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ScoopWhoop |
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ScoopWhoop This space is the quantum realm, not just empty Cosmic space |
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ScoopWhoop |
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ScoopWhoop This space is the quantum realm, not just empty Cosmic space |
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Forlorn Photography |
The end of the Punic wars saw an increase in piracy in the western Mediterranean. The Roman occupation of Hispania had meant a growth of maritime trade between the Iberian and Italian peninsulas. Pirates took advantage of the strategic location of the Balearic Islands to raid Roman commerce, using both Menorca and Majorca as bases. In reaction to this, the Romans invaded Menorca. By 123 BC both islands were fully under Roman control, later being incorporated into the province of Hispania Citerior.
In 13 BC Roman emperor Augustus reorganised the provincial system and the Balearic Islands became part of the Tarraconensis imperial province. The ancient town of Mago was transformed from a Carthaginian town to a Roman town.[3]
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From blog POSTS These are the five most significant |
Steve Judd mentions this in his January 27 2011 blog. energygrid |
95% of the neurons (the bits that trigger and fire information) in our brains are in the cerebral cortex, the thin brown layer of jelly that actually surrounds the brain, analagous to humanity's existence on the surface of the Earth. Linking the two hemispheres of the brain is a bunch of fibres known as the corpus callosum. It can be proved that in artists, musicians, left handed people and in those who are comfortable with being out of the norm that the corpus callosum is growing physically larger, and it appears within the last thirty or forty years that this growth increase is exponential, not only in these people but in all of us. The bridge between the left and right brains was the width of a thin pencil a hundred years ago, and I'm assured by a couple of mortician/pathologist clients of mine (really!) that in many people now this bundle of fibres is now the width of one's forefinger. This suggests to me that the interface between the left and right brain in most of us is now considerably more active than it was three or four generations ago. Of course this could be down to our diet.
You will find more information on this in the sites with scientific proof evidence of the pole shifts, electron, ice drillings, fossil and much more in the archives especially the last four entries that January 2013.
This suggests that the binaural brain and the corpus callosum are growing to join the two sides of the brain to be one and would make the interchange feel as if the male and female, the creative and logical become joined as one entity and the feelings result in feeling an looking androgynous and perhaps hermaphroditic, I certainly do and I must stress I do not feel homosexual, bisexual if anything asexual, it is not celibacy or abstinence either.
It is then said that 200,000 years ago because of the abuse of their technology and mental prowess the result was a splitting of the 'one brain' into hemispheres and the corpus collosum shrunk as it were, the genitalia divided and we became man form and female form. So does this suggest that the ascension energies are making us to be more evolved and going back to our Atlantean form and energy with an accompanying flesh form?
Will we have learnt the lessons?; maybe the Atlanteans abused the planet and their technologies and wanted to be cybotic, robotic and with their binaural brain as with the ascension brain and mentioned in the 67 writings eventually the upgrades to 'telepowers', telepathy, levitation all the psychic powers enhanced to telepowers, did they abuse these evolutionary upgrades and are we going to do the same as we appear to be in the upgrades so far.
Evolution is handing us a gift in the form of the ascension process and as we return in these cycles to the 'Atlantican' energy cycle, by this meaning all the cycles have finished as said above and we are back to the Atlantic cycle and mentioned in the writings as each turn of these vast cycles they are upgraded and reconfigured and so the opportunities are on offer.
Another aspect mentioned was that the solar system was moving as probably the whole galaxy into new area of energetic space and influence, it was in the early days named the 'proton belt' and another snippet to whet the appetite:-
Monster" outflows of charged particles from the centre of our Galaxy, stretching more than halfway across the sky, have been detected and mapped with CSIRO's 64-m Parkes radio telescope.
They normally measure cosmic rays in millions of electron volts. Over the last two years they have measured rays to the power of 320 billion, billion electron volts. To quote the article:“Something out there –no-one knows what- is hurling high energy particles around the Universe, in this case the most energetic ever observed by scientists…Not even the power released by the most violent exploding stars could account for them. Indeed conventional theory says such particles should not exist…” [from January 2013 Post 1]
It was not more sophisticated and updated scientific equipment that measured the above or nay since. I was told to watch out for electron volts as an indicator to the ascension process. Climate change is Solar System wise, many planets are going through significant change and if you have the patience to sift through NASA files you will be amazed at what you find plus the facts that the Cosmic rays and their effect on us, weather conditions, the Schumann resonance and so much more that add to the proof of Ascension and their commensurate and concomitant energies.
