Interesting Engineering Image 1
You know I am not really sure how to even begin to |
write, scribe or type this. I have been pondering, dithering and contemplating how to even touch, hint at what I feel and is bursting to scribe and spill out, it weighs heavy in my heart and chest area and needs to be born so I can get it out there.
I am fascinated with space, not space flight, exploration in and of space, not astronomy or astrology but the very emptiness, vastness of that dynamic stillness and the potential held in the mind of space.
I feel that beyond the natural perception of space by the human intellect, the logic and science, the theories and ET and all that is a mystery that eludes the human mind and even the meditative mind, the heart rendering impulse I get when I view the shape and arch of the Milky Way, the very dark dust lanes which seem to grace the arch and the longing inside that says this is home, where I came from.
It is not just that intellectually I know my body and the Universe's body as it were, the planets, Suns, Stars are made up of the same elements, atoms, particles as is particular to their electrons and particle makeups, nay it is something more fundamental, more if you like tangible and almost an empathy, a feeling deep family and an 'spiritual' 'gut feeling a genetic soul mate, a marriage of deep family love, it is my spirits family' and yet there is something behind or further or deeper or beyond that.
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From the depth of space which is dimensionless, I feel space is an intelligent awareness that is consciousness itself and is self aware of itself, so in this sense depth, breadth, up, down, sideways or in fact any direction or shape, or tangible form is irrelevant because IT A MOVEMENT OF THOUGHT OR MIND, and as such is not yet in any tangible human sensory form.
From this movement of thought this Cosmic Consciousness begins to imagine its Creative abilities and draws the bits of its 'clay', its jigsaw puzzle in blueprint form which are sub atomic particles collated by mind waves, like dynamic magnetised waves which begin to form atoms and then to molecules and then to so called solids which humans can sense and other life forms as well.
Somehow I feel image 1 depicts to me 'bits' being coalesced in the 'pastry mix', the ingredients as they are put onto the draughtsman's board from a blueprint, then the scale model and enlarged into life as the duration of the form and death as the dissolution and yet there is no death the 'bits or pieces of jigsaw' were atoms which are now known are 99/99% empty and therefore recyclable and can be used in different configuration's and always interchangeable and in essence are forms of consciousness in which there is every possibility and probability depending on consciousnesses predilection. The form is set in a mould and suggests image 2, of course the images are not what I would really like but they will do.
Of course this is the attempt at some sort of explanation what follows is my heart felt attempt; A long time ago when I was an electrician at the Met Police College in Colindale NW9 London I used to meditate in a rather noisy dark place behind a plenum air cleaning chamber and although not suitable it was very amazing. This would have been around November 1958 and three experiences stand out; despite the noise I would go deeply into peace and calm and one of these occasions I could see through the brick wall and awoke with a start as it were and witnessed what was going on and was a continuation of the scene I had witnessed, it shook me up. The second was that I felt and saw concentric circles emanating from my navel and in them was a bird, it started a tiny bird in a a small circle and the circles got larger the bird got bigger. The bird was a sort of magenta colour and its beak was semi curved and it had a small plume or crest, it felt to me that I was capable of manifesting things, I am not quite sure as I seem to lack that ability, as to why comes later. The third notable one was that I was sitting at a desk in space, like an executives office and I was sort of floating like in no gravity and line of items and objects were haphazardly floating in a like manner towards me, suggesting that all things are supplied rather than intending too hard and straining. As if divine supply will attend to me when the timing is right.
At times I have had the urge to go really materialistic and have tried the 'Law of Attraction' in the early days it was win the premium bonds, the lottery, a nice house, wife, children the car and success. Always I gave up and had this quandary; I know from my NDE there is this amazing 'divine something' and that from my illnesses and bad situations on many occasions had a synchronous / co incidental / miracle or just let go in deep meditation when I could. I felt that by intentionising on just material objects and things were not in line and caused me consternation; I felt if I and the world just did material gain it conflicts with impermanency and becomes a trap, this is not reality, for impermanency is in all forms and just relying on this is like a dog chasing its tail and like a new toy once the honeymoon is over what next, once the novelty, the thrill, the conquest is lived through, then hunger and lust for more is on and one's ego can get obsessed with power and determination to gather and hoard and get into acquisition. Then polluting the world and Mother Earth of raw materials.
