The call of the wild, the call of the soul, the call of Spirit, the silent call, the still silent voiceless voice. Do you hear it-NO, Do you feel it -YES.
Sit and listen to it, it is still and yet moving, it is noiseless and yet speaking, invisible and yet very there and apparent, what is IT then? I haven't the remotest idea, so there you have it. What is this IT?
The first time I heard a Wolf call I felt a tingling sensation go up my spine and then I was filled with and ancient feeling of the unknown origin of ourselves, I feel this tingling, an aliveness, I feel connected to nature and the Universe. I feel spirit, I just feel feeling. I feel I am a soul whatever that maybe and as unearthly as I can be and yet strangely very much in tune and alignment to Mother Earth and her comfort. The tingling feels icy cold and yet not cold of Earth cold, it feels neither hot nor cold but a sensation which the brain cannot decode, so its nearest is cold / hot and it is not of this world and yet it is a fundamental of it. SHACK.
Sometimes a quote or phrase 'grabs' one and its sticks in mind although one may not understand it or its meaning it seems to resonate somewhere in the psyche and may linger for some while.
There are two that I set out; ' Mountain Spirits, who walk the wind, Guide me on the path of resilience and determination'. This feels very ancient an old tribal of some ethnic race in the mountains who felt the banshees or spirits rode the turbulent mountain winds, the snows and challenges that the high mountain passes and valleys with crevasses challenged them and they sort of surfed them and went with the winds thermals and so on they felt the waves and rode them and this seemed to me a lesson on riding the difficulties and fears, the anxieties, set backs and some disasters in ones life. I felt that instead of fighting the tides of opposition and currents too strong for my body and seeming inevitable, I could surrender the hard thoughts of doubt and fear and try to relax and let the fear subside by watching and sensing the undercurrents that offered a way out of the dilemma even it meant going along with the waves and winds until a way out spontaneously and miraculously appeared.
The resilience was somewhat physical and not so much a determined will power but a gathering and building up to trust in the 'deep feel' by an inner relaxation from anxiety and angst. A sort of letting go as was felt appropriate for that circumstance presented. The determination was an inner 'knowing' by riding the winds that it is all is well even through the darkest storm and riding it out was the determination not by will and fear but relaxing and trusting in the deep intuitive feel in the quietest atmosphere that one could engender by being as still and quiet as possible.
The second one; May the sacred waters cleanse my soul. And the the fires of transformation forge my spirit. By waters it feels like the flow of awareness, qi, kundalini, dreylas and the flow and buzz I feel as life evolves and courses through me like a river of light, the feel of aliveness, the specks of energy(dreylas) buzzing and pulsing everything is alive even the bed and chair this seems to be food for my soul and cleanses the scum of the harshness of the world, everything thing seems pristine and pure.
Sometimes the 'heat and cold' of the energy cascading through me raises my awareness to a joy and nourishes my spirit to such an extent that I feel invincible, not so much physically but as a spiritual energy being and my earthly fears are 'burnt up and dissolved' not by meditation alone or qi gong or prayer but by being still and feeling beneath the surface of thought to a stillness that beckons and invites me to rest replenish the soul and let the body just rest and do its thing.
These two quotes seem to suggest very ancient and in past experiences that built up the the now of my many lives journey, not so much the incarnations but the nuances that shaped the lives to be.
When I am still, quiet and thoughts and buzz have subsided, I am just aware of being aware, who runs or is charge of my body then? Who organises my heartbeat, my organs, I am being breathed and kept alive in this form and certainly not by any effort on my part, not thinking of the effort to stay alive or to save it either.
So why not totally surrender to the unknown, invisible something, indeed is it a something, no thing? That unknown something, that awareness aware of Itself, might have something to do with the organising of the body's and functions and how it does this is the Great Mystery and should we try to analyse, define and grab it, we limit its wonderous works.
Get behind me oh ego, agenda. When the old cantankerous bull elephant retires to the forest, leave well alone. Let the bees be undisturbed in their hive. Let the Mother bear and her cubs be at peace in their den. Let the Wolf pack do its hunting and living. Let me be still and trust.
In the silence of stillness I feel the silent growth unfolding like a scroll and it is seamless a steady emission, an implicate order of something evolving, as if an inner blueprint were being unfurled, as if the divine plan was being displayed in a silent evolutionary growth, not the growth of form but of spirit, an energy being unfolding in elapsed unlimited non local time.
It feels like a slow cooker, the contents being energy spiritual particles, like an alchemic process and the crucible being a containment field of an energetic etheric nature and the out working to grow in the silence away from the chattering mind and tense body. A secondary effect may help the physical form but that is not the main aim, the aim I feel is the growth of an energy 'body' a being of light and power far from anything flesh or physical endeavour and I feel that the silences that enrapture me will grow and expand and when it is mature and ripe I will, that is my individual spirit will merge fully into the growing energy glow and I will pass from the physical into the spirit that is all encompassing.
