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Assumed reality; when one decides to look into reality and delve into the mystery of reality one can then arrive at sort of conclusion that reality is based mostly on beliefs and beliefs are in part made up of ideas either learnt or modified and ideas are thought processes so then it follows maybe everything I have presumed is real and there in front of my eyes or in my minds eye is reality. This reality takes on the role of ones world and the known and gives a sense of security even if the world of the known is chaotic; it is still the known and held together by ones sense of reality as such.
It maybe uncomfortable to realise and feel and I use the word feel that at most 'I am an idea'. How did this idea of me come about; well apart from my parents union and me born from the womb and egg and sperm, I was an awareness without thought and discernment.
The coalescing of ideas by inculcation which is a process of repetition and so compacting layers of thoughts so that they form a seeming strata of levels which then bind together like the stories in a tower block and so by compacting and stratifying them they appear to be solid and so the mind determines that they are real and solid.
However on close inspection and taking courage to look into these layers, one may come to realise that the mind has constructed these scaffolds, these strata and by courageously picking apart, disassembling the layers which are the very nuts and bolts of the scaffolding which maybe terrifying as the former seemingly solid foundation and security, the known or so called norm, the very cornerstone of generally agreed with modifications due to culture and religion are an a contract of agreement and used in law and religion and when these are seen as mind constructs and mere ideas formed into beliefs then the watertight foundations and securities begin to crumble.
The question then may arise why does the mind need to form these constructs and make beliefs seem so solid and in your face so to speak?; in looking and inspecting the nature of mind, one may realise that mind is an awareness, an intelligent conscious entity, a being that is aware of itself and is especially aware of itself when it breaks the illusion and spell of just being an automatic reaction to life through learnt strategies and never really questioning anything about why one acts so robotically and of course that is what athletes need and cultivate yet the average person does so by work and toil, one may realise one is a programmed organic robotic entity and runs on planned inculcated algorithms which have been handed down for many generations and so the world has a field of stored thought patterns contained in a magnetic containment field known as the collective unconscious. It is UNCONSCIOUS because it acts seemingly spontaneously and without realising and is a reaction to life circumstances, it the unconscious reaction which most people have in common.
Suddenly and perhaps by chance, maybe a shock or something else jerks the unconscious out of its reverie and musing and one may become aware of ones automatic responses and reactions. The psychiatric tests of word associations and should they not match it means one may have a problem, be an outsider and disturbs the 'norm 'and could be a potential problem in society and in this pandemic and the fear and psychological inculcation by censoring any threat to the narrative of governmental demands then by media and medical constant reminder of the threat and variant virus the inculcation process takes place and the 'new normal' is established and through fear which is the superglue of the ego a new energy enters the collective unconscious and a new reactive set of responses ensue.
The mind being an awareness without a physical attribute and physical tangibility begins to think and ideas emerge and it wants to experience itself as a form, to be tangible, so it begins to create ideas and then begins to layer them and really believes them to come into physical manifestation, I want my ideas to become solid so I can affirm myself as a live being and not just a thought form, a dream, an illusion which dies or withers in front of my eyes, I am here, solid and tangible and so be it.
However this is the delusion; the mind has convinced itself that its constructs are real and tangible AND IS so enamoured, charmed and seduced and gives endless power and energy to its ideas and constructs that IT BELIEVES it is real, here, moving, feeling living and it fools itself, a sort of self deception and feeling the delights of the flesh, the loveliness of nature, the awesomeness of the Universe, the trillions of stars and galaxies, the billions and trillions of cells and atoms that the glory of the creation of the flesh and nature enrapture the awareness and the consciousness goes full throttle into the dream and constructs and to the mind its is real, here and forever.
Then the paradox, the koan, the awakening; hold on what do you mean forever? A shock of some sort, something breaks the dream, the web that the magic spider spun. What is this world of tangible forever?; the solid billiard ball of Sir Isaac Newton suddenly was not so tangible, they discovered atoms, dream like 'bits' and then particles and then the observer effect and the so called tangibility began to lose its effect. The Zen fraternity knew this as they silently watched their thoughts and they began to dismantle their beliefs and some came to the empty mind and some realised the similarity to the 'nothingness of the empty atom', the scientist through particle physics and Zen through meditation and asked what is the nature of reality?
A STARK glaring fact emerges 'there is no such thing as a tangible REALITY, it is the mind desiring and yearning to be visible, the fact that the mind, awareness, consciousness is invisible so to speak it wants to prove itself of itself and to itself 'I AM HERE I EXIST 'and wrestles with itself when it realises it is by dominating inculcation and blindly pounding, brain thumping that I believe I am tangible and goes on believing this until the forms around it wither and die and the tangible body so thought of as solid and living, shrivels and withers, gets frail and illness and disease may assail one at times that one begins to glimpse at the so called fragility of life, the very precariousness and indeterminate of life on Earth and the Universe and so impermanency and the transitory nature of nature and life becomes apparent and so more effort may ensue to shore up that dwindling tangible form and yet death will prevail in the end.
Should one be brave enough and go into this dwindling crumbling form this seeming deterioration then one can let go of the past concretised constructs and perceived realities and let them fall naturally as the waves rise and fall from the ocean as the seasons come and go and realise as they fade and dwindle as concepts as one may realise I am alive with or without these binding beliefs that limit me and so while alive in the body and still vigorous or elderly and fading one HAS DIED not necessarily as an organic entity but to ones former beliefs. ONE realises that the life so far led has been a mind construct and only that; it has literally been all in the mind.
One then realises that one is free to be just mind; mind being awareness and consciousness and is free of beliefs but can live freely without the restrictions of mind constructs that bind one to a path of rigid adherence and then enjoy the temporary illusionary flesh body and realise in intuitive flashes 'I AM MIND, I AM CONSCIOUSNESS, MY TRUE NATURE IS AWARENESS' I can live without form and I can create form knowing it is I that created it and it is not my true nature. I AM THAT and that is reality.
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