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I have this thing about evolution as being a process that is 'planned' in a way that is flexible and yet remaining within the ethos and originality with modifications as the design evolves.
In previous SHACKS I have expressed about the opening and flowering as a flower opens to the Sun a sort of revered umbrella, the hatching from the egg, the babe from the womb.
I envisage as the image above and is known as Pangea as the egg within the planetary formation and as the prototype planet Earth came to birth the Pangea formations came to the surface from the primal substance of the forming planet.
There is a a view by a scientist named James Lovelock which is named the Gaia Hypothesis and he was done hard by, by the creative design cult who say that the Earth is an organic non intelligent mass and like their theory developed from a non causal big bang and an accident and their intelligence is superior to the anything and is not associated in nature. The Earth and nature have no consciousness thereby feeling as we humans do. I feel the Earth, nature and the Universe are sentient beings and their sentience is in ratio and proportion to their creative function in the vast scheme of things and creation. We are one Being in the Being that is the Master Intelligence, we move and live and have our being in a conscious awareness which is the backdrop and canvas that is adorned by the etchings, paintings and artwork known as creation.
Then as the 'pregnancy' of the Earth progressed it again gave credence as to its emerging babe and began its growth to its next evolving being within it such as below image:-
These is in my view the expanding stages of the Earth Embryo and updating of the predecessors the antecedent and updating, reconfiguring and upgrades in the process of evolution. I have said this is akin to the Ascension process in the spiritual upgrade in consciousness and should humanity seek to acquire and know the Ascension process and not destroy and mutilate the Earth and alter the human genome by genetic manipulation and genetically altering food and nature then a new human will appear on Earth, a modified upgrade that is a natural process and usher in the 6th extinction and a chance to not witness a large wipe out as the others and Homo Energetica / Spiritulana will walk the Earth as well as a revised Nature, Solar System and Cosmic grandeur.
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