This feeling grows and I find myself more and more in silence and solitude and yearning more of it, one may say it is growing old and yet many elderly are content with a hobby, watching TV and other pursuits and this is OK and their karma, their allotted destiny, I do not feel isolated or lonely, I feel I am on the right path as it were for me. I may be kidding myself, however I feel it my bones and water so it is said.
In the stillness of my being I rest content and yet occasionally there are sharp reminders when the stream of the silent growth is somehow interrupted by events not foreseen or intended and these increase the thirst and quest to be in the intimate presence with the silent process within or is it within? It is indeed everywhere and yet individual as well, such is the wonder of being still and feeling the spirit doing its silent work however one has to be still and acknowledge it.
I sit still and attentive, time has no meaning, I am still and no thought, just a stillness with nothing to offer or attract me, it is beyond the physical sensation and yet is somehow resting in it and gradually the physical will have served its purpose and the silent 'gnawing' of the growing spirit will shine through and the job of the physical had completed its purpose. This does not necessarily mean a painful illness or disaster to shear away the physical to reveal the spirit, it can be a silent smooth parting of the waves so to speak, this again is in the hands of a greater intelligence which has the blueprint and destiny for the individual and that individual becomes one with the one and withal and is no longer an individual.
I have described my Near Death Experience elsewhere in these writings and on national TV and Radio. What is clear now more than ever; I did not want to come to Earth and was convinced to do so and I thought I had a mission and that seems to be the case in a way.
It was not a grand mission of a world light or do anything much, a few workshops and a few healings of patients and myself. The main mission was to learn to learn the facade of apparent reality.
Sitting still and with an agitated mind, there was such a stillness in the garden, the trees still, birds and and cat still as if transfixed, no wind just a heavy grey sky and no cloud movement and my mind stagnant still and an ominous feeling and then I started Qi Gong and became aware of an icy tingling in my spine and then spreading to my whole body, so powerful as to feel is was hot / cold and I had the feeling it was chi, kundalini, orgone, life force, spirit and so on. I felt it was stimulating my whole body inside and out so to speak and felt the chi like pin pricks, darts of energy and I sometimes see these minute specks as 'dreylas' it was like fine rain spitting on water and I felt this was rejuvenating and stimulating the stem cells every 'prick' was like acupuncture needles injecting energy, life force and renewal, it felt regeneration was taking place, it was not so much physical but seemed to go deep into the substrata of my being as if the build up would eventually rejuvenate the physical.
I felt the tingling sensation was the chi / life force entering the 'atomic level' as it were arriving from the quantum level to the coded 'sparkle' the information 'fertiliser' of the minute particles that have the life giving force commencing at the 'ground level' so to speak at the very centre of the body the dantien / hara everything seemed to be imbibing, ingesting. soaking up as if every pore was opening up and sucking in like a sponge this chi energy, this tingling pin pricking sensation and then travelling deep into the inner lining of the organs and the fascia and even to the foundation of the fascia itself, in fact it only becomes solid flesh when sufficient trillions of these specks are sufficient in numbers in order to give the feeling of so called 'flesh' however under scanning electron microscopes it proves to be a moving tableau and like so much as they say the empty atom.
So I sat feeling this sensation of icy hot imbibing and feeing renewed mentally and realising that there was and is a need to continue this quiet stillness tot fill up a depleted 'sea of chi' that had has taken toll of my being by Covid years and vaccine injury and wasted fantasising and wasted theorising and past non creative ideas and speculations. At my age of 86 in the year of 2025 maybe I have the chance to fulfil the deficit?
At one time in my late teens I attended a Zendo in Chiswick in West London and I was brought up there with quotations and sayings from several Japanese 老師) old teachers and many of these saying were well known. 'what is enlightenment--a dead log' I felt this meant when the mind was quiet and in meditation it was as if it were a dead log, but pleasant and peaceful. Then 'if you see the Buddha coming down the road cut his head off' I felt Buddha nature was not seen or had a form it was an experience of emptiness of thought without suppression it was no mind and is not a form. 'What is a hill is a hill and the busy inquisitive mind on the quest for enlightenment says it is not a hill but with no mind it becomes a hill again' To me this meant in the search and quest for satori悟 an awakening to Kensho (見) one's true nature the mind tries to identify the experiences on the way, the journey and because it upsets so many beliefs and convictions the mind tries to find an acceptable explanation so as to feel secure and safe and yet in the end has accept the fact its just a hill.
If there is not an acceptance not just a compromise or giving up and going to extreme distraction or depression and some even suicidal, then to some the gruelling journey is worthwhile and to some it is a challenge not so much of the will or the move away from suffering but of a distant ancient calling of the spirit and soul.
Rarely do I find an image that illustrates or expresses what I wanted to write about. I have not gone to their work or am affiliated with them in any way and thank them for their image.
How long is a piece of string, I feel enough is measured, felt or thought is enough. To me it is determined by the data and content in the mind cultivated over life's experiences and inculcation. What ever your desires and conditioning prompts one that this is enough.
Enough is enough when one's beliefs, brain washing, life style and culture with success or failure become the standard of measurement which is the base and foundation and is demonstrated by the demands of the ego and determines the conditions and measurements set in the reactions to a challenge.
