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We the governed |
'Man up' is usually referred to a male who is considered not manly enough; which maybe not a beer pub drinker, not strong physically, being slight and looks effeminate, having man boobs, sometimes not a gang member and proving his worth, a strong athlete and proving by audacity, recklessness, tough unemotional stern military like attitude and such like. Men do not cry in public
In many cases in forensics, therapy and general observation and friendships I have seen men in relationships become like herd animals. They are like the stags that fight for the females at mating times, keep a watch on the herd or 'chosen wife in monogamy, the concubines and the hareem'. The many love stories where men have gone to inordinate lengths to pursue his women and homosexual men their lovers and it can result in conflict and murder if their interests are threatened. This then makes similarities of the male human ego to the herd animal hierarchical structures.
There is supposed to be a primitive brain which is supposed to be instinctual and more like the animal or reptile and a theory I have developed of it evolving to the mid brain and then to the frontal lobe brain and I feel to the evolving binaural brain. Of course this era and year 2021 we have the notion of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) robotic brain in which eventually the robot and the brain interface by remote control frequencies and then to embody as one as in transhumanism or cyborgism. The eventual aim is produce a completely synthetic being as an android. This would be a fearless, non emotional, of great strength and almost endless years of life with a logical, precise intellectual 'brain' intelligence.
I have been writing a lot in this site and elsewhere about the Earth's five extinction's and the like;
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from www. geofffreed.com or online |
I feel that the extinctions are natures way that is 'saying' that's the end of the usefulness and expansion and evolvement of that form and its 'sell by date'. I favour a theory by Ilya Prigogine which is about dissipative structures and irreversibility and to my interpretation in order to 'borrow' this to suit my theory it goes like this;
The brain should it evolve in commensurate and concomitant processes and in harmony with its environment above may at this time of 2021 which I feel to be the harbinger of the forthcoming 6th extinction and if allowed in its present chaos 2021 and the extraordinary in my view madness of the New World Order and Reset are imposing their own will on human origins such as technocracy, eugenics, transhumanism and cyborgism in contradiction to the natural chaos of holometabolic transition and produce monstrous forms and so destroy nature and the human race into a monstrosity and maybe a complete wipe out needed.
There is a report of a military nurse named Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy who in 1947 telepathically communicated with an ET alien. The report is long and full, many people say it is fake. My research which included an Astronaut, a well known researcher and book writer on the UFO phenomena and others assure me it is genuine and I feel so as well. If the internet has deleted it, as they are doing to many things now go too my documents and get a copy there under that name and or if it is still around try internet DUCKDUCKGO. I mention this because of my extensive research I have found evidence of the alien elsewhere and from official sources. My point in this is that the mind set and the body of the alien is what the New World Order folk and reset World Economic Forum People are suggesting with their transhumanism, eugenics and so on is exactly what the AI mind is like. Basically very practical, logical and non emotional, robot like and eventually GMO foods that are grown to accommodate a part mechanical body. By the way non organic structure does not follow the processes as in Prigogine model above. This would imply no gestation and purely 'born' in a algorithmic matrix from blueprints and at present 3D printers. There is evidence that the aliens are endeavouring to get back to a flesh human like existence for various reasons that are not gone into here.
From the brain again; the mid and frontal lobe brain is now growing or evolving. To those who are experiencing this upgrade it is being exposed and receptive to the incoming Cosmic Energies through gamma rays and other frequencies (the whole of my work on the 1967 writings in the www.geofffreed.com and geoffreedrchives.blogspot.com describe the natural evolution to a new natural human being I name as Homo Energetica / Spiritulana).
The physique will be much the same, some slightly taller or shorter, more unisex in appearance yet well distinguished, they will be 'glowing with health' in the early stages beginning to telepathize, athletically strong and long lived, healthy and be vegetarian and developing the ability to ingest 'Cosmic food in the form of frequencies that are captured from foods, captured in the sense of obtaining the frequencies, this is already in progress in the ' phantom wave' and a lot of this work is disturbing the Robotics lot because it is a natural progression rather than a synthetic process (Bill Gates synthetic meat, vegan ham, cheese and sausages and so on) and Einstein said the secret of the Universe is vibration and such like.
There is evidence of this binaural brain and the thickening of the corpus collosum and this suggests more exchanges between the right and left hemispheres and so the 'mixture' of creative intelligence / inspiration and intellect. This means an intuitive driven being. Since true intuition is in 'touch and feel' with the creative fount, the divine source, the psychology will be man / women finding the yin and yang in themselves and so being compassionate and sharing an upgrade from emotionally human emotions. They will be 'man up' 'female up' and will enjoy sport and entertainment in a sporting supportive challenge without the aggression but with sheer fun.
Human emotional love is usually based on need. I fall in love is mostly I fall in like, that what is missing in me I see in another, they make me feel good, safe and when they leave or die or change, I feel destroyed, empty, so I become possessive, like the Stag, I then may find this in possessions, wealth and fame or I am morose apathetic being getting my worth from appealing to people in my weakness or any other scenario which gets attention and applause or a dictator a leader. Then I may turn to bitterness and depression, drugs, a couch potato and internet addict, I become addictive to those things which fill my loss and I must find myself other than this mess. Suicidal feelings if explored without fear offer one the opportunity to see what one is running away from and employing those feelings with open observation if possible one can see the frailty of life and then embrace it in another way.
When I sense this mess and have exhausted all outside means which I begin to realise have a 'sell by date' and impermanent and like the atom have no real substance and the mess and chaos of the world I may begin to contemplate, explore, experiment about the nature of things and why they are so unreal and realise what is permanent, no not even the Universe, then what am I then, a mere bag of flesh and bones, dying slowly or quickly from the day of birth to death, probably trying to keep death away as long as possible by various contraptions, exercises and supplements and those cyborgs to live forever I'll be conscious in a robot body. Then it may dawn on me; WHAT will be conscious in a cyborg body? ---SO what is this consciousness and where can I find it if they think they can download it?
Then I realise consciousness is not downloading the contents of the mind such as, my beliefs, my ideas, my agendas, idioms, these are ideas, mind programmes and as such that's all they are and can be rearranged, juxtaposed, reconfigured, upgraded, swapped in order to become someone else, follow various gurus, science, change to another belief, become brain washed in many things, or just remain fixed in a one way street and die without ever exploring anything else.
Then I really realise there isn't anything permanent in thought or even my body--THEN I realise what if I empty my mind of thought, feelings, emotions, not supressing them, I tried that and that was terrifying and crippling, what if, what if, I just looked at where these thoughts, feelings came from in and sort of looking in my mind, as if my eyes turned inwards and then I realise GOOD GOD, how can I see in my mind, yet I can, SO IT IS AWARENESS that sees not only inwards but it awareness that feels, touches, sensed, smells and so on, it uses my physical senses to do this. WAIT A SEC, so awareness is conscious, is consciousness and it does not need the physical at all, it is a temporary inhabitant, tenant in a rented accommodation so to speak.
Then I realise this is me, this is everybody, this is everybody who has shed their body, I am an awareness without definition, location, I realise I do not live in my head and or mind or body, or form for awareness is the empty space where all and everything evolves in and through, it is the womb and matrix of and in no location, quality of substance ---YET just being awareness in its pure form feels ME with no definition, free and feeling love, love of myself being love and being without form I AM.
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