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Oh restless mind, never satisfied with the now for ever seeking pastures anew. The conjugations, variations on a theme, new configurations, endless computations, manipulations, variations, on and on, fantasies revisited and glorified modified, forever seeking the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, unsatisfactory outcomes, the goal is just around the corner, disappointment only to be familiar, not quite hitting the mark, sad and then a lift and then sad, seemingly flat. I the dog will catch my tail and although boring and knowing it is useless in a way there is this endless urge to pursue it.
This drive for perfection, this hunger for more and more as if surrounding oneself with acquisitions, accessions, as if these material seemingly solid forms will provide security and safety, fences and barriers to the unknown which seems to be the harbor, the warehouse of unleashed potential to attack and destroy, the unknown and ever present fear of death and incursions.
This invisible enemy plays a subtle almost imperceptible rhythm at the back of the mind so to speak as if the mind were on a constant alert for the sudden attacker jumping out of concealment in the highways and byways of life. Then the anguish of knowing from the ever pompous and all knowing intellect that the mind is only a collection of hand me downs, inherited brain washings and at the best someone else's ideas and theories and the killer blow as it were, this is all we are atoms with apparently very little in content and barely visible and yet clumped and lumped together by some architect who makes this loose affiliation so real as to fool the intellect into believing this is real and everlasting, this impermanence,this transitory state of being, aliveness is real and yet really in a state of denial, for the sake of convenience so desperately wanting it to be immortal and lasting in pristine prime condition.
So the never ending restless mind, for ever fantasying, like the restless monkey, jumping hither and thither, hoping to find the ultimate that would completely satiate the restlessness and yet at the same instant not wanting it too.
This conundrum may not bother most, but to the one who awakens to the fact of that one is brain washed, inculcated and conditioned and probably woken up to the fact that all of ones life up to the point of the awakening as it were, one has been taught and brainwashed and has only had one or two original thoughts and then the horror of realising one might be a mind clone of which the reluctant body follows.
Uh ha, then when this dawns on one, the exposure of the exoskeleton so to speak that is the brainwashed inculcated agendas and programmes are at work and present then search for the endoskeleton may begin. This maybe is the search for oneself, the search maybe called the quest, the quest for enlightenment, satori, moksha, to find the essential self, God, Spirit, the naked mind, who am I, who am I before this brain washing took hold of me? Who was I before I was born and so on?
There seems to be an innate facility, a prerequisite that the natural liberated mind has and maybe awoken on the awakening referred to above that brings to life so to speak a dormant awareness that for many reasons and agendas has been overlaid, covered, pushed aside by the glamour of acquisitions giving a sense of false power and security and the fear through war, terror, torture and poverty. So having realising all of the above comes the problem of how to dismantle this superstructure built over the millennia and many millennia so to speak?
Ho, Ho, Ho; this superstructure has been so ingrained, so impacted and compressed that like the bottom layer of ancient rock structure, the natural processes of erosion by wind, water and subsidence have not entirely left their dissolving and eliminating mark on this structure.
The awareness that has been uncovered and seems to be a new facet that has been discovered and yet has its own intuition and innate intelligence and on becoming familiar with this one begins to realise this is who I am. Simple as it maybe and those who are fortunate to have a sudden severe 'shock'on the awakening (read Zen and other Eastern accounts) that the process is almost complete in one blow as it were, whereas for most it maybe the result of slow processes over many incarnations (by the way the sudden process of awakening maybe the result of many lives) however, for the many in this life and certainly mine in June 2022 I have awakened like many to the Intellectual understanding of it and each and every prompt of the awareness to the fact that my ego (the collective of all the brainwashed lives through the millennia) and especially the mass brain washed attempt by the cabal though eugenics, transhumanism, cyborgism, vaccines and genetic manipulation with the mass media, digital appliances, weather manipulation not only make it more difficult for the already burgeoning accumulation and piled on top of the incumbent ego authority for the awakened awareness to begin to pierce through the fog and haze of the seemingly new agendas which in themselves have been growing in the minds of the cabal over the millennia as a sort of yin and yang, opposing polarities, however unlike Yin and Yang which compliment one another, the cabal version is opposition and seeking one polarity only. The midpoint balancing of the opposites has gone out of kilter.
Any form of suppression of the restless mind can lead to a temporary break or rest, then like a cork in water, this underground, this subterranean stream of pernicious contaminated substance will rise and it builds in intensity as it feeds on the suppression and resents being rejected and ignored, it has formed its own identity within the psyche and will not be ousted by this strange intruder the awareness of the true self.
However, the awareness, the witness self, having been uncovered as it were, for it has always been there and will always be there as it is the Eternal Infinite Spirit Consciousness and the ego machinations are not everlasting as much as the ego would like it to be. So to make it a battle will not work, so the gradual process of the awakened consciousness will 'prick' the ego fantasy and connivances and a natural reminder, not a mind prompt and comes and realises that this is not ME, it is not in words or shouts in the mind as it were, it is a natural innate knowing and that like the erosion of the natural processes to rock by wind and water, will eventually dissolve the ego naturally. This is the slow 'slog' towards emancipation and it seems that humanity is doing this way as I am. However the greater the fear and danger it can hold a speeding up not by force but the absurdity by the cabal in their in your face blatant stunts and policies that even some of the skeptical people are beginning to question this in your face life since 2020 till now as I type this June 2020 and yet with all this the tenacious ego stuff still ties me to a post and severely rewinds me and chastises me and overthrows me with emotional turmoil and yet I am beginning to realise its ploys, its disguises, its strategy's and when I try to figure it out it does not work and in fact adds fuel on the fire.
So it comes back to trust in Life and the awakening awareness and let the awareness do its work and not begin to evaluate new ways of countering this mind parasite that has infected my brain synaptic's as it were and the detox may it be effective naturally intellectually knowing the Great Spirit does no harm for Its Creation and this is a test for humanity to rise from egocentricity to Consciousness of the Devine.
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