Sitting in silence, the stillness embracing my being there is a sense of renewal, as if my body is absorbing and ingesting something. Something that is tangible and just a feeling of renewal, regeneration, rejuvenation. This is the spirit, there is not much in the body, but it is as if I awaken to a fresh clear mind.
This something I cannot adequately describe or define, it is a feeling of renewal and what it renews is not physical or maybe a later effect, it is I feel spirit and it is if my body is like a sponge and it is slowly soaking up this feeling. I sit, just feeling this filling up, I have no thoughts and there is a profound rest and comfort and a feeling of all is well, really well. Not so much in the physical and it is if the physical is forgotten and just not there and yet it is.
I feel to sit for hours just imbibing and then I get the feeling to get up, come too, stretch or eat, drink. My body still stiff from an injury to the hip and yet all is well and a Buddha smile plays and lights up my face and heart and in that moment I know what it is to smile from the heart.
I feel I cannot get enough of this ingesting and renewal and when a weary me, a weary world yearns for this renewal and rest from the fevered brow of intense effort by the ego to drive on for success at any cost and then to distract from this fiery endeavour by alcohol, exotic food, sexual activity or watching a movie of a sporting event only for me to feel there is something lacking and the tendency to repeat the distractions and to feel a hole a something not quite hitting the mark.
Then the 'voice of the quite within me' calls me back and I hungrily soak up the quiet and the rest in the silence and the stillness and that hole is filled with 'something of renewal' and I feel that my being is being filled up, renewed with this energy it is Life Itself, Life speaking to me in eloquent terms that is a language of the soul and reminds me intuitively this is a real life and not the impermanency of the world.
This is also alchemy quietly dissolving the hard ego thoughts to quietness and being renewed and also the cleansing waters of the soul and taking the slow embers and fires of transformation that shape and sculpt my being into the eternal creative unfolding that Universe holds for us.
More and more the noisy cacophony of the human world jars my head, my brain and actually causes a pain of a sort which is a reminder to come back home to the quiet, even natures loudest sounds are not as distorting as the human sounds of some films, music, technology and incentive behaviour.
Oh noisy world of materialism, what do offer or have for me, my soul has it all?
To some Eastern Masters this may be an asset and should you have read my previous articles I write about 'no mind' and the inculcation processes that lead to a loss of identity psychologically speaking and finding out who you are without a definite identity. I have referred to this as 'nowhere to hang your hat'.
When we suffer a loss be it a job, health, a relationship we may feel a hole and a chip is missing in 'the memory bank' which is my personality and ego collective. I begin to doubt who am I without the loss, I become less and yet living and exploring that loss and the hole it left behind so to speak and just resting in the hole that seems so blank, a void so daunting and unfamiliar may have surprising results, one may find a peace in that space and the dark night of dread may give way to an extraordinary sort of 'empty' mind so to speak and that perceived loss is seen as an attachment to form in which everything perishes and the clinging to that form be it beliefs or or so called tangible structures causes pain of attachment to that which the Universe teaches is impermanent and transient like a dream seemingly so real and vanishes and is forgotten in time and some wish or strain to get the dream back and its meaning.
So the edge of mind maybe the content of the mind and its juxtaposition and juggling of the content seems fresh and a new life and yet like the furniture in a room maybe changed round or new furniture added in a refurbishment it is the space of room that is always there, even if extreme cluttering is enforced. So the mind is always empty of content which some may seem as stupid, ignorant but that space is the real you and is there for form to arise or the room to fill, take away the walls and that space is still there, it is consciousness without thought and one is not a local imprisoned mind in a mind that really does not exist, a room of furniture that is a temporary construct to either exist for a persons lifetime or move to a new place and in the end all goes to an impermanent existence.
Should one be able to enjoy the room and its content and move on without attachment or needing the furniture (content of mind, beliefs, agendas and so on) and become so attached as to become addictive to them and so form an identity which one tries desperately to have forever and realising in an awakening that this identity is just content and is or can be changeable and like a dog chasing its tail, its really an illusion and like the magicians trick no matter how real one thinks it is it was merely a sleight of hand. Perhaps that is what we are all here for to sort out the sleight of hand for -----?
So falling of the edge of mind is really seeing the illusion of the content of mind and madness that is feared is because the content of the data in the mind has not the answers to reality and who one is, that is a breakdown of ego content, the computer ran out of memory and sort rapidly through the data and it did not match anything therein or thereout,
so suicide, depression, violence or shutdown with perhaps extreme pursuit of distractions may follow to drown the pain and it will be a shadow and one may forever be looking over one's shoulder to imaginary pursuer which was the content of the mind in one of its upgrades or juggling endeavours to make a reality and be forever safe.
