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Laboratory Geome |
I sat just thoughtless and as I sat my body just collapsed into a relaxed rest, the collapse was not traumatic it was like an unfolding and melting into a smile and quiet joy.
I felt the trees I was looking at were still, quiet, and my garden, just stillness even though there were birds and squirrels. I felt I was immersed in an invisible field of energy, I say energy for there is no other word to describe the feel of it. I was aware of a feeling of a subtle movement, to say movement would in no way do it justice, it was like a stream of something gently pulsing through my body which seemed to feel not solid and yet was in a sort of way, I felt this was life expressing Itself through me and in this stream Life was living Itself through me and informing the constituent parts of my flesh cocoon as to what is necessary for its growth and well being and that same energetic pulse feeding the garden, the Universe and beyond any comprehension as to a logical conclusion.
I felt immersed in a seamless awareness, a never ending tranquil expanding lake to a sea of eternity and infinite dimensions, dimensions not separate but blending into spacious awareness, flowing and yet still.
I understood yet again when the jolt and shift of the Koan way back which threw my mind out of kilter and yet brought it to alignment not of the 'norm' and as I have described so many times by Sensei who gave the Koan when throwing my Judoka partner in seoi-nage (shoulder throw)and its ensuing agony until 'I KNEW' and Sensei's remark what a shame it happened so young and in England. 'Now your troubles begin, you will never see the world as others do'. At the time of the Koan by Sensei I did not remember the words it was sometime later that I did and the process began. I have mentioned what the Koan was elsewhere, however I will not repeat it here in case one may try and do the logical, intellectual bit on it, should you discover it my articles then perhaps it is for you.
This time I understood it intuitively and not the jolt and shift as before but as the underpinning of it growing all these years, like yeast and now the integration with life. The shift now has landed me back in life as it were, the troubles that Sensei alluded too were the discrepancy I felt about 'so called normal living' and the shift perception consciousness and coming out of electrician to forensics were part of the process of life I was in at the time.
So now I felt the majestic energetic flow of the stream of Life and I understood in myself that we are the conscious expression of Universe being conscious of Itself.
I am conscious of of being self aware and that I exist and as such I was born out of Consciousness. Consciousness is awareness of Itself and out of Itself created all there is. A Universe that is Intelligently Conscious and alive, Consciousness is Life and Life is aware it is Life.
I felt the pulse of Life, the informing live energy that holds everything in an endless seamless spacious awareness and the mystery to human senses its seems invisible and yet truly is alive.
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