Beyond Brain Washing |
Who am I ? The famous spiritual quest. There is a saying when you do not need to ask this ask this any more, this is the answer. I differ; since we many of us have a cloned mind, or manufacture a structure or a mix of brainwashed exposure from the feeling's in the womb to the naming of the baby like a puppy they had no choice in that name. There is a a spiritual tenet that in the spirit realms one make a pre life agreement's between higher selves, soul and time lines. Setting all this aside then is no choice and in either case at the birth time the two sets of no choice and contracts were not conscious of these contracts or the feeling from mother and other environmental influences. Although with the contracts it is said that the higher self guides unconscious prompts to facilitate the paragraphs as it were and clauses in the contracts brought about by the incarnation in order to serve the beings evolution through many cycles over thousands of years and incarnations to clear up Karma(brain washing and unfinished business ) and clear the slate or at least rub off some of the hinderances and the clear slate being ascension to higher spiritual attainment that of enlightenment and one with Source.
Thesaurus Plus |
I connect timelines with inculcation; from the point of view of choice without incarnations or pre life contracts and unconscious astral prompts or some such notion, one is from birth until adulthood and to old age a indoctrinated sets of thoughts by parents, family, culture, religion and national ethos and a few 'wayward' allowance's and tolerances. Perhaps one is bored with one's life style and living, feels there is much more, about spiritual matters, has a OBE(out of body experience, an altered perception, a NDE (near death experience, a meditation, koan and so many other triggers) and then one may see the many other time line indoctrinations and the feuds and broken relationships caused by them even to wars, abuse and extreme torture in order to convince one to leave and join their choice, this can lead to a sort of shock who is one before all this was crammed into me and them, where did all this arise from AND then maybe ' Oh God I have been taught to be who I am. I am a cloned mind, I am an addict to a long historic time line, a sort of religious and cultural brain washing. THEN WHO AM I when stripped of this brainwashed pounding of repetitive ideas, this is a supreme marketing advertising implementation.
This kind of shock was different to my koan one which merely led me into a different state or level of consciousness I experienced this in my late teens and Sensei said I would never see the world as others and now my troubles would begin, how right he was. My values with my friends and family changed, what they thought was important was not of my feelings and sense, I was called lazy and not ambitious, I found myself wondering why I did not fit, all I knew was a deep felt peace and was disturbed by the gibberish and noise of so called modern conventions around me. So being at work and presenting workshops and teaching martial arts being an electrician and then a forensic scene examiner and technician, gradually started a small seed of doubt, maybe 'they are right' and so I lost that feel of the altered state of mind through the koan, but my early NDE at the age of four and a sort of haunting ghost of that koan brought me back to that lovely consciousness of the koan and the light and peace of the NDE. I tried other religions, philosophies, mantras, yantras, tried a guru and other teachers and workshops and I got from that all this worked by inculcations it was not coming from a realised clean slate or maybe the Guru was 'relatively but they were doing the brain washing to their followers'. So I went my own way, a lonely path yet satisfactory for I was getting 'inner guidance' as it were, not so much voices as deep affirmative feelings, not words in the head but deep gut / heart affirmative big OK's
Quantum Metaphysics
Financial Times 1 |
Simple learn 2
Skywell Software 3
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Is this reality? Head set off and the brain becomes the head set!!? Is there such a phenomena as reality?
Augmented Reality 5 How many more gadgets are going to be invented and the AI takes over because our search for reality is the dog chasing its tail and we cannot live with no realty as such, so we manufacture one by brain washing and make believe.
The awakening can produce such a shock as to cause series mental problems, depression and even suicidal tendencies, distraction and denial and a complete shutdown and freezing. To some the skeleton and scaffold of the seeming reality of the time line inculcation gradually is picked and untangled, a sort of piecemeal incremental disassembling, the flesh stripped depicting the bare bones. Some can take the shift and live with it and not be emotionally torn asunder. |
The essence of yourself 7
We are virtual Reality 6 We are composed of the same 'stuff' as we are viewing. |
So reality becomes solidified thought, crystallised and compact it is no more 'solid than any of these images above'. On realising that one is merely repetitive thought so shaped by inculcation (the act of instilling by constant and persistent repetition so as to imprint and so make a belief by habit forming to and so make it an addiction) this then forms compact sets of ideas and principles which become the ego.
Looking at 4,5,6,7 images one may get the sense that looking through virtual reality headsets and those that have done often when taking off the headset wonder what is the real world so to speak. (Our brain can't delimit the difference in both reality and fiction and reacts by generating the same emotions, generating the same hormones in both realities) also there is this saying 'when scientist are studying atoms they are examining themselves' we are all made of particles and atoms SO in that way we are as are as virtual images. We all arise from the quantum field and this is in the meta and in this sense beyond normal a mainstream accepted 'laws' or physic's, such as psychic phenomena.
Every time one uses a virtual headset you are viewing our own reality and essence. We do not actually exist we are living in a holographic virtual Universe and by inculcated Human thought we make spin offs mini mind Universes and so create time lines which are not necessarily in accord with the Cosmos.
Then we arrive full circle; if I am
inculcated and all other inculcations so to speak, what is a non inculcated
person then, who is this non person or rather mind? I have no Identity so to
speak, I have no tangible label, I am an atomic phenomena arising from God, Great
Spirit or just an atomic formulated structure living like all atoms and put
together either by scientific explanation or a Divine Source.
Can I live like this a leaf blown by the wind; a universal atomic being following the Universal will, mostly empty of human inculcation and possibly being seen as odd, atheistic, frightened by most as a seeming non conforming person, certainly outside the dystopia's and new world digital identity card and their paranoia and insecurity as to know when you crap, sleep, have sex and your DNA and so on. One can become a threat to society not one's actions but because one does not fit anywhere into any real social or economic system. Actually being a being of the Universe one loves and lives in accord with nature and is usually benign and compassionate.
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