Imagine and feel that you are an ice cube and that is your present incarnation and in that cube is stored you present life's experiences, with graphic memories of the high's and low's and that you are full and vibrant or depressed and sunken beneath some unknown fear or a heavy pressing overbearing weight. Perhaps you are riding high or contemplating suicide or into heavy addiction and distraction anything to bury or ease the pain of living. Then feel the sides of the cube interrelating and interfacing to those near and dear or alone and isolated, whatever your circumstance endeavour to see your journey so far.
As our lives move on the ice cube is melting and losing its shape of course the ice would melt quickly as to compared the analogy as to our body and also depicting the relationships regarding the elapse of time and its disparities. The interfaces may change and if the cubes were in a bowl they would interface at differing angles as the melt progresses which may by analogy mean changes in relationships.
For those with hard and fast rules, disciplines and beliefs they might endeavour to stop the melting and refuse to lose shape and content. They might fear mortality and even fight the process of death and gradual dying. And some who see that the thoughts and content of their minds are but inherited and inculcated and conditioned and realise their 'brain washed' content and that it is mere thought and conditioning and feel the cube is real as life goes on this planet and has rules of engagement and are content to hold very little of the content as possible and furthermore they realise that their journey maybe to find another 'level' of content and they may awaken to a deeper fundamental consciousness which does not rely on the content of thought and the melting process, this is the process of natural evolutionary procedure and they are merely following increments and steps to no thought in fact steps to nowhere.
Courtesy Shutters Stock 2
They accept they are a temporary form arsing in this space ( consciousness) and the formless nature in which they tasted through the awareness of stillness is Life and that is their true nature. The so called empty mind the 'no mind' is not the cube and their identity with the cube or their body is a natural process and the melting is leading them to the unknown, the nothingness, the empty atom is a step into the unknown and they realise they were not afraid of the unknown but were clinging to known that is the analogy of the cube to the body and they can let go of the cube without fear or trepidation and accept and live without identity in the embrace of the still silent space of Being.
We become conscious of our true nature beyond thought and the so called thoughtless nature of no form or content, we become self aware of ourselves as indeed the Universe is.
Is there such a thing as reality? Have a look at the you tube video above. It is suggested that it maybe simulated?
My view is that words in the video as all words are ideas passed down from theory to theory and it is all taught and on borrowed or upgraded ideas. So I feel that our minds manufacture or manifest mind patterns into beliefs so as to make it real and sort of solid, sort of safe and sort of, sort of. This all comes back to inculcation which is the persistent repetition of ideas and data which are instilled in the mind, in fact mind maybe because of the data, the data moves on and some believe it so vehemently that it becomes a belief that in some is so water tight as to be a life long platform that life and death is the foundation for all thought and action.
I feel that our inculcated ideas, agendas and beliefs form our reality, it is just a mind game and is just a virtual simulation as real as virtual reality and A1 will enhance the fantasies of reality and lead us further into the world on non reality trying to prove it is reality.
I offer another view of the Video above; The first of many was Sir James Hopwood Jeans (1877-1946) and he stated 'The Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter... we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.
In a 1931 interview published in The Observer, Jeans was asked if he believed that life was an accident or if it was, "part of some great scheme." He said that he favoured, "the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness," going on to suggest that, "each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind." Courtesy Wikipedia (He was a physicist, mathematician and astronomer)
I was evicted from UNI over my views on
consciousness and creative intelligence. I was not surprised it was not mentioned in
the video, although all the mind games hinted at it.
There is a well known quote in self growth and spiritual circles which is 'Who am I' and another quote is aid to be 'when you do not have to ask this anymore you have the answer', I question that? Many gave up the questioning got despondent and went into several distractions.
When I was given a Koan by Sensei any answer I came up with was a swift response of a flick of the 'the encouragement stick-Rinzai keisalzu' and later on I understood why as in many back SHACK'S because any logical or 'smart arse' were likely inculcation, note in particular
persistently with repetition, advertising and education, lifestyles, religion, science all can be of this nature,` depending on how blatant, insidiously, subliminally and just repetitious chanting can induce such effects. Grooming by the internet of children and vulnerable persons have become a nightmare for the victims and those who are in authority and charged with upholding the moral compass and ethics.
My exposition is that the 'me' is not in the thought process which to me is in the category of the conditioned inculcated brain mind processes. So this hints at something beyond thinking or explanation it is prime pristine consciousness and goes beyond description and definition, it is an experience. It is awareness without thought and the empty mind as it were of Eastern Philosophy is that. So emptiness is not a dull dark void but a consciousness of awareness an alert awakened sharp something without thought.
This theme of emptiness and in previous SHACKS I refer to as 'nowhere to hang your hat' not having an identity as such and a kind of rebirth back to 'show me your original face koan' and a further one 'show me your face before you were born' and this akin to to not having a choice with your birth and your name, the first inculcation, I refer to as Stamp 1. Having to live with this emptiness is the hall mark of the spiritual warier and not made into 'hook and false belief' and having to remind oneself to be empty. Appreciating there are beliefs in reincarnation and pre-life contracts and this in serious research has some bearing on the birth, should one carry over unfinished business or failure to clear the cache of a previous incarnation then one may return to clear these issues and so have a clear pristine consciousness and perhaps we are witnessing now the clearing house of outworn not fit for purpose being forced by war torn wars and outdated fear and hate in order to come to the emptiness which is pure potential and a renewed cycle of a rebirth into awareness with thought and inspiration coming from the empty seamless space as it were.
