Thursday, 15 February 2018


Western School of Fenshi
Sitting in meditation the breath gets almost imperceptible and it seems to come without a deliberate conscious effort, it is different to any other type of breath, it seems part and parcel of the meditative state.

During this quietening down of the mind and breath thoughts get loud, as loud as the ‘ghetto blaster’ and they seem to be vying for my attention and saying ‘look at me, I’m important, I want recognition, I am your life, without me you are nothing, a vegetable, dull inert and stupid, an empty sounding echo box, no character or personality'.

By quiet observation of this whirlwind, this tornado, this assault by the ego to gain dominance and prominence and to squash one, tread one and beat one into submission for such can be the power of some ego’s (see the world condition of escalating violence) there would seem no way out of this dilemma.

However by silently watching and observing and not being swayed hither and thither and just watching with interest and not getting hooked in, gradually the storm begins to subside like a shutter slowly lifting and then all becomes quiet and serene and one knows this was just an outburst, a habit rearing itself, like a hamster on the wheel, the wheel of karma, the person like the hamster caught  up in the daily routines which become one's way of life and solidifies into a perceived reality and the rut, the groove becomes so ingrained it may seem the only choice.

However in this quiet emptiness there is no-thing to be challenged or assert itself---Itself has found Itself.  

It then seems as if the breath comes from the space of no-mind, it is as if the breath arrives not only from the mechanisms of pressure of the diaphragm, the bellows of high and low pressures caused therein or from the oxygen for they are all the carriers facilitated by the fleshly components.  This breath arrives from ‘the Void of The Universe’ the very Breath of The Cosmos and is accompanied by the whisper, nay not even whispered, but by a direct knowing without logic or head thinking.  It is indeed a mind of the individual fused and at one with the mind with The All and All, The Source talking to Itself.  This is not the same as ego talking to itself with a voice of a voice box and audible or even self think, thinking things through, logic and so on, these have their place in the play of life.

This is a direct knowing without gaps and is an experience beyond the understanding mind.  This breath then comes from source as it were and breathes itself as an ordinary breath and yet to experience it, it has a different feel and quality---it feels like the breath of the witness to its own source.

This is the breath of ‘no breath’ that sustains the witness and the soul when it leaves the body and then resides in its essence spirit or energy form, the energy or spirit is the essence which manifests itself as breath.

Certain ET’s, angels and other non flesh entities live with this ‘energy breath’ and humans get a touch of it in deep meditation (not trance or hypnosis).  This could well be a preparation for one’s passing beyond this Earthly existence, one merely sinks into the breath and as it gets more slow and quiet and then slowly gently surrenders to the ‘no breath’ and so resides in the next ‘life to be’.

Certain highly evolved humans can bring back to life others and themselves in certain circumstances--- taste of this can be felt in NDE’s, crash victims and so on.

To quote 'I feel as I am breathed, as my body were a flute and someone is breathing the tune through me'





The ego mind, that is the mind separated from the ‘mind of The Universe’ and is almost all of its life at odds with the Cosmos and its intension's and certainly is skittish and fickle.

The ego agenda is amazingly adaptable and is capable of endless computations and combinations. It is a wonderful impersonator, mimic and confidence trickster. This is because at the every depth of its being it really does know that is merely a collection of pixel storage a DVD and CD hologram programme like apparatus and a sort of animated simulation which appears real and solid with a full emotional hype and yet in reality is just a hologram and therefore a see through illusion. In order to convince itself of reality and sureness it asserts itself seeking applause and praise from wherever it can, especially from itself.

Because of its inherent frailty and fragility it has to justify and shore itself up with an arsenal of defense and attack strategies and it is a master of guise, disguise and deception even using weakens and ‘the poor me helpless act’ using vulnerability to attract attention and for using others. Then there is bullying antagonistic angry raw aggression. There is much more to say, its best to leave it there and not fuel the ego with ideas to compute and manipulate.   

