SHACKS 981, 982, 983.
Should have been POSTED 01 06 2021 / 1st June 2021
SHACKS 981, 982, 983.
Should have been POSTED 01 06 2021 / 1st June 2021
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When one attempts to describe in spiritual terms or eclectic expressions that the Universe, God, Cosmic Consciousness, The Divine, The Ocean of Being, for instance form, that life arose out of the ocean of Spirit, and each wave was like a form, a life in visible approval by human senses. The forms arose and lived in their allotted years and then suddenly or protractedly to demise and so melt down and dwindle back to the ocean.
On reflection I feel that which came out from, would be better suited for what I am endeavouring to convey. It is more like a 'cloud' 'space which is full of dynamic potential and the forms that emerge are still emerged in space, it is if space solidified itself and produced forms, first infinitesimally small particles from wave forms, minute and scaling up and from this cloud like haze and a form appears still in it, it is like a hologram and in all appearances seemingly solid as can be and real.
The magic is although the basic ingredients which are waves collapsed by the awareness observer witness that is consciousness has arranged and designed which implies supreme intelligence and gathered the ingredients into a holographic like form and to the human senses which at their specific wavelengths and frequencies give the illusion of something tangible to the senses, be it smell, touch, sight, taste, cognition and so on.
Anyway it was described to me 'was the electrons of senses recognise the electrons in other forms that of the same frequencies. A quote 'I live, move and have my being in spirit in God'. We and everything are like fish swimming in the ocean, being made of the ocean and inside and outside am the ocean. We live in a sea of subatomic particles, frequencies, atoms and waves and are attuned to certain frequencies which are and give the illusion of tangibility.
We are a Cosmic Light show and superb hologram and through differing vibrations appear to be solid and tangible but upon close examination under scanning electron microscope appear to be a lot of moving something's coalesced into forms and given the ability by those compatible, interfaced, interactive, interdependent dependency, interrelated concomitant ingredients.
We are spirit condensed, we are light that has been slowed down, we are a set of frequencies on a vibrational wave form spectrum.
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Lynchburg Park Recreation |
Again I come back to the trees in the garden where I live. Many times they have taught me lessons silently and some may think I'm nuts, (the squirrels have the nuts!).
As I observed the trees now budding profusely (28 March 2021) and a cold morning with a slight misty haze and a profound silence I felt this joy arise, a grace and I felt the trees and I were at one, it was if our creation and origins were born from the same source. This source is invisible to the human senses and I do not know how the trees and nature feel it, perhaps they just feel the energy and grow silently.
Some SHACK'S back I scribed how when I was in bed before sleep I asked the trees permission to experience their essence in their form. The branches, leaves and trunk were alive with colour brilliant wonderful light displays and the branches, leaves and trunk visible colour and form were fed by the light beneath their 'skin' so to speak, I was honoured and allowed to see their magnificent aura and this came about by me suspending logical ego intellectual and academic reasoning. I had the impression all organic form had this beneath the appearance of substance so named solid objects of an organic nature. This to me was the particles, atoms and molecules being 'fired up' if you will from the quantum zero vacuum or the Divine Fount.
It was a Christmas Light Tree event, sparkling, dazzling and yet a soft effervescence, a soft deeply permeating glow, a glow not of Earthly origin, yet the Earth has its glow and aura as well. Such majesty and a privilege.
Yet more; I realised in this emptiness of thought and brain buzz and the term emptiness or nothingness, impermanency and the mystery surrounding it all then it became a deeper understanding of the stillness and the quiet mind.
The stillness was a sort of 'chalice cup' 'Holy Grail' of course without dimension or direction and not tangible to human touch and it was a sort of an invitation to be filled in the 'space between the ears' ' the vacation of the intellect and analysis' the busy ego brain chatter, the inner dialogue and those were all suspended.
'Be still and know I am the Divine within you' a well known bible quote, when the brain chatter ceases and the awareness just is aware of itself without rhyme or reason, the essence of Life is there, it is in this experience of pure mind unadulterated, that nature and creation can arise and its layers of particles / atoms selected by Divine Intelligence in the the stillness of Itself and comes forth as the blueprint evolves and is born to sparkling colour to form and the profound mystery remains; that which seems solid to the fleshly observer and senses is at its deepest level flashes and scribbles observed by those scientists at particle hadron colliders.