Courtesy Vation Ventures
The conditioned mind is similar to the image above mainly all virtual reality, in fact the 'me, I and you' are constructed on beliefs which some are so fixed by persistent repetition that they become a platform, a construction pad, a known and safe place and yet on research and questioning are mere ideas that have been for centuries the rock bed of many and so clung too sometimes so fiercely that one would defend it to death and kill for it. The 'me' is a historical library and catalogue all bound together in a tome sometimes so heavily treasured and cherished they become holy. A quote by J. KrishnaMurti 'we are not afraid of the unknown we are afraid of losing the known' so much so that when we look at the Empty Atom and the Observer Effect we may be puzzled and the quantum 'stuff' is making the theories, vast equations and names that boggle the intellect and yet many a physicist have seen one cannot put equations on the quantum stuff because there is every possibility and probability in there and has the observer the ability to choose a probability and possible choice, the choices are usually made from the 'known which is the Me'.
The message of the empty atom is, is by the virtue of its emptiness it showing the emptiness of the Universe and is not recognising that space, emptiness is awareness, it is consciousness. Which is the ME before conditioning arose, also emptiness cannot be filled if it is then form and creation is there and all forms planets, stars and bugs are impermanent, they come and go whereas awareness does not, only when thought clouds the mirror of one's true self. They are virtual components projected onto the screen of mind by the collective belief system named ego. 'Mind is like a mirror bright make sure no dust alights'
Particles, atoms, molecules are said to be the building blocks of creation, they are found in stars and so on and they are so set that I feel they are mere platforms, scaffolds to hang certain thoughts on that clothe the ME with local impermanent virtual ideas and collected data, scientists have created the illusion as have Universe that these particles are real and delve into quantum stuff and one will see the mystery and instead of admitting the emptiness of it all mathematical equations and formulae, theories and vast machine to smash matter and find there is nothing there or even smaller 'bits' and when studying these bits one is studying oneself, we are the matter under the scanning electron microscope and really asking who are we?
There are no atoms and so on they are mere constructs to help humans understand things about creation, they are steps on the way, rungs of the ladder until the conditioned local mind gives way and opens Itself to nonlocality and the illusion we exist and this is the illusion and delusion that actually we do not exist, this is the crux we have been inculcated to believe we exist whilst we may exist only in the Mind of The Universe, We were and are dreamed into existence by an aware intelligent creator, a part of the dream and fantasies of that pristine prime consciousness.
This morning of the twelfth of January 2025 and looking out of the window to a deep frosty clear bright morning it brought a flash thought and a smile with an inner grunt as if a deep recognition and agreement came; lovely nature the trees bare and yet glorious the fences and huts frost covered with moss peeping through and a quiet stillness.
I found myself reflecting on the flash; nature is so pristine and is not contaminated by human thought and yet paradoxically it is human silent delighted admiration and gasping at the beauty without explanation, just sheer unadulterated love and appreciation a 'thoughtless awareness' that joins with the thoughtless awareness of nature, humans and nature realise their unison and essence. In that instance humans gift of self awareness is shared with nature and the exchange of thoughtless beauty and essence in nature to humans is exchanges by human self awareness to nature. It is as if nature and humans have awaited these gifts of Spirit to one another for many a years.
I have taken poetic licence over the hungry ghost in the image above. To me the ego is the hungry ghost mainly because it is invisible as a sentient form as recognisable to the senses and it only shows itself through its actions, it is the prompter behind the scenes that which is composed of beliefs, patterns, graphics and emotions conglomerated into an energetic mass and formed into a entity which feeds of a healthy pure mind source and is indeed a parasite or a virus like being.
The ego entity is never satiated and this is because it knows and is keenly aware of its nature, which is leached from the life force of the individual. Because it is leached it is aware of no real authenticity, it flounders along and when exposed as to its flimsy existence it then tends to grab and shore up and build layers around itself which in many cases leads to defence and attack tactics.
Its leached energy is fed by inculcation( the process of fixing beliefs or ideas in someone's mind, especially by repeating them often: persistent repetitive input, sometimes relentless and threatening) so the life energy is leached and feeds a box set of hardened compact concretised dense energy fields which the brain decodes by signals from the neurones and then acts on the body mind interface and produces an outcome via and commensurate to the inculcated belief systems. Hence other and opposite systems of inculcated egos can cause war and severe relationships and can destroy the host if its demands are not acted upon or destroy those opposed to its doctrines and actions.
The typical hungry ghost has a large belly and thin frame, the belly demands more food to build its thin and emaciated body into a more substantial frame and structure. Even a hopeless case of lack of self confidence is a form of this ego, it thrives of its hopeless image and it blames its misery on fate and an angry God or parents and so on and then endeavours to impress the world and often the homeless drab person can rise to be a defiant despotic dictator endeavouring to hide its feeling of weakness and historic failure. The emotional hurt and trauma ever in the backdrop of the mind, a haunting taunting mocking hazy feeling that seems to stick like glue to a almost non identity defying grasping or grabbing it by the throat and doing away with the uncomfortable feeling of inadequacy an inability to deal with life and to compensate it with extreme or depressed measures.
