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The world of today 23rd June 2022 and by then world I mean the principles, morals and behaviours have radically changed in a short space of time. Oh yes one can say the so called psyops of the scary Covid Pandemic virus and engineered bio weapon which locked people down and isolated them and preyed on their fears of a dystopian future.
The Covid nightmare was further enhanced by the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria with wars with rebels in other countries and of course the two world wars and the Bolshevik, Roman, Ghegis Kahn however this latest world TV depicting the bombed out ruins in the Middle East and Asia, the homeless in the streets and now mad crimes and other horror stories that are in real time only add to the disbelief that the known is dying rapidly and the vacuum left by a moribund society of which the fabric is tattered and shattered so where does one turn as madness and sanity seem to have disappeared and what fills the gap?
I feel this madness, this madness goes back to the beginning of humanity on Earth, I feel there is this plan, a sort of nebulous outworking born as a seed and developing through the evolutionary process not of a big bang and self development but by trial and error, yes trial and error not of dumb blind primate blobs of something, the ocean of nothingness but basic cells and so forth, yes this may have been but a unseen intelligence that is at work here, the dawn of the Divine Plan.
I feel now this Plan has reached a stage where it has reached a major shift, like the snake that sheds its skin, the crab the carapace, the caterpillar to the crystallise and the butterfly all this cannot go any further but to repeat itself again and again, the seasons of evolution.
I feel this urge to shed my skin and society does. However not to grow just a new skin, a mere replica and updated model of the skin but something original.
I feel deep down there is a deep unrest not only with politicians, religions, it is a sense of throwing off this bipedal human form, to fly and explore without limitation of the body, to have an energy body. My 1967 writings and the gradual emergence of Homo Spiritulana / Energetica, should this not happen naturally then a nuclear war would hasten it or by the looming sixth extinction.
So some have thought that by being Rulers of the World, A New World Order that the organic body can be replaced and live in a robotic body, a marriage of human and machine, the cyborg, then again to use replacement organs by synthetic materials or harvest healthy humans, to breed super healthy humans like farm animals, a zoo for harvesting healthy organs from healthy humans. Then these harvested organs or by eugenics or by genetic manipulation, a super race would be born and those chosen few would be the elite New World Order Leaders and they the few would own the world with a vastly reduced world populace. Of course Robots would serve them as well as brain implanted humans. (my late partner Gilly Wells and I wrote a play ' Scan at Barrier 7' roughly depicting the above, we wrote it in the mid 70's).
But even the above is limited as are all forms made of atomic structure, they are trying to beat the impermanence of Life on Earth and the Universe. So technocracy a dream of flying to the Moon and Mars, yes, this can be done and as many Science Fiction films depict, the same frail human body, OK Star Trek, they have advanced medical instruments and techniques but that same human frame or the aliens they meet and their bodies and foibles.
Now we may get to the Moon again and to Mars, so we build buildings to shield us from the environment, we may eventually terraform them but we are doing this as a replica, a clone of a sort of Earth, it is not original, the snake changes its colour and striations, the car its shape and power supply however in its essence it is a variation on a theme, a grand makeover, a glorious cosmetic endeavour.
So I feel this piercing, this tattooing, garish show, this mad crime almost sociopathic, psychopathic not only by mad political and fanatical religious terrorism but by youth and the urge to change their sex, self harm a world which is lacking love and beauty, like the child that has seen war and terror and had to drink its own urine and resort to eating rats, vermin and be cannibalistic, felt rejected, abandoned and so forth.
When I was a therapist I had cases of this especially sexual so called aberrations; men and women who went to prostitutes and dominatrix because they felt a lack of deep self worth, so they were not wanted by parents humanity or God. 'I am a useless piece of shit' ' I am a waste of space' ' I want this man or women dominatrix to sit on my face, excrete on me, blot me out of existence, piss on me use me as their toilet' ' I want to cross dress to be a man or women' 'I want to be slave' ' Then there was necrophilia, not only did I hear this a lot as above but dealt with this in Forensics. I also came across Satanic Black Magic and worse.
I see youngsters and older persons adopting piercings and strange garbs endeavouring to shock and to say ' I am sick and tired of of the old dictates, the hypocrisy, the killing and maiming, the wars, the poverty, I want something different, I want to be free of the old morals that people are forced to keep, I want to demonstrate and shock you, wake you up and look at yourself' 'You who wear the pin stripe, you who wear the sari, you who are bearded or not, what can I do to be different, break free from these constraints'. 'So I take drugs, become sexual and be one of the 149 different categories of sexual identity and I cannot find myself there' ' I go to worship the devil and do strange rituals and cannot find myself there' ' I take drugs and get high and feel to fly so I jump of the bridge and nearly drown and are recued and sent to drug rehabilitation and cannot find myself there' ' I slice the head of non believers, rape many non believers, they are not fit to live, I do this with delight the only way out the horror which I am in denial is to blow myself up and then I will find peace and love, my parents were so strict and there were so many laws of must not's, do not's so many sins and made to feel guilty,and I know this is many religions and sects so I get suicidal and have lewd thoughts and it is those who are scantily dressed who cause me to get excited and I masturbate and this is a sin and God forbid I cross dress or become gay, so what have I got to lose but to commit the worst crimes and so end up either arrested and imprisoned or shot and killed'
I heard all this in Forensics and as a therapist; its not pleasant to read or write however I feel it must be said and not duck and shy away and be in denial.
This one may say is the dark side of life. However because one does not do or even think the above and duck below the parapet, one is not in the light so to speak, one merely is in a dimly lit room.
So I feel now the time has arrived when every human monstrosity, hideous procedures and darkest dirtiest pockets of the mind area are arising, much like one sees in horror films, the slimy salivating jaw dripping most vile stinking fetish is now coming to the stage of human drama and must be seen for what it is, a warped mass ego and it is felt in some measure by the collective unconscious which is being stained by a dye as it were and as the dye of filth is seeping into the ocean of humanity it will eventually be absorbed and transformed as soon as we wake up to the dark side and not repress or express it and then bring about the silent longing for the next step in the Divine plan through natural evolution and not a technocratic evolution, the question is, will humanity wake up or continue to innovate the old and the same and merely get dragged down by the gravity of the old condensed mind stuff.
Amazon A lonely lost soul wandering through mire left by angry politicians and ruthless despots.Pinterest You cannot supress the known and onl be aware of it(shack) |
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This is a city under surveillance. The cabal are so scared that they need to know everything about us, everything, this is the mark of such a frightened child in a grown up. The ultimate sick voyeur. SHACK