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In the terms of drastic it is meant to be sudden but not violent and deep and fundamental.
I write and POST what is termed conspiratorial blog which is www.geofffreed.com or Geofffreed Online and up to about the end say of January 2021 I would get angry and forceful, authoritative in what agitated me and yet gave me the feeling of satisfaction of 'of job done and right' and a self vindication a sort of self assessment and a pat on the back and imagining my readers would go along and support these ideas and act on them whilst piously informing them I might be wrong and act as you feel fit and confident, to make a change in their life and wake up to the scam, hoax and enslavement that is happening during this so called pandemic before all human rights and ownership are demolished.
The hours researching, piecing together the information would be tiring and I would get stiff, hungry and tired to the point of near exhaustion and I would be tired the next day and not sleep well with a buzzing busy mind, yet never the less I felt like a knight on a errand nay long term assignment to bring the illuminati, the elite, the cabal, the Bilderbergs, The Deep State, These Eugenics, These Bloated Plutocrats to heel, to expose their corruption and moral profanity and deprecation, especially of those social media corporations who issue their moral and political and ethical judgements and pronouncements with censoring WHILST I am doing the same thing of pronouncing my own moral, ethical correct way of living and acting, albeit only affecting a few as to their millions.
I realised I am a hypocrite and although I feel elevated to them, a sort of superior snobbish aura of 'I know, I am a custodian of the truth, I meditate, pray, live a clean life so to speak, feel love in my heart and have a modicum of compassion and have knowledge of many things' while having a hate for them at times, a feeling of ET bring the fire of your lasers on them, cast them into the pit, make them work for a living and so on, then I have sexual urges which I feel to dampen as they are loose and immoral and offend God, I have fantasies of grandeur and immense power as the very aspect of the those I want to pull down, a sort of hypocritical jealousy.
I have written and blogged extensively about brain washing and here again a synopsis; in Mothers womb some feelings are transmitted and imprinted on the clean slate of mind / consciousness but are feelings that act on the nervous system and are deeply impregnated and the foetus also can feel those around it, on being born its is given a name and by inculcation, a repetitive process, it gets to know its name, facial expressions of those around this name which by now it realises it is him / her and then the ethics, religion, education, culture and so the process of brain washing / education / conditioning takes place and one is taught to be who one is. Most people carry on down the same rail tracks and paths with very little questioning and so carry on with perhaps a few 'daring' variations.
Humankind has a free will it said and are higher in evolution than nature and all of natures inhabitants and somewhere from being part of nature humanity gained a consciousness of its own superiority and began to rule nature and impinge its will, it sensed its power and somehow started to challenge the creator of nature, in fact in academia the idea of 'intelligent design' or God or any such notion is strongly opposed and denied. IT that is nature, self evolved itself, something from nowhere caused a big bang and 'voila ici', and one can say 'well everything seems to arise spontaneously from the quantum field and atoms are 99.99%, so is the quantum field God and if the quantum field is God how did both be 'born and present' and yet another big bang accident without a cause.
Humankind began to lust for power and want to create not only a better than nature creation but one that lives forever with supremacy over everything and like God be omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient and so they invented to date January 2021 Artificial Intelligence(AI) global surveillance in an attempt to omnipresent by 5 / 6G and the internet of everything and everybody, everything has an AI chip in it, from vaccines, to floor tiles, from food packets, total control through algorithms and supercomputers and this system has total power omnipotent and every human considered to be inferior by some means of judgement and jurisprudence would determine the worlds population of implanted chipped humans and AI cyborgs and robots and so transhumanism would be introduced and the worlds elite be a eugenic dream come true, total control and mastery over the unfortunates of humanity. Many, many Hollywood movies are on these themes as are the pandemic ones and of course the super heroes.
Films of human romantic love sometimes portrayed as paradisal and some femme fatale, betrayal, broken hearts, castigated, chastised for being gay, trans or whatever, isolation, desperation in affaires d'amour, and all other human catastrophes.
Saturday 30th January 2021 there are robots, AI huge numbers of satellites, electric cars coming to the fore, endless TV films, virtual entities, Smart Phones, meters and so on and even the computer printing of tools, limbs, organs and then the blueprint made of synthetic materials and soon human materials by finding the frequencies of these substances, for everything is vibration, waves, frequencies, vibes and so capture the wave or frequency and like cymatics it is imprinted into the substance and hey presto the limb, organ, tool and so on. So now we go from robots and AI but how to give them consciousness and reasoning logic humans have, this is at present the next step, to become a non flesh human with all the accoutrements and paraphernalia that humans have, live forever without organs, bones that rot, flesh that ages and death and to download consciousness and humanness into the robot and so it is a hybrid human in every sense. Perhaps some ET race did this to us as we are now as homo sapien and there is evidence of that in which I have written extensively in my blog POST. One can download logic, thoughts and all the contents of the mind, yes even intelligence based on programmes and algorithms but not soul, compassion or consciousness which is the very essence of Self.
