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Hall Mirror by Franke |
When I look in the mirror I used to recognise the image as myself and many years back did exercises like staring into my own eyes and blessing myself and so on, then I went into a period of not looking at my whole body or face in mirrors as to not identify with a transient impermanent form and so not to get attached and when the time comes for passing it would not be a difficult wrench to leave, hopefully not through trauma or disease.
When I am meditating, now it seems without the need for sitting, standing or laying down, the silences seem to be more natural and prolonged, there is a feel of of peace, relaxation and quiet and a naturally empty mind and without the 'mindfulness of a witness' just a natural quiet and emptiness and in that a natural lightness a glow with joy and tranquillity.
It is as if my experience through my eyes and other human senses are looking through a clear glass, a window only bordered by my skull and eye arches, there seems to be a clear bright experience and I feel at one with the vista and laugh or smile when a bird, animal or the trees and their branches are rustled by the wind.
When I look in the mirror lately I cannot recognise this form as me. I see an image I recognise and yet do not recognise, it is as if my recognition is not a human memory but something has noted that and it is OK with it.
Then this feel of being in awareness and something arising in the space of awareness, if one could call it awareness space for it is beyond explanation as to quality, quantity and location and yet it exists or does it?
In my early days of meditation I experienced thoughts as coming across my awareness from seemingly left to right like those news slides below the main features. I think they are called 'news ticker tape' and then thoughts became loud and not audible to the ears, they were inner noise and one day year's back the noise stopped suddenly, spontaneously as if another conscious part of me realised their hollowness and infirmity, their lack of substance, their transient and illusionary nature.
Then thought became less frequent and because of that another entity or part of my mind seem to miss thought and then I began to realise the act of brain washing by constant repetition named inculcation, conditioning and programming, I wakened to the psychological understanding that I have written so much about 'we are someone else's ideas, we are mainly taught to be who we are, many of us have cloned minds, who are we when we are stripped of brain washing and have no identity and can we live with a bare mind, a naked consciousness but for a few basic living and survival programmes or do we go to Maha Samadhi and consciously die. See Maha SAMA. (SHACK 3089)
Now looking in the mirror there is a sort of disconnect; I feel intuitively this form is a impermanent transient an appearance in time and space and that time and space are only caused by the appearance of forms, without forms a blank universe, in my view no time and the blank forms there is no 'space' for them to appear in.
It is if I stand on high cliff and the forms appear of their own volition perhaps they originate from the library of the conditioned mind named the ego, the collective of many incarnations in inculcations which have formed a Universal Collected Human Consciousness and the use of recycling by reincarnation in order to clear a back log of Karma or unfinished business and when clearing a lot of sell by date as it were data, the brain washed inheritance of many lives as many characters the underlying if one can call it that, the backdrop which is awareness which has it's own understanding as if it were a higher faculty than the logical psychological physical brain.
Thoughts that arise from this space of the collective actually make the facility of the phenomena named 'mind' no thought 'no mind', no mind, no ego only pure awareness whatever that is.
So who am I---Geoff / Shack stop asking silly questions.
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