Wednesday, 2 August 2023



Like a fish in water does it feel the ocean is its Life support or an animal feel it is alive because of oxygen, they seem to go about their lives as do birds and trees and all other life forms. 

OK so one may say well we humans are self aware and supposedly one step up the ladder of evolution so are we aware of our life, maybe about our thoughts and life style and other experiences that shape our lives.

What about our awareness as to feeling Life beyond thought. It is said we move, live and have our being in God, Spirit The Creator and Source of Life. God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent then how is it many of us have to pray to God and seek God if by example we like the fish and animal are just being in its natural environment, further more the fish out of water may gasp and die and then realise in some fashion what its life and environment had been and the animal dying of a an arrow or bullet.  We may also realise and fight for our lives experiencing suffocation.

So all of the above indicates the environment we live in but what of sensing that which created the environment? As a human and like many of us we are besotted and addicted to and used more or less a constant stream of mind chatter like a tape of chattering thoughts and many times not always aware this underground river is pulsing away and much of the content is brainwashed and programmed with a conditioning to react and judge via the background cacophony going on. This constant barrage is continuous even when into distraction via films, sport and sleep. The brain has become an out of control computer with stored experiences and ploys and entangled deployments of strategies, coping mechanisms and a collective environment of mind stuff named ego, the hardware and soft ware of Life ah la human planetary idioms. fashions and an addicted human collective field named the collective unconscious. There are certain markers named by psychiatrist, philosophers and all that academic pontifications such as Jung's hierarchical and archetypical categories  be that as it may, would it or could it be possible to 'peep behind the curtain' and apart from sleep, hypnosis, or other states of consciousness and go further, beyond, behind or up and down for the experience of the peep is or has no definition because it is beyond though, logic or any other intellectual propensity.

It is said that during meditation which is when mindfulness stops and a natural mind awareness 'drops' in then there is peace and calm and it feels like something that the mind cannot or ego conjure up, it is a natural cessation of thought brought about by the awareness recognising the essence of Itself when reason and logic collapse and there is no thinking mind present, there is an emptiness full of whatever is.

So who do we pray too when we are in the bosom of life?; I think it is the ego suffering because it finally realises it is on a slippery slope and has no real substance it realises it has been programmed and inculcated and as such it did not acquire what it thinks is it but was taught by hand me downs and other persons ideas of ancient and deeply implanted as to appear rock safe and unchangeable.

Then there comes a time in evolution when evolution Itself feels the dreariness, stalemate, decay, stagnation and then descending into chaos and in that chaos the sell by date material is broken up, recycled and chance for something original emanating from it.

Actually that chaos is the field where there is every possibility and probability and allowing it to present It's manifestations without thought, attention without intention and what had appeared to be chaos was the Creators fount bringing forth its forms and the dead ego as it were is out of the way by the chatter of its past incarnation and unblocks the Creative Intelligence of Spirit to pour through Unimpeded.

So to know the Source is to go beyond thinking not by suppression and clever mind games but to Be still and know that peace that goes beyond all human understanding. 


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