Are we indeed Returning to a form of Atlantis and even NASA has given away so many clues as have ET. There is so much more to add and ongoing however I may add or update some of this. This is a synopsis of the 1967 writings which is an ongoing process.
www.geofffreed.com (online):-
Sunday 3rd March 2013-----POST 9 Samye Ling (scroll down)
Thursday 26 March 2015 ---POST 212 More 1967
Monday 25th March 2019---POST 367 The Ascension Story
https://geofffreedarchive.blogspot.com/2005/05/ THE UFO STORY
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Crazy Frog TV |
An energy build up, a sort of pressure inside my head and it can feel very insistent. At first years back I used to feel that my brain and head were being squeezed in a vice or clamp, and then had a tight headband and all sorts of ideas and fears came and went. Was it a brain tumour, high blood pressure, growing or shrinking pains, was it the New Age Ascension symptoms? |
My dear late friend Roy Morris often said that if one meditated like with awareness (nowadays referred too as mindfulness) as in distinction to breath watching or mantra and so on and even watching and allowing the sexual energy to be rampant without sexual intercourse or masturbation, then one builds up a measure of pressure and like a pressure cooker ready to let off steam through the pressure valve. He recommended that one sort of 'holds this pressure' as it were and keeps it there and not to get into sport, workouts or release stuff and to the point where you feel you are going crazy or mad. |
Of course one has to be in touch with the body awareness and not damage oneself through a heart or some accident or such like, however it was, he said a way to 'burn through fear, limits and use the energy and this build up to bust out of hang ups and limitations'.
One has to keep an eye out for food binging or too much fasting. The sensations are interesting as are the insights; of course madness and being on the edge are very dominant especially as one gets deeper and longer into the process. Then the worry that one can damage oneself and of course all the doubts and reasons of this sort of thing, is it weird, why do this and yet there is with me this feeling to 'explode' out of this old regime and the not so merry- go- round of mundane routine and living.
Of course this was the idea to bust out
of the prison of the 'norm' and go to 'places or no places' in the mind, I
had in meditation that 'I was leaving' my my mind / head and it was gentle
and I realised I was not going anywhere but my normal 'attentive awareness of
everyday day routines and activities awareness' shifted from the 'screen' and
this often went past the random thoughts and mind occupation to a 'blank
light screen' which was peaceful, calm and light. It was like the ego slid to the
side or somewhere, the programmes and agendas suspended naturally and as if a
shutter or slow theatre curtain lifted and the stage was bare but alight and
gorgeously serene and peaceful. |
So why do the build up; it seems at times there is so much going on and especially at world crisis times that I could not get into the meditative process and was restless and distracted and so this way of letting the restlessness be there and let it be restless and sometimes accompanied by sleep difficulties, political intrigue, joint aches, fatigue and difficulty in doing or seeking the choices to alleviate this period of unrest and a sort of chaos which I regard as the 'snake shedding the skin, the crab the carapace, the caterpillar to the butterfly and the Prigogine process I have written about' this chaos is the 'silent reorganisation' to higher form or at least a different form or mind set or lack of mind set, less pedantic or rigid, so I have a feeling that in the depths of the mind which I relate as the unconscious cellar, something is stirring up the caked rusty glutinous debris of impacted old mind patterns and our scouring is needed to loosen and bring this to the surface and be recognised and discarded by the cognition of its sell by date well gone by and it is no longer a use to the present situations.
What then is the scouring agent; perhaps a high pressure hose pipe or a steam pipe might be more appropriate. For me and my early NDE, Koan breakthrough and Quantum realisation, the 1967 writings, I realised there was another dimension to life than the brain washed inculcated life that most people led and this set in motion the QUEST to delve, search, ruminate into the areas of the mind and if possible seek some sort of enlightenment, not a static stuck mind only to get some sort of peace by listening to soft haunting romantic music, chanting endless mantras although these(as long as one does not get addicted to the techniques and make a habit and thereby a false reality and this 'stuck standstill' taken for a sort of peace and compromise for the dynamic peace)these can be steps on the path but needing a natural reminder to not get stuck on a particular nasty step and recoil or fall in love with a very attractive one, always upwards and yonder.
This natural steam jet is an intelligent energy and is the evolutionary 'urge' to move things on and if it is clouded by or supressed by unevolutionary urges such as brain washing then this can lead to illness and malfunctions of all sorts. However these natural urges facilitate growth of all sorts and it may be that the body grows in its natural form and can be impeded by mind sets that do not compliment its natural growth and this can be the psychosomatic, neuropeptide cascade and the psychoneuroimmunology-ical effect that changes through mind patterns the natural order.
So the main effect I feel more often now is that an real deep urge to let go of all patterns and not just be aware of awareness and I feel like I am expanding, a joy ripples through me as at the time a fear of letting go and being absurdly wild like the crazy frog above, the utter natural letting go without the brakes on, the fear of being mad, crazy and locked up and restrained AND yet I know that because it is natural it is not just unrestrained ego urges just working out their madness's of a power hungry beast that has broken free and needs restraining for the damage it might do to humanity and the planet.
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From POST |
Professor Chris Whitty told Sky News on Wednesday that wearing a face mask had almost no effect on reducing the risk of contracting the illness. Prof Whitty said: “In terms of wearing a mask, our advice is clear: that wearing a mask if you don’t have an infection reduces the risk almost not at all. So we do not advise that.” “The only people we do sometimes use masks for are people who have got an infection and that is to help them to stop it spreading around," he added. (Truths about Masks that Politicians and the BBC Probably Forgot to Mention) |