Then the egos entertainment; the emotional buzz, the highs and lows, the roller coaster of images and endless fantasies, each one exacting the emotional high, low, drama or even death, I had patients who were addicted to sex, nymphomaniac, satyriasis (satyromania, Don Juanism ) and they toured the worlds 'flesh pots' both were bi sexual and he went mad trying to find the 'kicks' for new partners, positions of anatomy and so on and he then went to psychiatry and I do not know what happened, she went to drugs and again looking for more thrills and buzzes, she refused help of any kind and threw herself of a high rock in Cornwall shouting, this is the 'final thrill' and died crushed and maimed. Then many fantasies, each one trying to get the emotional high or satisfaction which ever the ego demands according to its stored box of graphics and life experiences. In vain sometimes revisiting old fantasies in a desperate effort to get the 'last time' feeling and high and then being disappointed and feeling robbed and cheated and self blame and sometimes the guilt and humiliation of such episodes and some saying, Oh God knows what I am doing and trying to hide in darkness or another room so as God will not see them or in their heads.
Some egos are not aware of all the above and just feel its OK until they are deprived of all stimulus, others fear that they will carry this over to another incarnation and come back to try to finish off what they feel it unfinished business and some as actual ghost that try to possess a host or feed of satanic black magic rituals or just sex parlours, brothels or individual shaking with emotional highs and lows. When there is an awakening and recognition of the above and the condition still arises, there then can be a window as the awakening often brings in with it some means of relief or assistance although not entirely at peace and absolving or exculpating in front of God or ones own image of right and wrong in the moral compass and comes to terms with it and some break through.
These can be classed as addictions and any attempts to supress, bury, justify the guilt or the rampaging lust for more and more in order to surround oneself with layers of protection, an armour as to the hurt one feels and burying one's head in the sand, may give temporary peace but it lays there in the bushes and sand and awaits a chink in the armour and springs into life and one is off on the wheel of never ending repetitive karma, does it ever end, maybe, but does the Universe stop Its seasonal cycles, sometimes it comes to a sell by date and evolution kicks in to stop the same old, same old from reoccurring and perhaps that is why the Five Mass Extinctions were about and the turmoil we see today as everything seems to break down is the same message. Perhaps these are the signs of the 6th Mass Extinction arriving and maybe with the knowledge of the previous five we can alleviate the extreme devastation.
There is a scientific thing which I like and have my own interpretation and poetic licence of and it is Viscount IIya Prigogine and his dissipative structures in thermodynamically circumstances; all organically living systems have to exchange a sort of trade with the outside systems such as food, water, then excreta as faeces and urine and so on, the organism then through this exchange grows and evolves, then at some point there is sort breakdown when the input and out put balance and a kind of chaos ensues as the organism grows through it stages of evolving. Like the crab shedding its carapace, the snake its skin, the caterpillar to the chrysalis and baby to infant and so on at these dissipative events a sort of chaos ensues, the snake is vulnerable while the new skin evolves, the crab the shell is soft until hardens and the caterpillar goes through its metamorphize to the butterfly. Should the exchanges with the organism and the external supply be healthy and excreta have been equal for instance food in urine and faeces out acting as compost and manure then on this equal and nourishing exchange the chaos is the neutral as it were silent growth and the outcome the organism grows successfully to its evolutionary increment should the exchanges be hindered or not fully integrated then it emerges after chaos into a blemished form. This often seen when mutations occur and self replicating cells and organs suffer some defect.
The outcome; maybe chaos is the breeding ground or field for the phoenix to rise from the ashes of the old, this is what manure and compost are.
Many a search of self seeker gets to a point of a somewhat detachment, either logically because all things are impermanent, or its easier to live with and there is sense in it, or they have a taste of loss of identity by realising their inculcations and they then can accept it or live in a mental construct of the void.
I have found many who are disillusioned at people and say why are they like this or that and really wanting them to be like themselves. They have good aspirations, depending on one's views of good or bad and a careful examination may find one's views changing rapidly or a slow fermenting process. Just before the new year of 2025, there were a series of cars and trucks ploughing into people at Christmas Eve and New Year it seems as though they were disillusioned and this was their way of making the public aware of their frustrations and to urge them to change their views or their political masters to alter their policies. Their frustration not listened too or to seek help to relieve their fermenting dislike building into a boiling rage and then the red hot determination to be heard and destroy, kill eliminate in order expiate their or others guilt and relieve the pus in the angry boil and the lance to the boil the act of violence and unspent rage and hatred.