Returning to the original drift of concepts and writing well above; this world planet Earth has a dual propensity modality, namely the opposites, the yin and yang which are not opposite polarities but can be and in opposition and tension and conflict with one another or be complimentary. So the elite, the illuminati and so on are the polar opposites to my program agenda and so I fight them with my moral indignation. How can they be like this, they are psychopaths, sociopaths, heartless immoral bastards and they might think I am / we are are naïve, foolish immature fragile emotionally incompetent uneducated and not really capable of running the world economically and technically, we are better than nature and as human robot live forever whilst you are content to let nature and God lead the way.
I get indignant with impositions, the obtruding pompous one way restrictions, the lockdowns, social distancing (better term physical distancing), mask wearing (better term facial covering) that I feel is not proven and the 164,000 scientists, doctors and so on who are being ignored by the elite and I realise in some part of me I envy their wealth, power and total authority and in another part of me the revolt against this and I am just as adamant as they are I question sometimes maybe this is how evolution is meant to be and am I stuck in some old programme of yester yore.
My very uncompromising attitude versus theirs, are these not polarities and could they be complimentary? At present there seems not, we / my way wants them to bend to my agendas without compromise or concessions, so hence stand off's, riots and rebellions, their response, fines, imprisonment, military crack downs, torture, austerity, homelessness and interment camps and so forth.
Then a drastic occurrence; The tiredness and restlessness and seeming failing of my agendas and those like minded and those who cannot cope and get mentally ill, suicidal, depressed and eventually cave in or fanatically adrenaline hyped up into fighting to the bitter end and come what may to death do us part cause the frustration and seemingly a battle vainly fought against such wealth and military might, with the only resort to guerrilla and covert insertions and now with CCTV and people getting paid for snitching because of unemployment this an easy way to earn a living and be the eyes for the elite and I can understand how desperation for food and family overrides any moral dilemma and perhaps a long tussle with themselves before doing it and then those who are 'religious' and holy and the government are the God of morals and even when they see corruption they go into denial who will save us, vaccines, masks, keep away from me, don't touch, doctors, NHS and some say God and prayer, some say God never listens because look at this world at war, child murders and bombing, I'll drown my sorrows and become morose.
Then a drastic intervention again; what if both ways are wrong, out of tune with one's inner nature, the intuitive 'god within' enlightenment of the true Self, the blueprint that was cast, the dye that inked our formulae, that something that comes from nowhere, that mysterious spontaneous event that birthed the Universe and everything in it, what stance and side does this take? It rests not as sitting on the fence and procrastination or akrasia but is in its own consciousness and is the author of nature and is not drawn into the eugenic free will of humans and their own machinations and whims, for I feel that humankind are jealous of the creator of all that is was will be and like many academics their agendas, religious agendas, my agendas are the collective programmes of brain washing, indoctrination and that becomes our reality and seemingly safe and solid platform. The ego cannot stand competition of its agendas and will dominate and defend, attack and destroy everything in its path and even in failure will justify itself to itself and know in its own mind 'I am right even in failure' and will pick itself up again if the circumstances are right.
It is the very battle of agendas that causes tiredness, fatigue, restlessness, confusion, despair and stiff joints and foggy mind at times, then the insights of; if all is brain washing and the human mind and most of contents are just mind games that can be swapped and played with; today Jewish, tomorrow atheist, the day after the day after, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist and knowing this as inculcated conditioning what am I left with. The ego panics 'I will be no more' there must be a philosophy, a guru, a god, a fantasy I can bury my head in and the dread of anything being unreal, the empty atom which makes me empty, I am empty, oh no god, take me away from this conundrum, this koan, this paradox this crazy whirligig, this spiral slide down the rabbit hole, this nothingness which everything-ness, I am going mad, yes this is the drastic slide off the edge of the reasoning mind, the content of the mind, the programmes, agendas, connivances, excuses and dilemmas and out of the yin yang duality of, of polarities and complementariness and sloshes one down with a hard bump in the middle of nowhere with nowhere to go and be and this seeming desolation and deserted 'place' is the somewhere where everything came from and goes back too when one exhausts the content of the fabrication of who one thinks and conceives to be a somebody and that somebody is the ego concoction configured from brainwashing and we realises we are somebodies hand me downs second hand charity shop clothes and even the Creators idea it had in mind for us like nature and It has natures, the Universe and yours and mine blueprints therein. I realised again I was never born and the brain washed me was. The I was me before brainwashing---the clean slate.
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