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Many folk that I have spoken and share with and in an interfaith meeting in which explaining as I will in this offering, asked me to leave and I had been several times.
I have expressed this in many articles; we are born human and taught to believe in religion, culture, tradition and national pride, politics and history. Most carry on this and never really explore or dialogue without holding their stance sturdily and the most a superior glancing nonchalant tolerance and look of almost pity.
Many name me as an oddball, atheist, pagan and other adjectives; I try and explain; I feel and through my feelings that there is a Divine Intelligence and therefore a belief through experience, I tell yes, I believe in God and pray and my prayer is based on an authoritative quote 'Be Still and know that I am the Divine Intelligence Within You' (God, Source of Life, Creator or any name that floats your boat) and I do not have a religion or church, synagogue, mosque, temple or special dedicated place and that Holy is the whole Earth and that this is my place of worship and my worship is being in the silence and meditating.
OK I concede I am arrogant and I hold my stance just as much as others do their predilection. I feel this Universal feeling of the Divine Intelligence rather than words from a holy script devised by humans after their Messiah / Prophet / Guru / Saint has departed is rarely felt as an experience that their Master had and hoping the departed Master will hear their prayers.
Do we not come from the same source? Did this source create the myriads of stars, planets, galaxies and the mysteries of the Quantum Mysteries, the insects, plant life, oceans animals, us and is this creator or an accident of or in the Big Bang ( I always query accident because I feel that accidents have a cause). Did anyone speak personally to the Source of creation and ask IT what religion are you, what culture are you, how were you born, you are in everything and invisible, how do I know you hear these prayer supplications.
Grant you prayer and religion do bring a psychological comfort and do offer moral codes and these codes differ depending on ones brain washed first indoctrination. They also bring animosity in ethnic wars, religious guilt of sin and burning in hell or a reward in heaven.
Returning to meditation; if one concentrates without stress on the breath, then relaxes the body and goes past the tension in the body held tight by thoughts and conflict, the busy mind, the internal dialogue, the itching and with continual meditation one can become aware of watching the thoughts arrive and go, like becoming aware that you are watching the TV and this case the screen of your mind.
Gradually one can let go of distracting thoughts, emotions and feelings and realise it is OK to be without them and they make up your reality and reality is just a bunch of brain washed peer pressure and parental history and fashion.
The fear of being empty minded and not crazy or at the whim of impulse and vagrant motivation gives way in a rare glimpse of reality.
Sitting and breathing and as one relaxes the breath gets shallower and the maxim can be; awareness without bias, looking without opinion, non judgemental viewing and of course not willing or forcing oneself to be aware and mindful to gently bring oneself back from sleep, fantasy and imagination or being in trance and hypnotic state.
It can happen suddenly that the mind chatter can cease without any notice, thoughts may appear and are felt to be loud, noisy intrusive and just observing them and in no way putting them down, encouraging, repressing or suppressing almost a non interested watcher a sort of detached but not willing to be a witness, slowly sliding down the mind chatter or suddenly there is a calm, a peace and yes light and the body is felt but not there and one has a feeling this is the realm of the Divine.
The love and peace is utterly beyond comprehension of nay explanation as another quote would have it 'that peace that goes beyond all human understanding' indeed it is not human it is divine.
Then the words, the holy books, the priests all places of worship are then redundant and one feels at one with the world and the populace and one realises we are one and a family born of the Divine Intelligence.
This then explains my 'religion' and my belief through the experience as outlined above.
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