The authorities then condemn the perpetrators and brand them terrorists and the two battle their views and politics and a deadly ping pong game ensues. These issues are long held beliefs over many generations and each side genuinely believing they are right and some saying God is on their side. The guilt and atrocities are mollified by the belief so hardened in the fire by repeated impacted persistency of these beliefs and concepts that it becomes a concretised structure so obdurate that even death will suffice and be sacrificed for families and natation's in reckless vendettas.
How sad when these are generations of concepts which are thought processes built into 'holy' 'political' 'religious' tomes in which are repeatedly preached, taught and hammered into by the recipients of these institutions and their disciples, students and devotees. To defy or even question is not permitted or when permitted the elite authorities keep a watch on their inquisitive followers and put in such a fierce vibe as to deter any further questions and in many children they are brought up this way, like in Startrek and the 'Borg resistance is futile' and the hive mind of the Borg is adopted.
So we see today in 2025 with AI and the advances in technology and surveillance that a world hive mind is sought by various factions and the working out of karma is prevalent. When a mass explosion of the masses arrives as well it might because of nausea of killing and torture and many dissatisfied people come together then if common sense does kick in, the authorities feel threatened then mass world roundups and huge concentration camps which if you research have been secretly built in many countries who foresaw that a time would come when the intelligence and the natural child like inquisitiveness would supressed and a dominant obedience replaced as the New World Order cabal and Elite Globalists become the leaders in a dystopian society.
What then is the solution? If anyone has a solution it will be opposed by another such is the nature of duality because opposite are in conflict rather than complimentary. Perhaps it must come after many years of suffering and humiliation people realise themselves through an awakening it is the way I was taught, brought up, I was brain washed and why does it matter if I think this or that? Ah but it does because someone is uncomfortable with your attitude, you do not belong. And so the game begins, if it were a game it would sort of be OK but it can lead to deadly consequences.
This is an area in which atoms and particles are involved and yet are not, all quantum stuff is paradoxical. I feel and have written about the chakras and auras and they are are natural and have their specific frequencies and vibrations according to the individual.
Courtesy Evergreen Healing 2
I feel that an article I wrote and included the following Monday 4th November 2024 'The prime Directive' in laid the foundation to this and that slowly science and academia were coming to grips with consciousness and dare one say creative design of the Universe.
R.C. Henry professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University in a 2005 essay is quoted as saying:
A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction.
Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote (born 1877--till 1946, when he wrote the quote below he was castigated. I know this feeling as I was over the same issue, actually Sir James Hopwood Jeans expressed this at a lecture, he was courageous and brave)
“The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather to hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.
– Eugene Wigner, theoretical physicist and mathematician said:
“It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”
This is the foundation of
hyperdimensionality - the idea that the universe is made up of many dimensions,
some of which are hidden because they are beyond the reach of our physical
I equate this to the auras as in the images 1 and 2.
Hyperdimensionality ties into string
theory, which states that reality is made up of infinitely small vibrating
strings that are smaller than atoms, electrons or quarks.
As the strings
vibrate, twist and fold, they produce effects in multiple unseen dimensions
that give rise to all the particles and forces that we can observe, from
particle physics to gravity.
'String theory
is essentially a theory of hyperdimensionality,' Pravica said. 'It's looking at
how the universe is put together on a sub-quantum scale.'
Pravica believes that our brains can tap into higher dimensions when in a dream state or performing deeply creating or intellectual tasks
Dr Pravica is the lead scientist in this link and I feel very courageous in this Dr Pravica believes that Jesus was a hyper -dimensional being.
Some years back I was researching the holographic Universe and brain and came across put forward by Karl Pribram and I had some communication with him and it came to nothing, I felt that with all the electrical current going across the neurons and synaptic's along with the electrophysiology caused interference patterns which can be seen in holography.
Courtesy VCF Press Book 3
I feel that in quantum entanglement and the string theory the patterns of vibrating frequencies at differing rates of vibration cause similar holographic representation according to the Universal Design and Creator, of course at the time the academic world as it is now is debating consciousness, creative design and God.
I feel the reference waves are the blueprint algorithm that sets the design and are the basic carrier waves that then by 'vibrating string' in magnetic matrices that interconnect form the holographic Universe. Our brain down loads this and according to our upbringing interprets or edits the picture due to inculcation, brain, washing, conditioning, life style, culture. Experiments in telepathy were interesting; a person brought up to see a bus as a double decker and sent to a receiver human whose first impression was a red single decker did not work, however when just a bus were sent they connected. Just as when scientists went to first nations people who had not seen a white person or a large ship or aeroplane they did not see it however the Shaman did ( experiments in Borneo and Kalahari Desert Busmen and later on leading to the famous 100 monkey effect). It is my feeling that the Shaman was able either through trance and meditation and drumming entrain the brain from everyday living into other brainwave activity, like dream and access alpha, delta, delta and gamma along with many other frequencies that the 'hyperdimensial' beings are able to do. Rhythmic drumming, chanting, avid prayer. meditation (in certain places under the guidance of a Shaman certain plants and drugs are used one such one is said to be ayahuasca. This shows the brain as decoder, broadcaster and receiver and just that there is a separate entity if you like that has invaded the sacrosanct amazing brain or rather the memory and storage field that the brain down loads from that force their way in by incessant inculcations over the many thousands of years. These field are in opposition to the Universal blueprint fields of natural Universal frequencies.
