Thursday, 1 November 2018


On a particular morning as I awoke and was living between semi sleep and wakefulness I felt the internal dialogue not so much as chatter but as a ‘full screen movie’ in my head so to speak, but I knew instinctively it was in or on the ‘screen of mind’, which appears to be physically located in the ‘head brain’.  Furthermore I realised it was a 3D holographic projection caused by the reference beams (laser technology in the brain) fired off by the electrical activity by the synapses, neurons and so forth.

In fact this is not a new concept, the late Karl Pribram theorised this, I felt the process in me, so the brain acts as a decoder like the TV and projects it into space seemingly outside the brain.  Actually it is a holographic projection and appears 3D that is why one can never see the 4D entirety.

Space is all pervading so it isn't inside or outside, it only appears so and as it is stated atoms being 99.99% empty and space but that space is not a dark unmoving sterile nothing, it is indeed a bright dynamic moving energy and is alive, aware with waves and pulses.

It is here the decoder takes these waves and frequencies and what would look like a jumbled assortment of waves and frequencies, taking these odd looking jumbled mass, perhaps something that may look like static on a monitor, these various troughs and peaks of the waves which form standing waves to interference patterns decodes them into a recognisable ‘photo picture with vivid colour, emotions and scenery or whatever is required'. This whole holographic scenario is so life like that it appears as reality and to many it is, however in essence it is beliefs and experiences stored in memory emotional fields which like a remote control can access these and believed to be one’s life and solid reality.

There is an entity who is the witness to this also created by the show.  This drama , this broadcast has a self created witness and is the ego.  The ego is the producer, the author and the director and the audience and draws its scripts from life accumulated experiences and can digitally rearrange and reconfigure them.  The ego has a library and almost unlimited ‘box sets’ of experiences in which it can copy and paste, juxtapose and compute in seemingly wondrous ways. The documentaries, fantasies and scenarios of this projection, this orchestrated construction appears so real, solid and believable as to be reality, and in a way it is to the ego which its way of perpetuating itself.

One flicks through the endless channels, books, videos and can become a couch potato an addict to the internet TV and constant 'texting', emailing and cell/mobile phone chatter and so becomes lost in others and outwardly things which can depreciate the loss of self.  One becomes a chameleon of information and feeds on endless ‘out there, somebody else stuff and information’.

Thinking in some cases is limited, life can be in the fast lane, or just run on ruts and railways lines, one becomes a victim to ones beliefs and becomes boxed and limited and yet maybe feels safe and secure until something comes to challenge the set up.

One is not oneself but lives in a world of fantasy whether it be dark and foreboding or light romantic hero or weak and ineffective, one lives on information from the archives of movies, celebrities all borrowed experiences which are substitutes for the creativity and aliveness of fresh self life and experiences. Some live in a fog of a world dominated by the media and this world media is the super ego and dictates fashion, religion and culture and we can become the grateful punters gradually being robbed of choice or at most self selected choice and then become the slaves and bow to the masters media manipulators.

In this dense fog, this heady manipulation that is designed to capture our minds and put them in a net of their choice which becomes gradually our choice and slowly and slyly eroding our freedom, and by then one is so conditioned that we obey and do not realise the stealth and cunning which has stolen the right of the individual to become a puppet of the state and it is too late to become aware of the mass hypnotism and the mass mind dogma that even education and religion fall prey too this slippery predator.

The stranger in the head has taken over.  However all is not lost. Life and its creator created a safety net and first aid programme. The intuitive response can ‘click’ in when a challenge to the set murky dense foetid pattern is initiated, sometimes a real challenge that can be life threatening. It can afford an awakening and investigation to that is beyond programming and brain washing and may produce a glimmer of light which casts light on the lasers of media and the cacophony of dazzling glamour or dark lurid sensuous sexual innuendo and appeal.  This light of soft iridescence accompanied by the soft call and glow, the gentle waters to slack the thirst of burning blood lust and passion inflamed by the manipulative media and hype.  

Then one can rest in the peace of the quiet content mind satisfied with it in quenching the fire of ‘the stranger in the head’.

Drugs recreational and medical support are to be taken with extreme discretion.  (SHACK)

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