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Are animals and birds and reptiles dumb and just a bunch of nerves and instinctual or are they so much more.
I have felt things From trees, animals, stones and have been proven that the feelings as information were right and correct in certain situations.
We all share in these 'gift' in fact they are normal. Our ego can say they are baloney our quiet mind says they are not.
As ever the choice is yours.
Now one may wonder what on Earth has celery to do with synchronicity; I feel that miracles, coincidences and synchronous synchronicity are somehow related.
All of the events above were not planned and came as a surprise and delighted me. The celery was a seemingly small but really hit home. I had gone into the supermarket to get two packs of organic carrots and two packs of organic celery. The celery was nowhere to be seen although there were short stubby sticks, so I turned away and thought well I could get them somewhere else and a bit of nag. Then I spotted out of the corner of my eye and almost a 'psychic' prompt a box and instead of these sticks as in above image being upright they were lying almost sideways and deep in the bottom of the box.
They were not organic, there had not been organic ones for several weeks, however the non organic ones were heavy and bulky in their packets, however these seemed trim and neat and slimness I liked. To me this was a synchronistic, coincident and miracle.
This delighted me and I felt the invisible hand was at work and that 'God knows what you need (no so much want) before I do' sort of feeling, this kind of reinforced Krishnamurti's 'trust in life' and my old favourite story of the Monk in the cabin on the mountain side getting the logs and food in for winter, some books to read and warm robes; the birds left for migration, the leaves fell, the cold crept in and all was stark and barren.
Came the spring and the birds returned, the trees blossomed and the warmth returned and the monk opened the door and exclaimed with arms wide open in praise 'All this and I did nothing to make it happen'.
Jesus also said 'Considered the lilies of the field, they toil not nor do they spin, --the birds get provided for---for the Father knows of their need. “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isa. 40:31). When I sleep my dear body keeps my breath going, I am not conscious of breathing unless out of breath duirng the day, my hair grows, my nails grow my skin heals when cut, my bodily functions are in harmony when I am healthy and it is automatic and spontaneous, the Moon and Sun cycles with the planets, I witness the seasons and like the monk it happens despite of me, I am breathed, healed and looked after by the Great Universal Parent.
And I am ashamed I am not more trusting and grateful. Again it was Jesus that said on the cross about the two who were to be crucified with him 'Father forgive then for they not what they do' ' I sadly and ashamedly lament 'Father I do know what I do'. I feel sorrow that I forget and I cannot blame the world ethos and the devil that I lapse in my praise and do not trust Life which to me is God in action.
All I can do is to meditate and trust that my faith in the Great Life Giver grows and that I may praise and be grateful more often if not always.
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Nazca lines There are other 'mysteries' Elizabeth Van Buren and the lost City of Ibez with the EL's a tall race (later on a my connection and the Crystal Coffins) Professor Chang and Alien DNA and our correspondence, King Arthur'Sword Excalibur and other events I got involved in you can see these in www.geoffreed.com(or online) in Post 2, 342 Repost and 289 Connected just scroll through these and pick out the juicy bits. Unfortunately the articles marked energygrid are no longer available due to that magazine being closed down and some You Tube removed. From File Imagine three Crystal Coffins one of 13feet long and 7feet wide, one 11feet long and 6feet wide and one 11feet long and 5feet wide. The legend or semblance of truth has it that the Cave of the Dead contains three large bodies in Crystalline and translucent coffins(I have seen these in a high security place somewhere--story on hold!!!) the mountain path is steep and very cold, it is said that there are corpses of people who have tried to get to the cave, you have to know the meditation practice of Tummo ( Tummo (Tibetan: gtum-mo; Sanskrit: caṇḍālī) is a form of breathing, found in the Six Yogas of Naropa, Lamdre,Kalachakra and Anuyoga teachings of Tibetan Vajrayana. Tummo originally derives from Indian Vajrayana tradition, including the instruction of the Mahasiddha Krishnacarya and the Hevajra Tantra. The purpose of tummo is to gain control over body processes during the completion stage of 'highest yoga tantra' (Anuttarayoga Tantra) or Anuyoga. A 1982 study[12] of the physiological effects of Tummo has been made by Benson and colleagues, who studied Indo-Tibetan Yogis in the Himalayas and in India in the 1980s. Conducted in Upper Dharamsala in India, it found that the subjects, three monks, exhibited the capacity to increase the temperature of their fingers and toes by as much as 8.3 °C. In a 2002 experiment reported by the Harvard Gazette,[13] conducted in Normandy, France, two monks from the Buddhist tradition wore sensors that recorded changes in heat production and metabolism. A 2013 study[14] by Kozhevnikov and colleagues showed increases in core body temperature in both expert meditators from eastern Tibet and Western non-meditators. I witnessed these in an establishment near Carlisle in the UK and I cannot reveal the place deep underground in an official site. Originally I heard of these through a very old newspaper clipping that the late Daphne Kraske gave me when she visited me on her way to Findhorn from the USA. It said the US Military exploded a mountain in order to build a base there and found these huge coffins as above. Apparently they could not open them so they were sent to various venues to open them, all types of explosives, lasers and so on were tried. Then they went to Carlisle where I witnessed ten psychics endeavouring to communicate with the, I was told they sort of breathe every three months!!? |
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Ben Rich / Reich |
Extraterrestrial UFO Are Real : Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works Director Admitted In His Deathbed ConfessionBen Rich Lockheed Skunk Works director had admitted in his Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars. This supports Moon Bases and MARS BASES. If you research you will find more evidence.According to article published in May 2010 issue of the Mufon UFO Journal [Link] - Ben Rich, the “Father of the Stealth Fighter-Bomber” and former head of Lockheed Skunk Works,had once let out information about Extraterrestrial UFO Visitors Are Real And U.S. Military Travel To Stars
Well that's enough for now.What he said might be new to many people today, but he revealed the information before his death in January 1995. His statements helped to give credence to reports that the U.S. military has been flying vehicles that mimic alien craft.
