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FROM POSTS in www.geofffreed.com (online) |
This article is really to be read as a follow on and to avoid printing and typing afresh. At this time of writing February 09 / 02 / 2021, the social media and certain internet authorities with government agencies are censoring everything and anything other than the official narrative about the virus they have named Covid -19, there are certain of us branded by the USA as Urban Terrorists and in the rest of the world as conspiracist theories people, so if the www.geofffreed.online (com) gets deplatformed perhaps www.shackisback.blogspot.com may survive. Also there a www.geofffreedarchive.blogspot which is a collection of saved articles from a journal named energygrid.com in which many authors submitted their work, the editor without notice shut down, however I contacted him and he retrieved what he could, the last four blogs in that are preserved and if it can be found it explains more of the 1967 writings. Because I have questione COVID I expect I have traversed the Guidlines and I apologise, however I feel the Bloggers are allowed to express their opionions,is sthere no free specch, I have not offended anyone as far as I can tell. If this is deplatformed or taken down --It proves there is an agenda to have only one world opinion and that discusion and debate are to be discouraged. I state I am not an authority, guru or some such thing, just a person who researches and is confused and perplexed at why one is not allowed to express one's feelings into thoughts. Should this be taken down this particular SHACK will be found on www.geofffreed.com or online.
Sunday, 3 March 2013
BRIGHT COMET PAN-STARRS: Comet Pan-STARRS (C/2011 L4) is now inside the orbit of Mercury, brightening as it plunges toward the sun. Observers in the southern hemisphere report say they can see Pan-STARRS with the unaided eye in the evening sunset sky. Carl Gruber photographed the comet on March 2nd over the city lights of Melbourne, Australia:
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London Palladium |
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The above and this as The old Johnstone house before Samye Ling was built on this site. |
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Samye Ling as of now. |
I was told the place had many rats and was haunted and asked not to do an exorcism as by meditation the ghosts would go and find another venue beneficial to their condition. A mattress was on the floor with blankets and that's where I slept. On settling down and propping myself up by the wall, I felt to meditate as I was tired and cold. Immediately I felt as if I was being pulled through the wall. As a scientist I looked to see if there was metal in the wall and so on, and my metal belt and buckle was not responsible for this. I found it was a lathe and plaster wall. It got so uncomfortable I went down stairs and bumped into the young Lama Jamdra and told him, most embarrassingly of the event. He said the Abbots room was behind mine down a few steps into a corridor. See top photo, just see an extension, slightly lower. I asked if I could see him. Jamdra said I would have to wait several weeks as he was busy and so on.ADDED BY ME 09/02/2021 FOR SOME REASON DID NOT (OR FORGOT)
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Akong Tulku Riponshe |
I then met Akong Tulku Riponshe and gave him a scarf and honey pot. I did put out my tongue and touched forehead to forehead as well. I knew to do this instinctively.The Dzungars invaded Tibet in 1717, deposed Ngawang Yeshey Gyatso, which met with widespread approval, and killed Lha-bzang Khan.
However, they soon began to loot, rape and kill throughout Lhasa, destroying Tibetan goodwill towards them.
They also viciously destroyed a small force sent by Emperor Kangxi in 1718 to support clear traditional trade routes.
Many Nyingmapa and Bonpos were executed and Tibetans visiting Dzungar officials were forced to stick their tongues out so the Dzungars could tell if the person recited constant mantras (which was said to make the tongue black or brown).
This allowed them to pick the Nyingmapa and Bonpos, who recited many magic-mantras.
This habit of sticking one's tongue out as a mark of respect on greeting someone has remained a Tibetan custom until recent times.
So sticking your tongue out is to proof that you are not doing black magic and therefore can be trusted to some level, for at least, you are not going to cast some nasty spell the next time you get angry at someone...
It is similar to shaking hands. When we shake hands, we show that there is no weapon in our arm.
Same with saluting with the hand, as they also do in the army, showing that you are not holding a weapon.
Same also with raising our glasses up and making them come in contact. As it was the custom in the older days in Europe to do that with pewter wine cups and make wine spill into each other's cup to prove that no poison was placed in anyone's arms.
(Jamdra then went to the Abbot who said I could visit I add this on 09//02/2021 and I don't know why I forgot to enter it?)
I rushed upstairs in a panic grabbed another scarf, the last one as of the honey, walked or stumbled down the stairs, knocked on his door and entered, I knew not to come to close and spread the scarf and honey near his feet. He was most charming and was looking all around me. I asked him if he saw auras and he declined to give a definite answer.
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Chogyam Trungpa Riponshe. Both of the Akong and Trungpa were when they were older. |
Then in 1968 I had a vision of Trungpa in a gold dressing gown and I took leave to go to the monastery, I sensed it was important. When I arrived there was a chap there named Arthur Smith and young lady named Vana, I told them I had got this image of Trungpa, they said he had a car accident in Newcastle. Vana said he had obviously called for me. We went to Newcastle General Hospital and found he had a stroke. He found it hard to talk. Vana could somehow almost telepathies with him. He somehow knew I could move any muscle without moving the limbs by mind control, I still can by the way. I did this and he could somehow sense how to do it. I understood it helped him in his partial recovery. I found him, kind, loving and understanding, that was to be our last meeting.