One maybe so besotted and bemused by the antics of this splinter, this chard of supposed reality and not realize that it is not the real you and the seduction so complete that it takes up residence and becomes a tenant of one’s body and mind, a kind of parasite that causes an infection, a mind virus a living energy being, an invader of the self, which has been glossed over and then carries on its nefarious business with intricacies and connivances and is lost in its own agenda and mind set and the every thought of another mind set, especially ‘the no –mind’ which is classed as insanity and a severe mental illness and enlightenment is seen as with oriental empty mind as lunacy and yet when some sort of empty mind is experienced it appears to be almost devoid of reactive thought, and is calm, joyful and for no reason at all, just for its own sake, it loves without emotion which is compassion because that is its essential nature.

This cannot be achieved by discipline in a way, accept to say by observation without intention, not even reminding oneself ‘I must be aware and not judge’ although reminders maybe needed at first ( there is catch reminding oneself to be aware---does this not constitute a discipline, a habit in formation?) yes in a way it does, however there comes an experience gathered by observation and real deep intuition (not false impulse) that the witness, the observer is the real you and that all else is merely graphics of the ego computer and projector played onto the screen of mind.

The mind may seem to be empty, the observer is in the gap vacated by the habit of internal dialogue and chatter, one realises that the ‘empty’ mind is invisible, silent and thoughts arise or rather are there which are delivered not through thinking and logic, although these do have their place. Because one is the mind of reality there in no need to think, it just is there without effort and is not prompted by a topic or any other ego depiction.

Experiencing this ‘silent thought’ has a different signature, feel and quality and is unique creative and original, it is right action in the right timing and is not reactive.  It awakens one to ‘thoughts beyond thoughts’ and transcends understanding, it does not need the sanction of the ego and stands alone, it is empirical.

flashcard monkey


At one time in my early years I felt my Sensei was cold and hard and very Japanese or oriental and then later I had grown to like my Sifu and understood his somewhat seeming remoteness.  These were of course my perceptions ah la upbringing, cultural acceptance and of course being young at the time of the world war two and the media about the Japanese on the cruelty and torture of the prisoner of war camps and the Nazi concentration camps( it seems we are going back to camps and torture by many nations in 2017) my perception was laundered by these events and of course being born into a Jewish family. 

My early years with Sensei certainly had an effect on my family and they could see that I was no longer following my Jewish religion, I tried to explain that Zen was a way of Life and not actually a religion.  They thought as did my few mates and girlfriends I had become remote, cold and hard.  One of my girlfriends thought she could not reach the real me and I lived in a Ivory Tower and was introverted and needed psychiatry.

I had and have tried to explain in articles I did online and in this Post some blogs back that after my Koan incident with Sensei his remark to me was 'sit down have a cup of tea now your troubles begin, you will never be the same'.  At that time I felt elated together and at peace. I was very young just eighteen in 1956 and the profound change hit me hard, not at the time of the Koan 'ha ha' but then going out to work and so on was a real challenge.

 The friends did not have the same values as me, not to say they were wrong and me right, and my workmates thought me odd and my neighbors now share that view.  My neighbors often say ' he's a nice bloke really, very helpful and kind, but odd, seems odd somehow, can't put my finger on it really'

Over the last few years I just cannot grieve over dear ones who have passed on, yes I miss them for a while and just move on, it is not because I believe in a heaven or life after death, in fact I have few beliefs, I just feel a lot of compassion and feel life is eternal in some form or other, I have no father or mother image of God, no man with beard, no mother angel or deity, just this feeling of a presence of some sort, invisible and yet powerful in a dynamic energy, perhaps I am deluded and kidding myself and substituting this for a definite dogma, guru, figure head and religious outlet.

Meditation and Qi Gong seem to be the foundation of living on Earth at present. My family have a sort of distance from me and me from them, I feel I have no family, I feel they are like people I know, I have no friends I love as such, I just regard them as people, no favorites or ones I like best.  I have deep respect for folk and deep compassion for them and Earth with nature.  I cannot love especially anything or anyone, yet I am moved to tears at certain feelings of deep love I feel in meditation, yet this is an ethereal love if you like and it is not the love of human affection. 

I really do not have a special love or like for any person who ever they are. I feel gratitude to be living on Earth and for no special reason than being alive and aware.  I am ready to leave Earth anytime Life moves me on and am fast shedding any regrets and past shadows. So hopefully when I leave this incarnation I will have cleared a sufficient amount of debit and karma and end this round of Earthly visits.

