Sunday, 15 May 2022



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I suppose and assume that thinking is regarded as normal and indeed a must for education and success or just everyday 'normal living'. This then begs the question about the thinker; is that person thinking from their upbringing then most likely they are following their cultural tradition and so most likely it is of an inculcated, brain washed conditioning which is probably backed up by the religion (Atheism is in my view a religion) and education. 

Then there is specialised thinking, reasoning and logic such as one's business, vocation , mission or life's  work in some sort of dedicated way, even crooks, rogues and borderland as it were cults, off worlder's and so on.

So thinking becomes the 'norm' and anything outside of the reference frame of the 'known' programming can cause panic, confusion and for some a challenge through a cool head so to speak. When through this Covid shenanigans the confusion was caused by clever psychological tactics it can breed violence because of the fear of the unknown and change from the familiar;

Government 'nudge' unit ‘used grossly unethical tactics to scare public into Covid compliance’

MPs launch investigation after psychologists criticise totalitarian tactics of ‘deploying fear, shame and scapegoating’ during pandemic

Generally people complied because it was scary and the false science fooled them into believing it was true (more about this in my blog (online) and the message of the great reset which was to hypnotise and claim the minds of many with a 'NEW THINK' promoted by a group of so called elitists mainly THE WHO, THE UN, THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM and the Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation and a few rogue scientists with a host of Billionaires in league with the large multinational corporations.

Now for some many although a minority awakened and saw through this, however the cabal as above had command of the press and social media and any challenge or discussions were censored or one was prosecuted and smeared as an 'urban terrorist' a conspiracy monger and the cabal even went as far as elimination, the strange suicides, bullet through the head mafia type, dodgy car accidents that were proclaimed as suspicious and then died for the lack of investigation by a bribed and frightened police force.

Now another view; one could say having studied thought by meditation, mindfulness, deep contemplation and free non opinionated as far as possible with like minded individuals, that thought was habitual as through inculcation above and then once free of the THOUGHT that I must just comply to not only the new thought by the cabal but by my own rationale then one can wonder what is the right set of thoughts and then turn to the Eastern No Mind set of processes by chance and then realise most 'conditionings, brainwashing's' are the cause of so much rigid protection of those individual / cultural / country / religious / political indoctrinations, that thought, logic which can justify thought, intellectual achievement and eloquent 'sweet talk' can be just another habit acquired through a lifetime of thinking and its rewards. 

In deep reflection and it is seen that thought basically is indeed one's awareness of being alive and its programmes and agendas are stored in an energetic magnetic field of electrical interactions in the brain and this 'box of stored programmes is the ego' or a super wonderful organic computer.

This ego demanding quick juxtapositions, conjugations, upgrade's, reconfigurations and lightening fast computations and the ability to mix and match from the memory box many justifications for any actions, reactions and graphics literally for any act done by the ego. The possibility of a check on this activity called the moral compass, the red line, the conscience can be void in sociopaths, psychopaths and ego mania.

All those above have thought and awareness of their thoughts, ideas and so on as their security. So clever politicians, statistician's, psychologists and shrewd 'street and life experienced individuals' can manipulate those that are less aware of their abilities and thinking, or know how to think and can be seduced and made to comply.  

The there are some who have been meditating, deep contemplation and taking away the reasons one by one into the nature of thought and realised that they are brainwashed and have been taught to be who they are, SO WHO AM I when I am stripped naked of the conditioning apart from basic survival? 

Is it indeed possible to become 'a mind with very little thought' and not become vacant, imbecilic, senile or just plain idiotic'. I can certainly say I have been in lengthy periods of AWARE consciousness or wakefulness with very little or no thought, I have not been in trance, sleep, lethargy and indeed been in 'NO MIND' so to speak and further more the nature of thought was somehow different, it came as a feeling rather that a habitual routine or prompt by a trigger, it came from a joyful peace, a relaxed somewhere else-ness, it felt right and fitted the life at that moment.  

So for me thought is a commodity that can brought into play as it were when useful or needed. So I do not need thought to make me(whatever me is that is or maybe) feel safe and secure however I do need awareness without thought and I feel awareness without thought is probably our true nature, I feel it is the natural mind and is the native mind(I do not mean this as insult or slant at the indigenous races) I feel that the indigenous mind is far better equipped to be with the environment than the technical materialistic robotic digital computerised metallic non organic Western World.

The natural efficiency of the natural mind doesn't pollute, nor rape, nor murder and shares in its bounty and abundance, it is natures art work in the human being. I feel the next natural human evolution will have the ability of 'No Mind' peace which brings forth compassion and inner peace plus the ability to have thinking when needed, this way technology will be in harmony, commensurate and concomitant with the natural environment and placing humans in the the wholeness of nature and not separate from it.

Thought produces compartmentalisation and separation as a stand alone human attribute, the next step maybe for humans is to have the facility to think and also be 'thoughtless' not thoughtless as not caring or just cavalier but to recognise in the space between thoughts lies a deep consciousness that 'thinks' by intuitive feeling to the person and  not to be mistaken as impulse or spontaneous response or reaction to challenges and triggers.


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