Thursday, 15 February 2018


Western School of Fenshi
Sitting in meditation the breath gets almost imperceptible and it seems to come without a deliberate conscious effort, it is different to any other type of breath, it seems part and parcel of the meditative state.

During this quietening down of the mind and breath thoughts get loud, as loud as the ‘ghetto blaster’ and they seem to be vying for my attention and saying ‘look at me, I’m important, I want recognition, I am your life, without me you are nothing, a vegetable, dull inert and stupid, an empty sounding echo box, no character or personality'.

By quiet observation of this whirlwind, this tornado, this assault by the ego to gain dominance and prominence and to squash one, tread one and beat one into submission for such can be the power of some ego’s (see the world condition of escalating violence) there would seem no way out of this dilemma.

However by silently watching and observing and not being swayed hither and thither and just watching with interest and not getting hooked in, gradually the storm begins to subside like a shutter slowly lifting and then all becomes quiet and serene and one knows this was just an outburst, a habit rearing itself, like a hamster on the wheel, the wheel of karma, the person like the hamster caught  up in the daily routines which become one's way of life and solidifies into a perceived reality and the rut, the groove becomes so ingrained it may seem the only choice.

However in this quiet emptiness there is no-thing to be challenged or assert itself---Itself has found Itself.  

It then seems as if the breath comes from the space of no-mind, it is as if the breath arrives not only from the mechanisms of pressure of the diaphragm, the bellows of high and low pressures caused therein or from the oxygen for they are all the carriers facilitated by the fleshly components.  This breath arrives from ‘the Void of The Universe’ the very Breath of The Cosmos and is accompanied by the whisper, nay not even whispered, but by a direct knowing without logic or head thinking.  It is indeed a mind of the individual fused and at one with the mind with The All and All, The Source talking to Itself.  This is not the same as ego talking to itself with a voice of a voice box and audible or even self think, thinking things through, logic and so on, these have their place in the play of life.

This is a direct knowing without gaps and is an experience beyond the understanding mind.  This breath then comes from source as it were and breathes itself as an ordinary breath and yet to experience it, it has a different feel and quality---it feels like the breath of the witness to its own source.

This is the breath of ‘no breath’ that sustains the witness and the soul when it leaves the body and then resides in its essence spirit or energy form, the energy or spirit is the essence which manifests itself as breath.

Certain ET’s, angels and other non flesh entities live with this ‘energy breath’ and humans get a touch of it in deep meditation (not trance or hypnosis).  This could well be a preparation for one’s passing beyond this Earthly existence, one merely sinks into the breath and as it gets more slow and quiet and then slowly gently surrenders to the ‘no breath’ and so resides in the next ‘life to be’.

Certain highly evolved humans can bring back to life others and themselves in certain circumstances--- taste of this can be felt in NDE’s, crash victims and so on.

To quote 'I feel as I am breathed, as my body were a flute and someone is breathing the tune through me'



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