So the remoteness I feel is such; when I look at trees and animals, insects, birds and fish, plants and vistas, yes they are beautiful and then next slide please, yes exquisite and exotic, yes move on please.  Attachments we have to defend as they become securities and the mechanisms of defense and attack can be our modus operandum so maybe cold and hard is perhaps really emotionally stable and I cannot claim to be that consistently nor do I suppress my emotions I am in the process of becoming, becoming what one may ask?

Rocks and mountains are shaped by the weather, they are a sculpture in making, should one be shaped by Life, the Dao, The Do, the Tao, the course of evolution by nature and its Host, then one moves on and allows Life to be the signature of Evolution in me and everything, and if nature seems cruel to some there is a reason which maybe hidden and yet reveals itself in its right timing.

So cold or hard, right or wrong, hot and cold, emotional love or compassion, these are the seasons of Life and like the weather and cycles of Earth it depends how one navigates these and reacts---perhaps this is there to test and refine and the sculpture turns out to be either one's own agenda conditioned by cultural, religious or political agendas or the Agenda of Natures Evolution which is passed onto us by the Universe and the Cosmic Plan.



Sitting in meditation and feeling that serene calmness suddenly there appeared an experience which was not visual in the sense of it.  I was the experience and lived it as my being rather than my being showing me or whispering to me an example to prove to my being that I am a being and endeavoring to allay any doubts of who I am.

There is this energy field around my physical body a cocoon and it consisted of thousands and millions and trillions of fine sparkling dots defying description, some other descriptions are; like the sun's rays streaming forth and lighting up dust particles, shimmering on a hot tarmac road in summer, steam particles in the shower, all of these tiny sparkling dots, blinking in and out and I had the intuitive feeling they contained intelligence and information and were the Life Force, the very building block energies and frequencies that were the scaffolding and the matrix magnetic fields that when slowed down and compacted made up the physical body and on death and demise the conscious information intelligence receded or melted back into the 'sparkles' the fountain of the Life Force Fields, it became Itself again in essence without manifesting a physical form. 

This field of energy consciousness could contain the experiences of this present incarnation and many others and this then would be a continuity of many Life experiences, however this repetitious cycle only represents history repeating itself and is not really evolution maybe by small increments, the attraction and ingrained habits drawing one back to lure and seduce the physical senses and not really to refine to higher energy and life enhancement. 
The real crux of the experience WAS and IS that I AM this energy field. This hit me like a bolt of lightening and it seemed so profound that I wept with sheer joy and felt so free and joyful. It gave me a sense of being an eternal intelligent self aware being.  It also gave a knowledge of that this energy manifestation is not the Fount of Life but the ‘Information Particles are the fine building blocks’ , like fine powder dough to make the cake.  These issued forth from the Source and were an inextricable ingredient and really one and the same, one being the Intelligence at work and the other the silent invisible source.

Furthermore it shaped itself as the surround of the physical body like the Earths magnetic field, a kind of energy field that looked as though it was a magnet, with energy emanating from the perineum and the fontanelle, similar to when I do a certain Qi Gong exercise with chi seeming to arise from the hyin and to bahui and traveling through the center chong meridian. 

Of course all this is nowhere near the real ‘thing’ and words fail no matter how eloquent one can get them, it is a personal and in some ways private experience given and blessed by the Self to the Self. 


I had a sense of the energy arising from the Earth and from the Sun  trough the hyin and leaving the bahui and then reversing the process and then at times a continuous flow and then most extraordinary one a continuous spraying like hands delicately going from head in an arc to the waist while painting as it were the lovely cascade and waterfall fountain.(SHACK)



innovation--insigh--Ben Morris

Homeostasis (homeostasis)
the tendency of biological systems to maintain relatively constant conditions in the internal environment whilecontinuously interacting with and adjusting to changes originating within or outside the system. See also balance andequilibrium. adj., adj homeostat´ic. The term is considered by some to be misleading in that the word element-stasisimplies a static or fixed and unmoving state, whereas homeostasis actually involves continuous motion, adaptation,and change in response to environmental factors.
Balance is not rigid; balance is a constant movement, a dynamic, a play between yin and yang.  It is nature in its pristine form without human intervention that depicts this.