However the biggest nudge and irritation was that I had let God down, I have felt at times God does not love me and is He having a game with me, the pain, the loneliness at times, my childhood and seeing the pain in my mother, the disappointment in my brother and the frustration and vice like grip of a gambling addiction in my dad. I witnessed the hatred and religious intolerance in the Jewish Chassidic School and the racial genocide in the old testament, the wars and hypocrisy of religion those early years after my barmitzva in 1951 and then madness of Forensics when I left electrics and transferred within The Met Police Service.
Pink Republic Image 3 |
The mysterious mechanisations of space and its geometry
Just recently in 2020 and in this February 2021 I was offered a 100% guarantee that this manifesting course and tapes would work and a very low price with money back after 60 days. I don't know why, or perhaps I do I enrolled. Right from the start my sleep and mind were messed up, this was mucking up my brain, I emailed the people and told them and they said I should do more and I am a negative person and this is sifting the shit out. I knew instinctively this was a real test and I immediately stopped and realised what I really always felt and recently made clear into thought and mind.
From Quote Source Image 4 |
This image above was not exactly as I saw it but it really resounded and vibrated to me and when I read the many explanations below it shook me to the core, it rattled my 'head' so to speak and confirmed my scribing above.
One suggestion is that you might be doubting your strengths
and the bright red bird is a reminder to check your confidence and move forward
no matter the obstacles in your path. Another belief is that cardinals are spiritual messengers.
The red cardinal is a spiritual messenger from God. ... The red cardinal represents the blood of Christ. Symbolizing combating
difficulties with hope in God, the red cardinal appears in times of stress and despair to
encourage hope and persistence.
Whatever the specific
tradition is, it's universal that red
cardinals play an ... and birds like
the cardinal that can take messages to and from the spirit world. ... Almost
all of these meanings are
positive ones, and are related to ...
Cardinal Symbolic Meanings. In
the Far East,
particularly China and
the “Red Bird” appears as the
mythical Phoenix,
the Bird of Fire, ...
The word cardinal comes from the Latin word cardo, meaning hinge or axis. Like a door’s hinge, the cardinal is
the hinge on the doorway between earth and Spirit. They carry messages back and
forth. The appearance of a cardinal may suggest that Spirit is hoping to hear
from you. This can be a good time to re-explore or recommit to your prayer life.
I am not sure which one of the above is most applicable; at that meditation in the air conditioning plenum noisy dusty dark place, far from suitable for most meditations spots this messenger came and that time I was under uncertainty but not unduly stressed, I was somewhat content with a safe job, reasonable work mates and generally at rest with the world, however change was to come with change to Forensics, marriage to Gilly, death of mum and dad, with leaving for three breaks of two and three years, Gill and I parting, meditation blanks for several years and them embarking on 670 presentation workshops in the UK, Europe and Cape Breton and Canada, seeing over 3,000 clients in healing and therapy, teaching Tai Chi, Qi Gong and meditation, then facing death with lung and prostrate cancer which were miraculously cured and were found to be not cancer, and then the move to here for now nineteen years of blog POSTS and a rather material non productive worldly appearance and achievement and to some a wasted non creative years of existence. The severing and marginalised family and basically a lone wolf and hermit, monk like and yet intense inner work and preparation for what I feel follows.
The next SHACK 979 The 1967 Writings are a synopsis of all my work and are the base for the POSTS and SHACK. There is so much more that one can find in the back POSTS and Archives.
From my POSTS Image 5 |
A few points to clear up the 6th Mass extinction can be correlated or to the the 6th Mayan Age, The theosophical and root races https://theosophy.wiki/en/Root-Race#Sixth_Root-Race and so on and in this read you may seem a correlation between the Ascension Process via the Cosmic Energies carrying signals, codes (algorithms of a Cosmic Nature) and our DNA to imbibe them. All of them describe before the changes happen from one root race to another, from one extinction to another, there is chaos, global upheavals, weather changes, mass wars, religious fighting and illnesses, diseases and evil intentions.
