A room with furniture, wall pictures, flowers vases, bookcases and so forth these represent in this analogy the inculcations and brain washed and life experiences filed away in somewhere in space and this space is then ring fenced to which it is likened to an entity, a sovereign place indeed a sort of territory and as such it feels unique and develops its own rules, policies and deep surveillance, either it feels strong or weak never the less in either state it has its defence, attacks, ploys to garner its own rewards.
The 'space' thereof becomes a self conscious awareness based on the accumulation in this coral, this fenced off containment and as such is to all and effect a deeply ingrained set of reflexes and reactions whether violent, calm or just full of pretence. This entity may have a name given at birth or changed to embellish or enhance or more suited for the entity and for the purposes of this article the 'ego'.
Most thoughts are the results of early childhood inculcation and modified by life experiences but usually contain the 'stains and encrustations and deeper impacted indelible etchings which by repeated inculcation get to form layers and strata which become so hard and fast they become one's rock fast reality'. The complexity especially if the early childhood was subject to trauma and the contrast of wealth, love and protection have their pluses and minuses. These shape the personality, character and the synaptic interactions with the 'rain and waterfall of neuropeptides'. To unravel the skein to reach pure unadulterated awareness as of MUSHIN cannot be reached by thought and logic alone. 'We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.' Einstein. Indeed I feel that thinking cannot get to the 'bottom' in this case Mushin because thought is what covers and layers the 'no mind, emptiness'. As KrishnaMurti said 'One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end'.
In a way the brain washing produces in many cases, replicas and one may wake up as often said to realise I was and am a replica, I have been taught to be who I am and this awakening is the start of the quest to find out WHO AM I. So as Einstein says above to reach WHO AM I and to do it through logic and intellect alone can give us intellectual answers and understanding BUT HOWEVER we can only deduce a thought filled answer and it may cause an intellectual AH HA but it is still in the realm of thinking and therefore at best a summary of the cause as to why cannot I reach empty mind as it were.
However if we were to watch our ego at work, to be able to stand back and watch without judgement the mind at work without bias, that is attention without intention, witnessing without bias, then we could see or intuit the nature of the mind. The ego will not like this and try to get judgement and wily ploys like irritation when meditating, fear of madness, illness, because it senses its own stability and reality, it knows deep down it is a clone and just borrowed and brain washed ideas, in fact we are just an idea.
It takes courage to look at oneself or rather who one THOUGHT was oneself and realise we are brain washed and to just sit and watch thoughts and to see them arising from a nowhere place appear and disappear to another nowhere non physical space or void can be scary and one may come to realise these thoughts are ephemeral, transitory, fleeting, momentary, clouds scudding across the sky and these thoughts can be felt in the still watching witness as loud noises and feelings with emotions.
On recognising the seemingly 'emptiness' of these scudding clouds the realisation can awaken one to 'is this really me? How can I be these things, they seem so fragile and frail and have no real substance and yet they make me feel so many emotions, why is this so? Then we may realise they have been drilled into us from many sources, this is the brain washing, the inculcation and even more so these thoughts produce feelings, emotions and reactions that seem to automatic and spontaneous and my witness self becomes biased and washed away as the 'ego' senses itself as a scudding collective and has no real base but to have been a sheep, conned from early years by maybe well meaning altruistic or ruthless adults, I had no choice in the matter and now I am older and realise this it can cause a real dilemma and I have seen in patients, forensics and life in general this awakening can cause, some to run into distraction, depression, suicidal thoughts and indeed suicide, wild ego abandonment and distraction or go off grid and shun the world or get maniacal, paranoid or have to be sent to a safe place under supervision.
Then one can realise what is this ringfenced box or container of brain washed stuff? It is like the furniture in the room. The room is actually just a space and that space by analogy is awareness. ACTUALLY there is a no such entity or being as mind, IT IS the content of the space that gives the erroneous concept of the mind, the mind is caused by the content, it robs one of the emptiness which the awareness is. 'Master I have a troubled mind, Then put this mind on a plate and I will cure it, I cannot do this, why not, well it seems its in my head, then what do you want to do, cut off your head, no sir, I just realised the mind is ---well sort of not real or has any substance, well good for you and get of rid of that last thought, how do I do that, don't ask me ask me, ask your troubled mind, oh master I am baffled, well that's the nature of the quest, make this your koan 'place the mind on the plate and bring it to me'
So actually there is no mind, it is the content of the mind through storing content and holding on too transitory stuff and wanting and desiring a safe place a solid reality, a hook in space to put you hat and coat on and the let down when one sees thoughts cannot do this----and finally one day perhaps another lifetime or many, one may surrender and realise there is no mind and there is only that which is when thought is not.
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無心/ MUGA 無我 (No Mind/ No
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