Courtesy A-Z quotes and Deepak Chopra 4
To take up what dear Deepak says and in my view which by now is well known to many, I say the ego is a containment a ring fence of boxed up brain washed ideas and few innovations on them, OK technology has many 'new inventions' but al are derived from previous research, however religious doctrine, life style handed down from generations, social customs and attitudes can hold fast and change in very small percentages and so all of us to some extent are held in the claws of someone else's ideas, parental influence and here I am not against parental education, long outdated ideas and patterns through education systems, political ideals and ethics all outmoded and not commensurate with the epoch we live in at the moment. These ringfenced experiences gathered through life are the reference to our emotions and reactions. Many of belief systems based on our inculcations and then our moral, ethical stimulus sometimes at odds with the 'political narrative' and the stifling of free speech to 'air our views' so these get stuffed back into the unconscious and a silent revolt build up and like a fermenting substance the pressure builds up and hey presto, anger, revolt, mental illness, severed relationships and a broken world society. So the ego frequencies are at odds with nature and our own nature which peeps out now and then and becomes a battle of the heart versus logic, intellect and scientific with political and media influence and often confusion and uneasy and wrong decisions made. These are the fields of opposition.
Way back in the late 60's, middle 70's and late 80's there were a group of us during these time periods who were putting foreword ideas and papers which got several of us 'chucked' out of various places of academia and some were stiped of their degree, humiliated and squashed and broken and never recovered and became diminished.
My experience was to start to lecture and share my '1967' downloads and did so starting in 1970 at the age of 32. In the brief I was given re the '67' down loads was to try and find scientific articles to back it up. I was instructed in these writings to take note of electron volts it said they were the indicators of the New Age arriving (popularly known as the age of Aquarious) and the new human being slowly birthed (like a long slow cooker process) and were named Homo Spiritulana Energetica and new frequencies which 'rode' on the back of certain gamma rays acting as carrier waves would enter the solar system and reconfigure human DNA as of Natural and Universal blueprints which would be sensed and measured by some and stopped and blocked by some. The crucial years would be 1967---2012-----2013--
2032----2033----2075 and the energies of change would be in increments and electron voltage indications. Below I offer just one or two of these from the past and now a hint from now;
Monster" outflows of charged particles from the centre of our Galaxy, stretching more than halfway across the sky, have been detected and mapped with CSIRO's 64-m Parkes radio telescope.
Compare this with 'An article by the Daily Telegraph Science Editor 5th July 1995 revealed the startling findings of scientists in America and Japan
This is latest research above
An article by the Daly Telegraph Science Editor 5th July 1995 revealed the startling findings of scientists in America and Japan.
They normally measure cosmic rays in millions of electron volts. Over the last two years they have measured rays to the power of 320 billion, billion electron volts. To quote the article:
“ Something out there –no-one knows what- is hurling high energy particles around the Universe, in this case the most energetic ever observed by scientists…Not even the power released by the most violent exploding stars could account for them. Indeed conventional theory says such particles should not exist…”].
Steve Judd mentions this in his January 27 2011 blog. energygrid
energy no longer exist.
95% of the neurons (the bits that trigger and fire information) in our brains are in the cerebral cortex, the thin brown layer of jelly that actually surrounds the brain, analagous to humanity's existence on the surface of the Earth. Linking the two hemispheres of the brain is a bunch of fibres known as the corpus callosum. It can be proved that in artists, musicians, left handed people and in those who are comfortable with being out of the norm that the corpus callosum is growing physically larger, and it appears within the last thirty or forty years that this growth increase is exponential, not only in these people but in all of us. The bridge between the left and right brains was the width of a thin pencil a hundred years ago, and I'm assured by a couple of mortician/pathologist clients of mine (really!) that in many people now this bundle of fibres is now the width of one's forefinger. This suggests to me that the interface between the left and right brain in most of us is now considerably more active than it was three or four generations ago. Of course this could be down to our diet.
The link below headlines by Courtesy of this was seen in 1995 and 2016 and gradually my articles on consciousness and electron volts are being verified now, its confirmation for me because I was so hounded and put down, it is cold comfort in my elderly years, I wonder if my degrees would be reinstated---I trust not in away it would open up a can of worms and many who have passed on it would be disingenuous to them and wake old animosities not good fro them and or me.
Scientists find highest energy cosmic ray electrons ever seen
"Understanding these cosmic rays allows us to unveil big particle accelerators in the universe that are often associated with the most violent phenomena."
Now my research took me further; I found that many ethnic races told that the Black hole at the Centre of The Milky Way is where the emanations were coming from and that this was indeed a portal which was linked to many commensurate portals leading to the 'God Head' or a basic field that supplied the needs of the Universe and was indeed the Creator of the Universe, my research then led me to the quantum zero vacuum field.
Many ancient references were given and I am sure you could research as well.