Thursday, 1 November 2018


Gary P Gilroy  Publications

When one reaches the edge of distraction, and what is distraction, it is running away from what is and what is, what is?

The truth may dawn upon one slowly and sometimes a real blast, like Thor’s Hammer; that life is about politics, family, religion, science, culture, paying the mortgage, bringing up kids, fighting for one’s country, being a celebrity, being a down and out, and so many other scenarios.  This can be satisfying, boring or wondering if there is more to life other than the so called norm.

Sometimes to get out of a rut if that is the problem or just bored or whatever, one may have to take a risk, a challenge and step outside the box, the known. This can be seen as a shifting evolving process and there maybe an urge to return to relative safety in the norm.  Then one finds that the norm is a distraction it is surface and superficial, a plaster over a cut. The stagnant water of the norm lures one to safety and then offers delights and distractions. Then comes disillusionment with the norm and one teeters on the edge of distraction and jumps tentatively into the unknown.

At first there maybe withdrawal symptoms as the unknown of course was previously unknown, one can find oneself confused by the brightness, alertness of fresh energy and intuitive inspirations, there is a feeling of being exposed, naked and without direction, a seemingly pleasant chaos. There is a calm that is seeping through and there is very little guidance, yet one somehow feels instinctively all is well. One lives more and more by chance, coincidence which becomes abundantly clear it is synchronicity and by letting go of the norm the norm begins to fit in some ways into a ‘way less way’ without distraction and just lets Life be the Guide rather than explicit strict rules and disciplines.  It is letting go of the norm to be free of it and yet to use its facilities without the desire to hoard and acquire many things which can dazzle the ego and start is desires again.

The more I want and desire come into it the more the ego surrounds itself with its desires and so the pain of constant acquisition and its maintenance comes in and the defence and attack systems to defend the treasure of the desires and then one  is hooked into the norm again.  The edge of distraction has gone and one is in distraction------distraction from freedom and ingenuity.     


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