Auto Straddle |
This morning of the 19th July 2021 with the temperature creeping up and now in the mid morning rising from 24*c to like yesterday 31*c I had this sadness and tears and whilst doing my EFT process I realised something profound in my estimation.
I was tuning in with the EFT process on my head pressure and sinus more like bridge of nose when a silent understanding, more like a whispering inner voice without sound, a veritable feeling I know for me is authentic in its pronouncement for me; the obvious was anxiety and although a lot of the restrictions imposed were being lifted re the Covid malarkey with the Prime Minister and Treasurer trying to wriggle out of self isolation and many others being caught trying to do the one rule for us and and one for you and gradually the wider public catching onto the censoring (like this blog rulers watch committee or built in algorithms watching out if I stray from the official narrative and them presenting one side of the evidence by bribed officials and media lackeys ---July 19th 2021 so called lifting of some restrictions ?) and they encourage blog writers to write their passions and I agree it should not be crude and yet harmful NO WAY if you have an opinion and especially backed up by Nobel Prize laureates and highly degreed professors and scientists who passionately disagree with the whole Pandemic roll out spiel and restrictions.
However the 'inner voice' my whispering without sound and my companion offered the following explanation; the whole human race and the life forms like the planetary changes in the solar system and the cyclic rounds were becoming obsolete and the attempts by governments and religions, politics and think tanks were mere modifications, a slight new configuration, a make over, a cosmetic uplift. Even the New Reset as it is called an attempt facilitated by the Pandemic of ruining small businesses and the moguls purchasing closed down flats, shops, warehouses (see www.geofffreed.com) and the 'old' idea of Eugenics and the New World Order with the dream of many dictator's and religions and one now coming to the fore World Economic Forum and its headlines' we will look after you, you will not need to own anything, we will own everything and all you have to do is pay the rent, we will be the best landlord and take all the worry off of your head'.
Where have I heard this before?; well for a start every James Bond film, The Terminators films and countless books and novels and actual despots in history whose dream was and is to have a 'cloned' society; Genghis Khan, Caesar, Hitler and so on. With the event of new technologies I would urge readers of and for my own reference to go to 'www.geofffreeed.com ----Monday21st September 2020 'Welcome to Smart City' I have written and talked about this since 1970 and have travelled Europe and Canada and most of UK presenting workshops, seminars and private meetings regarding these issues.
It boils down to this; I felt trapped by my own programmes and brain washing. I know my brain washing and beliefs and seen the incongruity and the meaningless of these and they are just mind stuff and yet the human race clings desperately to these platforms which are stale and worthless and yet like me there is a sense of endeavouring to let go and vainly seeking new ways, new variations (like the so called Delta variant virus and the fact that viruses mutate and move on) however humans will cling desperately like people ship wrecked to a raft or piece of wreckage and trusting, hoping, praying for a rescue from somewhere and place.
When however the ship sinks which the human race is now and taking beautiful nature with it, it creates fear and anxiety and mental health, homelessness, war, horrific abuse domestically and in despotic countries abroad and government's and power 'moguls and large institutions' are afraid of losing their grip and authority and so they use surveillance by every means and want to have digital passports to show vaccination, evidence of health if not vaccinated and goodness knows what else and all in a few years or sooner connected to the 'MASS INTERNET' as in article Smart City above. One's every move known and those supervisors have the power over your life. From 'StarTrek and the Borg'---'Resistance is Futile'.
The dearest Earth will not fall prey to human will of the above ilk; the Cosmic Plan which comprises of Natural Intelligent Evolution and it is in charge of proceedings has several options; Humans wake up and allow natural evolution proceed without hinderance (the lawns and grass grow naturally humans are the gardeners) or we go into the 6th Extinction;
From Blog / Posts and files
I have written a lot about this here and in POSTS as above mentioned. I feel as of myself the whole human race is sad and tired and the so called elite are amusing themselves with distraction; putting up communication satellites, space travel, plans to go back to the Moon and Mars (in my research there has been bases on the Moon and Mars with humans and ET, For humans 90 years for ET centuries).
For me the solution is; let go of the past, that means my beliefs, programmes and inculcations, not by force and suppression or by distraction which the 'elite' do by their adventures as above and us by Netflix, endless movies, porn, alcohol, drugs, crime, suicides, depression and self harm and mindless fantasies and ill health, anxiety. fear and rebellion. For me I have felt, seen, explored my scenarios and programmes and knowing they are all mind stuff, thoughts that come and go that have been taken on board and planted deep in the soil of my consciousness and have deep roots which like a giant magnet haul me back and the allure, the seduction and enticement with the reward to ego for achieving this is an emotional high and like alcohol and few brief moment's of running away from the ego's perception of not being or sense of existence or 'GOD FORBID' that awful empty mind thing of Buddhism and such and yet in that so called 'Empty Mind 'arises other feelings and whispering with soft knowing's that the ego cannot comprehend and feels it is its death knell.
So yes I am sad to feel this way about our present crisis AND YET I feel the answer lies not in more 'so called innovative political resets' which have all been done since humans came to the Earth and is seen in all history and bibles, the story of the wars, the crusades, the cultures that have come and gone, the tribal and political with religious wars, the dictators, the holy men and women, all claiming my way is best, if they were all like my religion, culture political and religious ethos follow me BE LIKE ME, YOU WILL BE SAFE. BUT DISOBEY ME AND YOU WILL BE SEVERLY PUNISHED.
Has humanity the will or the inclination to lay down its differences and 'quiet the mind, be in stillness, breathe and listen and look and just in that stillness not DO anything and THERE MAYBE a chance a wonderful calm and balm arrives, spontaneously and one's effort is surrendered and in that arises a love, nay a compassion, one is at peace with oneself and that is sufficient to the day and life'.
However awareness is needed not to judge and stem anything but to watch that ego that wants its power back and dislikes quiet. We live in a world of noise, more sound, more speakers belting out huge music, bellowing commands from the military trying disperse crowds that are protesting, cell / mobile phone with endless ear sets and headphones, must constantly be on the phone, hear music, roaring sports cars and motor cycles, blaring music from cars, go faster cars, rockets exploding to the Moon, more technology, more robots, more, more, acquisition, feeling powerful with the gismo's and taking from the Earth her minerals and causing more landfills(mountains of waste and throwaways that the rich chuck and the poor sift through to sell in order to live in carboard and tin lean -tos and go to foodbanks or government stamps.
I have felt this above and more and yet I have felt the other side of being and empty so to speak and even with this the tug of war exists in me, at least I have seen and felt a little, a smidgeon of something 'outside the box' and is not innovative and is natural and is free and for others they are trapped in the prison of their mind(as I am to an extent)and as their distractions drive them they can only surrender to endless prayers, crimes, anxieties, or to the government psychologists and propaganda media and become slaves to the ethos of their country and go to houses of prayer and ritual and pray on their knees and get momentary relief from a God that does not seem to answer their prayer and seems to gone off playing golf or cruising on a luxury yacht with champagne and bikini clad beauties or muscular young men or whatever your fancy and endless billions to spend.
The sense of relief of praying to an invisible God and praying daily and doing one's duty gives one the feeling 'well if its the mire and hell down here, maybe I'll be rewarded with a better life when I die and go over the other side---Oh God please remember I prayed and I fear reincarnation or hell---where do I find that peace and security---is prayer and good deeds, duty enough of an insurance policy---well I hope so.
Ha what will be humanities fate or mine for that matter.
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