One does not need to have a 'collider' as such because in the stillness when thought naturally is suspended, a sort of voluntary invitation and complete surrender with love and acceptance, trust and knowing all is well and not being daunted by the natural cessation of thought and realising one is not asleep, day dreaming or in trance, hypnotised by once own imagination that one is indeed going in, down, up, through or any such notion that one is in consciousness, one is awareness where all and everything arises from and returns too.
Here, strange to say here, for there isn't a location, its a mind experience without programming or agendas, it feels stillness is just a stand alone stillness and is experienced as bliss, peace and bliss and the hush of that stillness which is potential and the fount of creation. Stillness becomes Awareness which is Consciousness and in real terms they are one and the same and the moment of Stillness those attributes arise in and with it, and Consciousness enjoys as does the experiencer who is the silent witness.
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We the governed |
'Man up' is usually referred to a male who is considered not manly enough; which maybe not a beer pub drinker, not strong physically, being slight and looks effeminate, having man boobs, sometimes not a gang member and proving his worth, a strong athlete and proving by audacity, recklessness, tough unemotional stern military like attitude and such like. Men do not cry in public
In many cases in forensics, therapy and general observation and friendships I have seen men in relationships become like herd animals. They are like the stags that fight for the females at mating times, keep a watch on the herd or 'chosen wife in monogamy, the concubines and the hareem'. The many love stories where men have gone to inordinate lengths to pursue his women and homosexual men their lovers and it can result in conflict and murder if their interests are threatened. This then makes similarities of the male human ego to the herd animal hierarchical structures.
There is supposed to be a primitive brain which is supposed to be instinctual and more like the animal or reptile and a theory I have developed of it evolving to the mid brain and then to the frontal lobe brain and I feel to the evolving binaural brain. Of course this era and year 2021 we have the notion of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) robotic brain in which eventually the robot and the brain interface by remote control frequencies and then to embody as one as in transhumanism or cyborgism. The eventual aim is produce a completely synthetic being as an android. This would be a fearless, non emotional, of great strength and almost endless years of life with a logical, precise intellectual 'brain' intelligence.
I have been writing a lot in this site and elsewhere about the Earth's five extinction's and the like;
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The brain should it evolve in commensurate and concomitant processes and in harmony with its environment above may at this time of 2021 which I feel to be the harbinger of the forthcoming 6th extinction and if allowed in its present chaos 2021 and the extraordinary in my view madness of the New World Order and Reset are imposing their own will on human origins such as technocracy, eugenics, transhumanism and cyborgism in contradiction to the natural chaos of holometabolic transition and produce monstrous forms and so destroy nature and the human race into a monstrosity and maybe a complete wipe out needed.
There is a report of a military nurse named Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy who in 1947 telepathically communicated with an ET alien. The report is long and full, many people say it is fake. My research which included an Astronaut, a well known researcher and book writer on the UFO phenomena and others assure me it is genuine and I feel so as well. If the internet has deleted it, as they are doing to many things now go too my documents and get a copy there under that name and or if it is still around try internet DUCKDUCKGO. I mention this because of my extensive research I have found evidence of the alien elsewhere and from official sources. My point in this is that the mind set and the body of the alien is what the New World Order folk and reset World Economic Forum People are suggesting with their transhumanism, eugenics and so on is exactly what the AI mind is like. Basically very practical, logical and non emotional, robot like and eventually GMO foods that are grown to accommodate a part mechanical body. By the way non organic structure does not follow the processes as in Prigogine model above. This would imply no gestation and purely 'born' in a algorithmic matrix from blueprints and at present 3D printers. There is evidence that the aliens are endeavouring to get back to a flesh human like existence for various reasons that are not gone into here.
From the brain again; the mid and frontal lobe brain is now growing or evolving. To those who are experiencing this upgrade it is being exposed and receptive to the incoming Cosmic Energies through gamma rays and other frequencies (the whole of my work on the 1967 writings in the and describe the natural evolution to a new natural human being I name as Homo Energetica / Spiritulana).
The physique will be much the same, some slightly taller or shorter, more unisex in appearance yet well distinguished, they will be 'glowing with health' in the early stages beginning to telepathize, athletically strong and long lived, healthy and be vegetarian and developing the ability to ingest 'Cosmic food in the form of frequencies that are captured from foods, captured in the sense of obtaining the frequencies, this is already in progress in the ' phantom wave' and a lot of this work is disturbing the Robotics lot because it is a natural progression rather than a synthetic process (Bill Gates synthetic meat, vegan ham, cheese and sausages and so on) and Einstein said the secret of the Universe is vibration and such like.
