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Imagine if you will a small four foot high one inch diameter flag pole and streamers attached to it and the streamers being blown by a wind that varies from mild to almost gale force.
This depiction I felt as a physical sensation in my mind, I realise that this is not making much sense and that my feelings may have produced the sensations or really does this matter this was my experience.
However this meant to me or conveyed a meaning to me and a profound one. The streamers were agendas and programmes which were attached to my ego the pole and standard bearer of my reality as long as they remained attached. The wind represented my awareness as it realised this is not who I am. I am much more than inculcated patterns and reflexes, this is not my reality as such, it is the reality conjured up and taken for reality in a material orientated world ethos.
The majority of the worlds population is fixed on material success such as money, status, academic status and acclaim, a reputation, a celebrity and of course the children and esteemed wife and often the car and mansion and business empire overshadowing the former. This is OK with me to a point and turns the other way because of my 'spiritual leanings' as I see and feel this as a temporary affair as these are forms of beliefs in a material so called solid forms and are impermanent and transitory. Now this is of course is a debated set of ideas; is there something else other than this ephemeral posit; maybe there is no after life which then knocks out the impermanent postulation as impermanency is all there is and the rest is oblivion and a mindless dead material aftermath.
However I feel there is survival as a consciousness and as such the ego can survive and is magnetised back to its pleasures and as such unfinished business, whereas the less dense ego may transform into a finer energetic being, be that how it may, one will only find out on demise or feel through OBE (out of body experiences) NDE(near death experiences) or ASC(altered states of consciousness) either in trance, psychic phenomena or meditation.
I feel and have written at length that the Earth and its life forms are in a Universal evolving process and it is under the auspices of a Divine Intelligence and this is an alchemical process which I term ascension which being the transmutation of matter into higher forms of matter which are less solid and contain the intelligence, awareness and consciousness which one feels in the body in deep joy and peace and at times or in meditation, in other words retaining this sense of Self without the corporeal body.
So to the streamers; these I feel are the attachments to the material world and some are to be retained as to assist and facilitate the ordinary affairs in order to live and survive in the world such as food, some work, a change of clothes and a warm dry place to sleep and live. Other than this the rest is surplus and my aim is to achieve this simplicity if possible so far (2021) I am partially able to do this and the streamers are loathe to leave and I further feel there are energies of change (I use the term Aquarian energies) which come in wave forms and incremental frequencies as the Cosmos prepares the upgrades and configurations of which my 1967 writings so describe.
The 'winds' or energies of change have a message in them, codes and Cosmic algorithms which spell out to the DNA via the enveloping auric fields the upgrading frequencies that are needed to shift to newer and vital nourishment to the hungry soul which thirsts for pastures new and senses the rich new world of spirit or upgraded cleansed Earth and the Solar System.
I feel the battle as above the winds of change tugging to release the streamers of the old programmes and the sense of freedom and fly with the wind of awareness and let go and trust the process and I feel this in body and mind. The material world so related to my body and the wind of awareness to my soul, ultimately I will leave my body and hopefully I will soar like the eagle to a spirit form and that I will have relinquished enough of the material so do so.
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