Holding on tightly, mentally, physically, psychologically and transmitted as a psychosomatic tension manifesting as illness, imbalance which can actually be seen as dizziness, faintness, forgetfulness because as the mind feels the body let go and the body clinging and then to let go and with the relaxation a faintness may occur. The mind imaging falling from its dogmatic stance then transmitting this to the neuropeptide cascade to the cells which then get programmed and conditioned to expect this as a natural behavior pattern---and so we fall.

Tension is another form of fear unless we need it for work such as lifting, carrying and such like.  Tense parts of the body that can be felt in repose can be a point of held trauma, fear of re occurrence and are in direct opposition to the body’s homeostasis. 

Of course the longer the duration of the habit the more ingrained it becomes and then this becomes the way of life, it then can become life long and one can come to believe this to be the only way of existence and apparent reality and envying or detesting others who may seem pitiful or better off.  In some cases the envy can be so great in intensity that one may destroy that better off being or a threat to become degraded as one who seems pitiful.  Such is the danger of tension which fixes as super glue habits that are acquired and stored over a life time.

Great awareness and non-judgmental observation is needed and a relaxed determination to let go of the body / mental part in its rigid fixation.

There is a saying “The body believes everything you tell it” The body then becomes the repository and dumping ground and the dustbin of garbage if it is used so.

Dearest body you are a Cosmic Gift, please forgive me as to the abuse I subjected you too.  I cannot justify this and say ‘well I am only human’ this does not mean one has to be gormless meek and weak willed and a door mat and a wilting flower. Nature can be strong, powerful and in some instances soft beautiful and sharing.  Each guided by the inherent guidance of the spontaneous intuitive response.



Thursday, 1 February 2018


Many people I have met and know now want to significantly change their life, their beliefs and as the late KrishnaMurti said' it's harder to change your fundamental beliefs than lose all your belongings'.  I have found it is like a merry go round, you ride the horse and all is well, then you fancy the sheep or the goat and torn between the possibilities and the whirling speed of new information the choices are hard and yet seem simple, the allure of finding the perfect niche.

Apart from making lots of money and then purchasing lots of commodities very few have found job satisfaction and it is merely ego satisfaction and massaging.  With the world situation as it is many people will probably change jobs and skills many times and with robots replacing many skills people may find themselves out of work and the governments fretting over dole money and benefits and the seniors living onto extended years---is this the reason why so many voices in the 'One World Government' are seeking a drastic culling of the worlds population' and why there is not a real political movement to stop the mutilation and death  rate of women and children.  

War is also profitable and not only does it harm humanity but nature and but the very life force quality itself, also making huge profits for the elite at the expence of the poor and needy.

Life is an informing field, an intelligence with intelligence from source to all its units of creation.  The units of information are given the facility to download this data and it may go against and antagonize the ego private agenda.  

This information field is Life.  Life is aware of Itself and it creates through the awareness of Itself as Life.

Going against the flow of life creates suffering to the breakaway splinter and then decay, ill health and discontent and then bitterness ensues.  Eventually the acid of discontent, envy, greed and lust will rot the soul and blunt the awareness which will cause a darkness which will birth evil, atrocity and vile noxious harsh behavior and will delight in maiming, torture, destruction with total chaos.

This monster from the deep, the dark dank rotting flesh of the evil saturated body may spread widely if not sensed and cleansed.

It is in this Earthly Life we have a chance to purge and purify ourselves, this Earth is a compost heap and it truly serves a solar system and Galactic purpose and that is why many were and are sent here for that reason.



What shape should I be?  Six pack, paunchy, any shape, fashion shape and so on.  I am the shape and size I want to be or should be. OK.

My poor lovely dear body, indeed it was poor and little. My dogmatic will of ego insisted it to be a bodybuilder, Judo / Karate Kung fu, foot balling super fit superman.
Yes a real six pack man then struggling with weight, ill health, not really listening to my darling dearest body pleading with me to let go.

Let my shape, my health be as it wants to be---listen to my body whispering to me, be the shape it’s meant to be, lean not towards fashion, attracting a mate, a girlfriend or seeking admiration.