There is evidence of this binaural brain and the thickening of the corpus collosum and this suggests more exchanges between the right and left hemispheres and so the 'mixture' of creative intelligence / inspiration and intellect. This means an intuitive driven being. Since true intuition is in 'touch and feel' with the creative fount, the divine source, the psychology will be man / women finding the yin and yang in themselves and so being compassionate and sharing an upgrade from emotionally human emotions. They will be 'man up' 'female up' and will enjoy sport and entertainment in a sporting supportive challenge without the aggression but with sheer fun.
Human emotional love is usually based on need. I fall in love is mostly I fall in like, that what is missing in me I see in another, they make me feel good, safe and when they leave or die or change, I feel destroyed, empty, so I become possessive, like the Stag, I then may find this in possessions, wealth and fame or I am morose apathetic being getting my worth from appealing to people in my weakness or any other scenario which gets attention and applause or a dictator a leader. Then I may turn to bitterness and depression, drugs, a couch potato and internet addict, I become addictive to those things which fill my loss and I must find myself other than this mess. Suicidal feelings if explored without fear offer one the opportunity to see what one is running away from and employing those feelings with open observation if possible one can see the frailty of life and then embrace it in another way.
When I sense this mess and have exhausted all outside means which I begin to realise have a 'sell by date' and impermanent and like the atom have no real substance and the mess and chaos of the world I may begin to contemplate, explore, experiment about the nature of things and why they are so unreal and realise what is permanent, no not even the Universe, then what am I then, a mere bag of flesh and bones, dying slowly or quickly from the day of birth to death, probably trying to keep death away as long as possible by various contraptions, exercises and supplements and those cyborgs to live forever I'll be conscious in a robot body. Then it may dawn on me; WHAT will be conscious in a cyborg body? ---SO what is this consciousness and where can I find it if they think they can download it?
Then I realise consciousness is not downloading the contents of the mind such as, my beliefs, my ideas, my agendas, idioms, these are ideas, mind programmes and as such that's all they are and can be rearranged, juxtaposed, reconfigured, upgraded, swapped in order to become someone else, follow various gurus, science, change to another belief, become brain washed in many things, or just remain fixed in a one way street and die without ever exploring anything else.
Then I really realise there isn't anything permanent in thought or even my body--THEN I realise what if I empty my mind of thought, feelings, emotions, not supressing them, I tried that and that was terrifying and crippling, what if, what if, I just looked at where these thoughts, feelings came from in and sort of looking in my mind, as if my eyes turned inwards and then I realise GOOD GOD, how can I see in my mind, yet I can, SO IT IS AWARENESS that sees not only inwards but it awareness that feels, touches, sensed, smells and so on, it uses my physical senses to do this. WAIT A SEC, so awareness is conscious, is consciousness and it does not need the physical at all, it is a temporary inhabitant, tenant in a rented accommodation so to speak.
Then I realise this is me, this is everybody, this is everybody who has shed their body, I am an awareness without definition, location, I realise I do not live in my head and or mind or body, or form for awareness is the empty space where all and everything evolves in and through, it is the womb and matrix of and in no location, quality of substance ---YET just being awareness in its pure form feels ME with no definition, free and feeling love, love of myself being love and being without form I AM.
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Futurism |
' Much ado about nothing' by Shakespeare is the play which he wrote in 1958 and 1959 is classed by some as a comedy and I am taking the liberty to use title as to my own use and expression.
I have mentioned so many times the apparent emptiness of atoms 'This is because there is no structure to the atoms that make up the molecule. All that is really there is some spinning energy and empty space. That's it. And that spinning energy and empty space is all that everything solid is made up of'. It is said atoms are made up of 99.99% of nothing and that odd percent is something not definable. 'The nucleus is a collection of particles called protons, which are positively charged, and neutrons, which are electrically neutral. Protons and neutrons are in turn made up of particles called quarks. The chemical element of an atom is determined by the number of protons, or the atomic number, Z, of the nucleus.' Then there are baryons, hadrons, gluons and all of such is not tangible to the human senses, so in fact it is all empty, nothingness in relationship to the human sense of solid. In fact matter does not exist as such and even emptiness of the atom strictly speaking is not the emptiness humans equate too; there are electrons, waves and particles ostensibly in orbit or in the vacuum but not visible to the eye or touch so for all intents and purposes empty of form.