These changes along with our DNA upgrades are characterised by certain signs, magnetic pole shifts, climate change natural and human kind, physical changes in anatomy, new mind powers(fledgling at present), ice drillings and geological strata with archaeological findings, planets of the solar system having climate change (NASA have taken down their site on this as has the internet), fireballs, asteroids, comets and UFO siting's, holy books describing the lead up changes, those who are expecting the Messiah, The Maitreya, The Second Coming, Psychics feeling this change, this shift and many books describe signs in the sky and when one thinks all is lost a saviour appears, my take on this an upgrade of consciousness and awakening to our real nature---THIS will be opposed by the present set of New World Economic leaders, The Technocrats, the elite so called, the illuminati, Bilderbergs, The Eugenics and transhumanists, who will use technology to dumb the brain and endeavour to stop the awakening, THEY KNOW and sense the coming event.
Pinterest Image 6
All these images merely are meant to illustrate and endeavour to add meaning as to my text I have no known association with them and gather them from Google Images if there are a similarity it is because they may have their own take on this subject or not, there is no attempt at plagiarism. I equate the fifth root race as somewhere between the fourth extinction and the fifth and grew in that time and its culmination was Homo Sapien from Homo Erectus and the 6th future race upon entry into that time line. The insert photograph is that of Madame Blavatsky of the Theosophical Teachings. There is much talk and theorising about the changes and shifts; many ethnic prophesies, the waiting for the return of saviours as above and so on. |
The Biggest Picture Image 7
There is another piece of information that came through in the '67' briefing. That certain years were given; 1967--2012--2013---2032---2033----2075, apparently these were the years of maximum energetic upgrades and would be the maximum efforts to abort the natural shifts through evolution. This is the first of the extinctions where humans have the technology to alter the natural cycle of extinctions and also survive it; like the chosen elite going underground or high ground, having cyborg implants and so on. I gather from my '67' writings there maybe another option. |
This is depicted in Images 7 and 8; There is a possibility that not enough people will awaken by 2075 which I understand is the cut off year and so the transhuman / cyborg / dystopian / Eugenic / technocracy regime would have stalled the evolutionary 'plan' and so as the upgrade includes a definite consciousness shift, quite a powerful one, it may spin off the consciousness into a different Earth in a different dimension, to those who will be party to this it will happen in a twinkling of an eye and barely noticeable.
This is one of the strange events which happen at CERN on the French Swiss boarder which is a huge particle accelerator known as a Collider sometimes, a couple of scientists I know have told me they maybe playing around by attempting making wormholes, stargates and interdimensional portholes, Image 9 is one of the strange anomalies in the sky above CERN. There is concern like when they split the atom that it 'punctures' a hole in the Universal Fabric (An auric type plasma, the etheric, the veil between dimensions) and may let in entities and energies that are not commensurate and concomitant with this frequency vibrational rate of Earth and so cause eddy waves, harmonics and cause subtle and gross brain and DNA distortions and by entrainment eventually interfere with the Schumann Resonance.
Space.com Image 10 |
I started this SHACK with a blackhole at the centre of the Milky Way and so much myth, speculation and ancient history goes on about it and my deep feelings around it, it wouldn't surprise me if we end up going through this blackhole either in the future 7th Race (seven chakras the seventh is the crown chakra and the one we are leaving is the 5th chakra which is the throat chakra moving to the 6th chakra which is the third eye the pineal gland(The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. ... Taoism teaches that the third eye, also called the mind's eye, is situated between the two physical eyes, and expands up to the middle of the forehead when opened.) These are the upgrades one would expect of a 6th root race ascended being. So fear not we will ascend if one attuned to the incoming upgrades and reconfigurations and discard the human made cyborg implants although they purport to do the same. The Ascension process is an initiation and an ongoing process through The Mind of God. The process in this time line, the is being Earth and its life forms are attempting initiation, which is reaching its crescendo and climax, either the Earth as we know it now survives the process or the old forms will live on and a New Earth will be formed in another dimension but still in the exact space it occupies now and also the Sun and the solar system are part of the shift and they will be exactly as now BUT the split planet reformed that was named in my '67' writings.
Shambali Retreat |
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