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Indian Express |
Somewhere amongst all the squiggles and dots and dashes and circles and spirals in a bubble chamber in a particle accelerator or collider and the infinite possibilities and probabilities lay the building blocks and meccano pieces the clay with jigsaw, lego and this could be the firing of the Cosmic creators synaptic's and axions.
Gods mind at work selecting the particles / atoms / molecules or just mind fantasies which are made to appear real and tangible to human senses and more finer tuned energy beings. Just contemplate how focussed and intense Gods mind must be to hold things in manifestation.
So I like the Cosmos are just arising from these squiggles and dashes and dots and a Great Intelligence collated the bits of the puzzle and plasticine and constructed what appears to us as nature and the universe and with scanning electron microscopes, lasers, colliders that begin to show us humans its not real or at least as we thought and that which we cling to just really aint there sort of. Hard to get your head around it aint it?
So we may become heartbroken once we realise all we cherish the dreams so real and precious and we cling to emotionally and those emotions so alluring and demanding, twitching our heart strings and causing an addiction to the dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins and various other neurotransmitters and of course the sceptics who believe that meditation is a release of these, yes and no meditation 'highs and peace' have been shown to be even beyond the brain and after the experience it may release the above neuro chemical hormones and so on.
So we may again become heartbroken when we realise the following; our dearest human love for a partner, friend or family are mere pleasure hormones that merely please the ego flesh body and what's more we become addicted and attached and are devastated when demise or something destroys the pleasurable interlude. Then again we see that all things are impermanent and one day we will go into another existence or not and what's the use of enjoying it and then knowing its going to end. Many might say well I have a good time and so what that's the way of all things so who cares there maybe no afterlife and just oblivion?
Then where I am now; I like everything else came out of the mind of God Almighty a vast immeasurable Intelligent Consciousness, an Intelligence and Awareness that is beyond human comprehension and certainly mine and yet I know if God decides to wipe out part of the dream as in the five extinctions and the coming sixth permanently with no upgrade and cancel evolution that is Gods will and choice. However I feel God loves the creation although human and possibly other ET civilisations who have free will try to muck up Evolution and some cooperate and assist in the evolutionary Divine Plan.
So whilst God decides to uphold the creation and I a mere squiggle that was selected out of the meccano collider, a piece out of the clay and spun around and formed by the Cosmic Potter the fact has dawned on me that I never had an identity as such in a reality that was also fashioned and all are our real essences never really existed and are held in a mind that sustains all creation and we / I never really had an identity other than that created by my brain washed inculcation.
I have to accept that 'I' as Geoff Freed / SHACK are a brain washed ego construct and never really existed but for as a short dream manifested and gleaned from a human life experiences which up to now feel dreamlike because they are the past and do not exist now simply through memory which can conjure up the feelings like a repeat movie.
So I look at the people I know and have known alive now or passed on and realise they were projections and judgements ah la my programmes and the one's I dearly loved were like me squiggles, dashes and dots and have no real essence of OUR OWN we are and were the manifestations pulled out of the incredible possibilities and probabilities selected to be part of the Cosmic dream and such can return to the squiggles and dots with dashes and recycled.
Without the brain washed and inculcated conditioned programmes I have no identity and at best the ones I fabricate in order to save the enormity of my non existence and the existence I have is fantasy built out of the programmes laid down as lore and law by human will.
The ego which is the collective box set of the past experience and forms them into an acceptable seemingly lasting and solid foundation with the ability to defend and attack and preserve its apparent unique and individual beingness and only cooperates with others to suit its own purpose or for those who are 'holy' out of religious ethics and is AWARE of the above frailty and is either in denial or pursuing ways of postposing, delaying the inevitable demise.
Can the ego survive; well some say reincarnation however that meets the inevitable conclusion of the above and how many rounds or cycles will it take for the ego to realise there is no permanence in anything and the pain and realisation that the ego envisages is blank void when the fantasy world collapses by the realisation of its real essence. However perhaps in meditation one can catch a glimpse of the 'envisaged blank void' and may be surprised at what this infers and there is a possibility beyond one's own fantasy and realise there is a mind far greater and it's fantasy is perhaps the only reality there is OR is God seeking permanence as well, it maybe because God wonders if the squiggles that is God's mind thinking and planning are real as well? Mind you in a dual Universe there has to be reality and non reality and the switching between the two cause creation.
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