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Simple Living |
Hear me Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, whose might I feel in the storm, whose grandeur I see in the stars and whose artwork and creativity I witness in everyday nature and design.
The beauty I feel in quiet times, many a quiet time disturbed by harmful technology and spiteful talk, the jealousy and greed by many and yet as I feel these and acknowledge the arousal of such emotions I feel ashamed for these must be in me as to recognise them. I know I have to own them and not project them onto others as to assuage myself and lessen the guilt and shame.
Hear me Great Spirit I am one of your children, I am hear on this sacred Earth because you wanted me to be here. I used to think I had a mission here, a special service and with all my NDE, synchronicities, miracles, workshops, healings I am sad because I realise this is all an illusion and delusion, a sort of dream, smoke rising from the fire and blown away by the first puff of wind.
Even in todays science there is very little substance to cling too, the empty atom and knowing all is transient, there is nothing in material acquisition except to puff up the bosom in egoistic pride and to take pleasure in one- upmanship and believing oneself to be superior.
Holy is to me the cup of tea around the fire, the warmth of the cloak and hood in prayer and meditation, perhaps this comes with aging years and the lack of youthful enthusiasm and energy.
Holy means the companionship of one's dog, horse, fishing and hunting with compassion, thanking the life taken, leaving something of the kill for others, resting after the chase and sleeping sound either in the open or a simple dwelling place.
Looking without tall buildings, hearing only the quiet or the sounds of bird and animal calls, the waterfall and rivers, clear and sparkling so that one can sup and not be contaminated by waste from a factory or chemical leaks. These natural sounds are healing and music to the soul and they are there by the Great Spirits hand to delight the children of Spirits Creation.
How now I sit in my chair and of late unable to relax completely not only because of the noise of cars, aeroplanes loud car music, constant texting by children, nearly everyone slumped forward over the cell / mobile / smart phone or a device. Nearly everyone in a café as soon as they sit down awaiting their food slides their hands into their pocket and out comes the bible, the holy grail of technology, the all knowing all connecting smart tablet, phone, or whatever, the baby in the pram given a sort of picture cell phone type instrument and the parent on theirs.
Perhaps I am old fashioned, behind the times, picking up others vibes, getting old and not graciously, a grumpy old fart, yet in my heart I feel the open prairies, the forests, the simple shack, the tepee, the yurt, the canoe, the bow and arrow, the tribe and companionship, the silence at times and feeling unity with the Great Spirit.
Dearest Great Spirit, God Almighty, Great Source of Life I feel like a fish out of water, the food does not taste like food or the water not quenching to the thirst, perhaps I am here to learn to hear and feel you in the midst of the cacophony and wars, homelessness, torture, depravity and harsh weather, poverty and abuse of those who are most frail.
My mission whether there ever was one, is to be steadfast in Spirit, not a religion or a fanatic but to not boast and to just be and not want or desire rewards through and talent one may have. To be simple which is Holy and merely be aware many times of the day, to relax and listen to the sound and feel of silence behind the masks of technology and all that is not harmony with the Self.
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