Whatever shape you are be it with satisfaction. Be the shape you are.  Be in the space you want to be. Sink naturally into that space and fill it with the you your intuition informs you. Be not swayed by fear, fashion or family or well wishing friends.  Be who you are meant to be and that comes from  the inside, the center, the silent witness to Life that will witness, that will whisper in the silence of your soul.

Others maybe disturbed at the way you are, it is not to satisfy others, you are here for you and it is your birth right.  You are a child of the Universe and that spirit that created all and that included you.

There are all shapes and sizes in the Cosmos and there are all shapes in a jigsaw puzzle, be the shape that fits in with the all and all-----then how shall you know it?   By being at ease and flowing, relaxed and content, happy and smiling then you will know----especially when it lasts and cannot be cracked or shamed.

Maybe its all in the mind and the cultivation of attitudes.



As an organic form grows and by organic that which grows naturally as distinct from a manufactured process like a car, although one could argue they both consist of atoms and particles and the like.  Let us say the car stays a car until its rusts and is worn out, however an organic process if fed and nourished expands and grows.

One of the requisites that an organic process requires is material for growth and with that growth comes expansion.  This can only happen when there is an exchange with the environment that supplies the materials for growth.  In order to make space for the expansion the form has to expel or in the case of humans waste and shedding of old material, like a snake sheds its skin.

The best way or efficacious and energy saving way is to attune to natures way as much as is possible. In nature of which organic bodies are found in abundance they instinctively let go; the snake the skin, the crab the carapace and so on. When it comes to humans it is more complex. Depending how sensitive one is to their body and not just vanity, but listening in quietness and the body will speak in soft feelings and knowing in a intuitive spontaneous way and one feels it from head to toe so to speak, then a natural detox will occur.

With the expansion of the waste debris and outworn and outgrown matter which served well in its time of service and with a successful transition that takes place and a new expanded form arises which appears with a natural process that has been accomplished, if this state of expansion does not happen, a form may stagnate and wither and could die.

The body will take so much and then disease and pain set in.  Now the body will go its own way until it can take no more.
 Now let us look at the mind; there is saying now from new discoveries in neuroscience ‘that the mind is not in the brain, the brain is in the mind’ the brain is merely an interpreter, a computer for an energy field called mind. However this being so the field of mind, a magnetic field of containment determined in size or rather content is the ego if it is contained and never grows out of its cultural, religious, political and family ties, these are like posts in the ground with tethers that lets one go as far as the tether or restraint allows; the baby in the reins.

Fear of change then hinders the progress of exchange in the mind the mind environment stagnates while the body may continue for a while but really needs the mind for support and complete the whole process of total growth.

This then gives way to an energy flow and a free mind (there is natural fear to protect the organism from injury and harm as opposed to irrational mind fear by conditioning and media hype) this is determined by how close one is to natures rhythms and cycles, how quiet and reflective one is, how much does one live in artificial circumstances. As one lives in this modern technological world this becomes a real challenge, however there are those now awakening to nature and its call.



mathematical gemstones

What does it mean to be an all round person?  Well we can say this person is accomplished in a completeness that is almost watertight or in sport we can say this person can play any position and has beaten nearly everyone in their field of endeavor. 

Yet let us consider nature most of its most beautiful shapes are round and full, oval like eggs, branches and trees.  It is said round is strong in nature and the circle has balanced stresses.  

Filling a circle or pot is easily the most shapes people choose and with a circle one can expand its perimeters and it retains its shape.

Let us look at the round mind, this may seem a strange way of commenting on such a thing, however if one has a round mind then it capable of viewing itself with a three hundred and sixty degree of itself and an all round view. One is at the center of the circle and as such sees and knows the content of the mind, if it were not at the center it would see segments cut off from the circumference.

Perhaps nature chose the round shapes not because of strength and economy of energy alone but because nature is at the center of all things and is the intelligence and informing principle behind the scenes and manifestations of its forms.

Many think of atoms as round with a nucleus and electrons and things whizzing round it, of course atoms have been smashed and we get particles which in their essence and not shaped as such and lead one back to emptiness and this then gives way to something came from nothing.

Then nothingness is the backdrop, the canvas for something to appear on.

Then why did nature choose roundness?















SHACK  Now Posting  Post 335