So as from the above verse and chapter so to speak there is 'much about nothing' much ado about nothing'. Yet the paradox about this we often worry about this 'nothingness' and cannot accept it and become bored and seek to bridge the gap which is probably us and is not definable and is in my view consciousness.
It is the mystery many have sought to unravel. Who am I, what am I, Where am I, What is my purpose, What am I doing here, How did it all start, Who created God, a Creator and if there isn't a creator how comes I feel I am alive, fleshly and experiencing if you say the big bang, an accident well yes OK who caused the big bang and the accident? If you say we came out of the primordial slime, the same question who made the primordial slime, then we come to the question, OK there are all these proton, neutron, electrons, quarks, gluons and colour coding hadrons, baryons, Higgs Bosun and going deeper into the vacuum(rabbit hole as some say) and finding more of these waves / particles in the Heisenberg equation and although more sophisticated instruments have proved the original theory to be less exact it still proves instability of some sort.
Psychologically and in metaphysics along with philosophy and in meditation endeavouring to pin down thought other than electrical movements in the brain and so on still mystifies my existence. It mystifies me that huge academic brains can simply pass away with a sniff, a huff and a knowing shrug and superior smile and leave it at the big bang and accident whilst in some fields desperately spending trillions of currency on going deeper into the rabbit hole desperately, feverishly, life consuming to find what started it all, how did the Universe come into existence, who am I, they say I am not part of the Universe I stand apart from nature observing and yet nature, the Universe and I are made up the same stuff and yet not eh?
'The Higgs field is a field of energy that is thought to exist in every region of the universe. The field is accompanied by a fundamental particle known as the Higgs boson, which is used by the field to continuously interact with other particles, such as the electron'. At the large particle collider named CERN in Swiss / French territory which cost billions of dollar's to construct and give the scientists the finest of everything, they went ecstatic when the found the God particle as it was called 'The Higgs Boson', now many are putting this down and it now onto go deeper and deeper into the vacuum, space, the mystery of the atom and my opinion it will never end and in the end they, us, we, might have or rather will have to accept, we are consciousness, one day they will wake up like Carl Gustav Jung at the age of eleven and realise 'I AM' and in that experience know who you are and the frustrating thing is when you do, it is indescribable in words and all you one can say with conviction 'I know' .
As to what one knows that is beyond any attempt to quantify it. It is consciousness and one the one who experiences this feels with every fibre of their being the unanswerable WHO AM I and never has to ask it again.
And so until the academics exhaust themselves and finally find there is no rabbit hole and they will never find that particle that was the creator of all that was and is and that we are all an idea in the mind based on our concepts and only a mind construct of inculcations of many diverse cultures and vast laboratories, libraries and human multiple configurations and theories, computations and philosophical, ethical, theosophical, political dictates and finally realise there is no reality as such, it is all mind patterns and constructs in order to build a superstructure, a platform, something everlasting, solid, secure and undefeatable ----and when the realisation finally dawns 'there aint so such thing' and I have known academics of all disciplines have a nervous break down, take to alcohol, go crazy in fact any kind of distraction and even madness, severe depression and suicide, in fact in the early days of breaking the atom Fritzof Capra mentions this in his early writings and I formed a small group for academics which I named 'Sub Atomic Meditation' in order to facilitate in meditation 'the going beyond' the monkey frenzy of the logical intellectual mind and drop into the vacuum so to speak of the empty mind and peace. Then you know as Jung did and many others have and it does not have to be in the Himalayas, a monastic institution or some exotic plant in the Amazon.
After all it was 'much ado about nothing' as was this article.
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Interesting Engineering Image 1 You know I am not really sure how to even begin to |
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From Quote Source Image 4 |
One suggestion is that you might be doubting your strengths
and the bright red bird is a reminder to check your confidence and move forward
no matter the obstacles in your path. Another belief is that cardinals are spiritual messengers.
The red cardinal is a spiritual messenger from God. ... The red cardinal represents the blood of Christ. Symbolizing combating
difficulties with hope in God, the red cardinal appears in times of stress and despair to
encourage hope and persistence.