The article was written by Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
1 : “Inside the Skunk Works (Lockheed’s secret research and development entity), we were a small, intensely cohesive group consisting of about fifty veteran engineers and designers and a hundred or so expert machinists and shop workers. Our forte was building technologically advanced airplanes of small number and of high class for highly secret missions.”
2 : “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”
3 : “We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars. First, you have to understand that we will not get to the stars using chemical propulsion. Second, we have to devise a new propulsion technology. What we have to do is find out where Einstein went wrong.”
4 : When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”
Ben Rich Lockheed Former Director knew of extraterrestrial UFO visitorsLockheed "Skunk Works" former director knew the Roswell extraterrestrial UFO influenced designs of Testor model kits for Roswell UFO models, and U.S. top secret aircraft. According to a CNI News report by Colorado resident Michael Lindemann, the design information was derived from forensic illustrations and numerous witness testimonies about the Roswell UFO, provided by William L. “Bill” McDonald.
In an e-mail, dated July 29, 1999, apparently addressed to Lindemann, McDonald referenced an excerpt of a discussion with Harold Puthoff, founder of the highly classified U.S. “remote viewing” program.McDonald said: “Well Hal, you asked for it! Now that legendary Lockheed engineer and chief model kit designer for the Testor Corporation, John Andrews, is dead, I can announce that he personally confirmed the design connection between the Roswell Spacecraft and the Lockheed Martin Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs), spyplanes, Joint Strike Fighters, and Space Shuttles.Andrews was a close personal friend of "Skunk Works" director Ben Rich -- the hand-picked successor of Skunk Works founder Kelly Johnson and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk "Stealth" fighter, its "half-pint" prototype the "HAVE BLUE", and the top-secret F-19 Stealth Interceptor. Before Rich died of cancer, Andrews took my questions to him.Dr. Ben R. Rich former Lockheed Skunk Works director confirmed:
1. There are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we build and ones 'they' build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs." The Government knew and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector…
2. Nearly all "biomorphic" aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell spacecraft -- from Kelly's SR-71 Blackbird onward to today's drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft…
3. It was Ben Rich's opinion that the public should not be told [about UFOs and extraterrestrials] . He believed they could not handle the truth -- ever. Only in the last months of his decline did he begin to feel that the "international corporate board of directors" dealing with the "Subject" could represent a bigger problem to citizens' personal freedoms under the United States Constitution than the presence of off-world visitors themselves.”Lindemann added that “Bill McDonald received the above information from Andrews from 1994 until their last phone call near Christmas in 1998.” Lindemann also noted “It should also be known that Dr. Ben R. Rich attended a public aerospace designers and engineers conference in 1993 before his illness overwhelmed him in which he stated -- in the presence of MUFON Orange County Section Director Jan Harzan and many others that – ‘We’ (i.e., the U.S. aerospace community/military industrial complex) had in it's possession the technology to "take us to the stars".See the complete letter in May, 2010 MUFON UFO Journal from John Andrews and the hand written reply from Dr. Ben Rich. Hear more revealing testimony from Disclosure Project whistleblowers. NASA can not deny secrets discovered by UK hacker Gary McKinnon and many astronauts if it expects full funding from the Obama White House administration.
Lockheed Skunkworks Engineer USAF, and CIA Contractor Admitted : UFO Are RealDon Phillips, "These UFOs were huge and they would just come to a stop and do a 60 degree, 45 degree, 10 degree turn, and then immediately reverse this action". During the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, "They're here.They are right over there and looking at the size of those ships., it is obvious they dont like us being here”. When I was working with the Skunkworks with Kelly Johnson, we signed an agreement with the government to keep very quiet about this.
Anti-gravitational research was going on. We know that there were some captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, they were real. And, yes, we really did get some technology from them. And, yes, we really did put it to work. We knew each other from what we call an unseen industry. We can term it black, deep black, or hidden.
The knowledge I have of these technologies came from the craft that were captured here. I didn`t see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I certainly know some of the people that did. There was no question that there were beings from outside the planet.
And if alien were hostile, with their weaponry they could have destroyed us a long time ago .We got these things that are handhold scanners that scan the body and determine what the condition is. We can also treat from the same scanner. MY NOTE THE PHANTOM WAVE. Geoff
I can tell you personally that we've been working on them. And we have ones that can diagnose and cure cancer. One of the purposes I had for founding my technology corporation in 1998 was to bring forth these technologies that can clean the air and can help get rid of the toxins, and help reduce the need for so much fossil fuel. Yes, it is time. I can tell you personally that it has already started. pp. 375 ,383.
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Tall Whites supposed to have come out of a UFO in Russia after a crash of their UFO craft |
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Courtesy Fearless Soul |
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Courtesy 'Known is the drop, Unknown is the Ocean. wordpress.com |
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Courtesy Marlowes Books |
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Courtesy A-Z Quotes |
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human body contains about 6.5 octillion (that's 6,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) atoms.
It felt that these pin pricks of light, were all like these atoms numbers above and they were popping in and out of existence and that each was a bubble, a photon of the tiniest order and that the empty atom as it were was a light entity and that indeed I am a being of Light.
What more can I say to the perplexed local mind, so limited and yet so beautiful that this beautiful body that temporarily houses it for its 'time' and sojourn on Earth.
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From former SHACK and Blog |
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From Former SHACK and Blog |
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Dreamstime.com |
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Sir James Jeans
The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter. We are beginning to suspect that we ought rather to hail it as the creator and governor of this realm.