Then 1969 I went to Samye Ling, Trungpa was not there nor Akong and Ato Riponshe from Cambridge came and asked me to just ring a bell for meditation and general duties, as he had to return to Cambridge, I believe he married the Bishop Of Cambridge's daughter.
Venerable Ato Rinpoche (b.1933) is a most generous and refined teacher who is fluent in English.Rinpoche is regarded as a realized master of both Mahamudra and Maha Ati. Recognised by the 11th Tai Situ as the eighth incarnation of the Tenzin Tulkus, he is fully trained in the teachings and practices of both the Kagyu and Nyingmapas.In 1959 after leaving Tibet for India, His Holiness Dalai Lama placed him in charge of a monastery housing teachers of all four lineages. In 1976 he married and moved to Cambridge, England where he lives with his wife and daughter. He worked as a nurse at Fulbourn Psychiatric Hospital, Cambridge, until his retirement in 1981.
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Ato Riponshe |
PS. David Bowie was in a car with a few Lamas and myself in 1968 on our way back from Langholm when six UFO type saucers flew over a hill and hovered there, the Lamas asked us not to look as they were our space brothers and holy ones, I did look, I was driving and they stayed there for a full 15 minutes, before slowly drifting and then bolting to infinity.
Next blog will be a synopsis of the 1967 of the writings and some of the proofs and prophesies, that have come to pass and those to arrive.
Thursday, 26 March 2015
POST 212 'MORE 1967'
Here I would lay out my store. As you may well remember I was given or channelled, or somehow scribed a large document at the Tibetan Monastic House(as it was then) in December 1967. See some details and pictures in Post 9.
Image Credit & Copyright: P-M Hedén (Clear Skies, TWAN)
Explanation: Today's date marks an Equinox and a New Moon. Remarkably, while the exact timing of both geocentric events occur within a span of only 13 hours, the moon also reaches its new phase only 14 hours after perigee, the closest point in its orbit. That makes the Equinox New Moon the largest New Moon of 2015, though hard to see since that lunar phase presents the Moon's dark, night side to planet Earth. Still, in this well composed image of a young lunar phase from late January you can glimpse both night and day on the lunar surface, the night side faintly illuminated by Earthshine next to the day side's brightly sunlit crescent. But some will see today's Equinox New Moon in silhouette! The Equinox Solar Eclipse will be total across stretches of the Arctic Ocean, visible in partial phases from Europe, northern Africa and western Asia.(Courtesy http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/)
Now: Kp= 5 storm
24-hr max: Kp= 5 storm
Meanwhile in the ionosphere.... The eclipse had a dramatic effect on the ionization of Earth's upper atmosphere. Normally, during the day, solar UV radiation breaks apart atoms and molecules, creating a layer of ionized gas hundreds of kilometers above Earth's surface. The Moon, however, blocked those UV rays. Subsequent changes to the ionization structure of atmosphere altered the propagation of radio waves in the eclipse zone. Take a look at these data from Rudolf Slošiar, who operates a VLF (very low frequency) radio monitoring station in Bojnice, Slovakia:
"During the solar eclipse, significant changes in the the D layer of the ionosphere affected the transmission of radio stations I record using my SID monitor, " says Slošiarl. Signals from Iceland were boosted, while radio stations in France and Puerto Rico dropped out (Courtesy of spaceweather.com and Rudolf Slosiar.
Planetary K-index
Now: Kp= 6 storm
24-hr max: Kp= 6 storm as of 22-03-15 at 11.44 am UK time.
Should any of you feel either hyped or down and not usual, body aches and so on, please refer to my links in:-
Many weeks now of geomagnetic storms and in my opinion and others, signals for DNA upgrades of some sort. part of the next step in evolution and ascension process which to me are the same under the term semantics.
G 2 Moderate Power systems: high-latitude power systems may experience voltage alarms, long-duration storms may cause transformer damage. Spacecraft operations: corrective actions to orientation may be required by ground control; possible changes in drag affect orbit predictions. Other systems: HF radio propagation can fade at higher latitudes, and aurora has been seen as low as New York and Idaho (typically 55° geomagnetic lat.).** Kp=6 600 per cycle (360 days per cycle)
G 1 | Minor | Power systems: weak power grid fluctuations can occur. Spacecraft operations: minor impact on satellite operations possible. Other systems: migratory animals are affected at this and higher levels; aurora is commonly visible at high latitudes (northern Michigan and Maine)**. | Kp = 5 | 1700 per cycle (900 days per cycle) |
Monday, 25 March 2019
Courtesy gistock.com
Steve Judd mentions this in his January 27 2011 blog. energygrid |
95% of the neurons (the bits that trigger and fire information) in our brains are in the cerebral cortex, the thin brown layer of jelly that actually surrounds the brain, analagous to humanity's existence on the surface of the Earth. Linking the two hemispheres of the brain is a bunch of fibres known as the corpus callosum. It can be proved that in artists, musicians, left handed people and in those who are comfortable with being out of the norm that the corpus callosum is growing physically larger, and it appears within the last thirty or forty years that this growth increase is exponential, not only in these people but in all of us. The bridge between the left and right brains was the width of a thin pencil a hundred years ago, and I'm assured by a couple of mortician/pathologist clients of mine (really!) that in many people now this bundle of fibres is now the width of one's forefinger. This suggests to me that the interface between the left and right brain in most of us is now considerably more active than it was three or four generations ago. Of course this could be down to our diet.
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