Whatever the specific
tradition is, it's universal that red
cardinals play an ... and birds like
the cardinal that can take messages to and from the spirit world. ... Almost
all of these meanings are
positive ones, and are related to ...
Cardinal Symbolic Meanings. In
The word cardinal comes from the Latin word cardo, meaning hinge or axis. Like a door’s hinge, the cardinal is
the hinge on the doorway between earth and Spirit. They carry messages back and
forth. The appearance of a cardinal may suggest that Spirit is hoping to hear
from you. This can be a good time to re-explore or recommit to your prayer life.
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From my POSTS Image 5 |
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Shambali Retreat |
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FROM POSTS in (online) |
This article is really to be read as a follow on and to avoid printing and typing afresh. At this time of writing February 09 / 02 / 2021, the social media and certain internet authorities with government agencies are censoring everything and anything other than the official narrative about the virus they have named Covid -19, there are certain of us branded by the USA as Urban Terrorists and in the rest of the world as conspiracist theories people, so if the (com) gets deplatformed perhaps may survive. Also there a www.geofffreedarchive.blogspot which is a collection of saved articles from a journal named in which many authors submitted their work, the editor without notice shut down, however I contacted him and he retrieved what he could, the last four blogs in that are preserved and if it can be found it explains more of the 1967 writings. Because I have questione COVID I expect I have traversed the Guidlines and I apologise, however I feel the Bloggers are allowed to express their opionions,is sthere no free specch, I have not offended anyone as far as I can tell. If this is deplatformed or taken down --It proves there is an agenda to have only one world opinion and that discusion and debate are to be discouraged. I state I am not an authority, guru or some such thing, just a person who researches and is confused and perplexed at why one is not allowed to express one's feelings into thoughts. Should this be taken down this particular SHACK will be found on or online.
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London Palladium |
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The above and this as The old Johnstone house before Samye Ling was built on this site. |
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Samye Ling as of now. |
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Akong Tulku Riponshe |
I then met Akong Tulku Riponshe and gave him a scarf and honey pot. I did put out my tongue and touched forehead to forehead as well. I knew to do this instinctively.The Dzungars invaded Tibet in 1717, deposed Ngawang Yeshey Gyatso, which met with widespread approval, and killed Lha-bzang Khan.
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Chogyam Trungpa Riponshe. Both of the Akong and Trungpa were when they were older. |
Venerable Ato Rinpoche (b.1933) is a most generous and refined teacher who is fluent in English.Rinpoche is regarded as a realized master of both Mahamudra and Maha Ati. Recognised by the 11th Tai Situ as the eighth incarnation of the Tenzin Tulkus, he is fully trained in the teachings and practices of both the Kagyu and Nyingmapas.In 1959 after leaving Tibet for India, His Holiness Dalai Lama placed him in charge of a monastery housing teachers of all four lineages. In 1976 he married and moved to Cambridge, England where he lives with his wife and daughter. He worked as a nurse at Fulbourn Psychiatric Hospital, Cambridge, until his retirement in 1981.
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Ato Riponshe |
G 1 | Minor | Power systems: weak power grid fluctuations can occur. Spacecraft operations: minor impact on satellite operations possible. Other systems: migratory animals are affected at this and higher levels; aurora is commonly visible at high latitudes (northern Michigan and Maine)**. | Kp = 5 | 1700 per cycle (900 days per cycle) |
Steve Judd mentions this in his January 27 2011 blog. energygrid |
95% of the neurons (the bits that trigger and fire information) in our brains are in the cerebral cortex, the thin brown layer of jelly that actually surrounds the brain, analagous to humanity's existence on the surface of the Earth. Linking the two hemispheres of the brain is a bunch of fibres known as the corpus callosum. It can be proved that in artists, musicians, left handed people and in those who are comfortable with being out of the norm that the corpus callosum is growing physically larger, and it appears within the last thirty or forty years that this growth increase is exponential, not only in these people but in all of us. The bridge between the left and right brains was the width of a thin pencil a hundred years ago, and I'm assured by a couple of mortician/pathologist clients of mine (really!) that in many people now this bundle of fibres is now the width of one's forefinger. This suggests to me that the interface between the left and right brain in most of us is now considerably more active than it was three or four generations ago. Of course this could be down to our diet.