / chi / kundulini to the higher chakras. The Zen saying 'one who has not felt the fire from the lower tandem in the hara and the seiki no itten (a point about an inch below navel) and not died (to the ego) has not lived' the Zen Japanese say about the fire from the hara on the front of the body and the Yogic up the spine and the chakra, however they are the same energy and produce the same results in the end.
It was sitting in meditation this morning the 9th March 2021 that I felt this cold tingling very much like the tingling after doing Qi Gong yet it was around my base of spine and seemed to travel up my spine and a little way down to my legs. Then came an event which Rina told me on her return to England; whilst she was in Behar she suddenly got cold in her genitals like an ice cube was there and she was too shy and embarrassed to mention it to the Guru and the class, she then had a vision / dream of her death and funeral in very specific details and was so shaken by it she said to to the Guru about this and the shivering cold ice and all the class; the 'Guru said (not exact words) Good, good Mrs Morris you have awakened the Kundulini and this is a great experience and your own death is the death of the ego and it is being burnt out by the Kundulini'. The last few weeks I have had in dreams, visions and in the back of mind my late mother, father, brother and other departed members of my family trying to communicate with me, I felt was this delusional and I was feeling the effects of the world sadness and needed comfort, then other things came up; was it time for me to pass and they were reassuring me they would welcome me, no, they indicated, was this to give me courage and carry on, yes in a way, was it that I would become ill and suffer, yes in a way of my joints and stiffness, and now this morning it was a sign made clear to me that I was dying, yes in a way of age related body, but EGO dying and burning by the cleansing of the process of kundalini, like Rina dying to the old self. This was to encourage me that my lack of service to the world was worthy just to be at home and the joints to keep me here and not fritter by travel and menial things. Stay home was for me a good message, not over exercise and just be, this alone was service,
In zen they say if you have not been purged by the hara fire you are not fully awakened. In my 1967 writings (see www.geoffreedarchives.blogspot.com and www.geofffreed.online or .com there is a full record of the writings which in precis is that there is a Cosmic Energy in wave forms and frequencies that is arriving via Cosmic Rays from the Galactic Centre and (a new area of space the Solar System is travelling into, the real reason for planetary global warming) at the prompting of the Universal Creator at a timing that is commensurate and concomitant to the cyclic nature of the Universe and will usher a purification, cleansing and purging and should it be successful a new evolutionary human will appear similar to the Homo Sapien and named Homo Spiritulana / Energetica and there would be upgrades and increments of energy and this would cause certain symptoms which I looked up seemed almost the same as Kundulini as described by Yogis. Not everyone would survive these energies / kundulini as it altered and upgraded the DNA and nervous system and the energy running through the meridians would meet blockages and so the chi / ki would either remove them if the energy was aided by meditation, diet, energy exercises like Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, Pilates and so on, weight training in moderation and that sort of thing, this was a shift from the physical and glamour of the body to internal energy, a shift from radical materialism, logic and hard stuff to internal intuitive softer endeavours from war and anger to peace and compassion.
One has to trust the process and realise this shift will be felt in many ways; climatic, changes in attitudes, purging the collective unconscious and the debris infecting the world ethics and aura, technocracy, fear, eugenics and so on, the solar system planets would feel the changes as well. Now those who could not unblock the meridians and were not aware of these changes would most likely suffer from emotional blockages and frustration as these changes bewilder them and could get depressed, suicidal feelings and suicide, turn to distraction with alcohol, drugs, obsessive sexual deviations, pornography, child trafficking and female abuse, huge transgender feelings and all sorts of 'out of sorts' and stagnation and feeling unclean, unworthy whilst the egoists collective huge wealth and became psychopathic and tread on the less fortunate and so on.
So one has to have courage and trust the inner feelings and be a brave spiritual warrior and one has to put up with being called weird and anti social and lose many old friends and some to find spiritual companions and others to become almost like hermits and in a way the lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, mask wearing and the corruption and lies that went with is bad flu called Covid lent an opportunity for examination of one's life style and because of the lack of air traffic and road traffic there is a quietness and some run from it and watch endless TV stuff whilst other lapped up the relative peace which is shattered during the media constantly putting adverts and the virus so called in the background of every news update, so employing a well known brain washing and advertising technique by repetition(inculcation) and so the brain washing goes into the subconscious and the dream realms as people cannot really rest in sleep, however the meditators and those into self growth and mindfulness can divorce themselves from a great deal of this and so by encouraging and imbibing the fruits of their endeavour's and come close to the evolving spiritual new way evolving, there is nothing magic, spiritual as such in evolution just an expansion of compassion and a quite peaceful mind which creates a space for the Cosmos to communicate with oneself and eventually the two become one.
Part of the evolutionary cycle may include the five extinctions and I feel we are bordering on the sixth we could if we awakened lessen the devastation of the previous five. SHACK
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