Carl Jung |
Stark naked contrast; the heterogeneity and complexity in the human mind and condition never ceases to amaze and confound me for the answer in one way is simple and in another staggering.
By now with all my writing and picking apart the bits and pieces of the programming and conditioning found and contained in the human mind which is invisible and yet by its function produces actions of a physical or mental comprehension.
The simple answer is that over the generations in various cultures ideas, concepts, tenets, religious, cultural and political agendas and programmes have been passed down by inherited written, verbal and tribal acts and everyday living from parental to child interactions and relationships. The question is why did or does this happen and of course through the course of time become so repetitive and by this repetition become impacted like layers of Earth and so become so dense that this is concretised and becomes a sort of solid foundation and so the known, secure and reality. In fact so dense does this become that no matter how much one endeavours to offer another alternative or view there is a fierce reluctance to even contemplate or entertain it, such notions are in some cases so vehemently denied or repulsed that war and bloodshed can ensue.
I have realised that reincarnation is a fact in such a way as in history repeating itself and furthermore that this repetition is held in energy fields, vibrational containment fields of frequencies and these contain information and memory banks as a sort vast holgraphic fields of the past memories and experiences which are concepts, beliefs, rituals, idioms and everything that one can imagine or think of, this field is called by some the Akashic record. They are movies and really do have emotional content that when watches a TV or Cinema Movie then if one loses oneself in it, it becomes real and like a mini incarnation---'takes one out of oneself', the self of this incarnation not into empty mind self, the peace of self realisation. (not the self of this programmed incarnation).
I suppose that the first humans began to realise their individuality and then began their communal tribal integration and some felt they could dominate the rest and found pathways in the forest and savannah and so familiarity bred safety and various habits became safety rituals and so on and so tribes stamped their individual idiosyncrasies into a commonality and this becomes the 'mark or way' of the tribe and others tribes or countries maybe threatened or feel to exert and expand their ways, culture and power to be safe and the more like us the safer and secure the beginnings of eugenics. To be unlike others in tribal or nowadays is threatening, the difference breeds unfamiliarity, insecurity, threat, the unknown and instead of enjoying the diversity it becomes danger.
Most of the early tribal interactions and education came through the observation and interaction with nature and some may have become aware of bestial predation and savage killing and formed theriomorphic symbols or deities to remind them of the emotions and energies of these savage hunting's and killings and such an example could be drinking the blood or eating the organs of the prey or enemy in order to imbibe their courage and knowledge. In fact organ transplants even to this day 2021 have an effect on the recipient. So there might be something to it. The intelligence of the cell and atoms, the silent invisible informative intelligence within.
However I feel this energy containment field is 'carried' and is 'taken over a sort of energetic information intelligence' and this field is then transferred into the foetus and is accomplished by the facilitation of the DNA which is the outcrop from the field or quantum 'realm' of every possibility and probability and like a tuned TV remote selects by a dedicated set of frequencies so the individual DNA is attuned to past frequencies and so on demise seeks out by resonance and entrainment the familiar and routine frequencies and so the past is regurgitated as the future with some modifications and enhancements but generally the same underlying foundational pillars with perhaps atop a slight modified 'building on old foundations' the more upright human from the stooped older form.
Be that as it may the DNA is then not only the antennae, the interface between the quantum Akashic but can access it and this contains the total 'you / me / us' of the individual or the collective of humanity from way back when and beyond, yea, even the formation of the Universe which never was formed as such but is in the mind of God and passed down and transformed into 'parts, bits and units' which we know as evolution but actually is only to the DNA formations, so the DNA is able to access anything and everything which through its three dimensional form and its ability to draw in the quietness of itself the tunnel or interface through meditation and tap into the Akashvic or quantumness and intention or just abiding in stillness access the 'records' of past history.
There is no evolution as such in the quantum function it is a mere mind movement without past or future and is complete and then who knows, this is the mystery.
What appalled me this morning the 31st July 2021 was the anger, the hate, the atrocities, the carnal and yes the loving humane and compassionate in fact every horror, scenario, every emotion and every countless horrific cruel sadistic demonic action ever imagined, every monstrosity, disfigurement, every vile filthy abomination and the contrast of every loving, harmonious, sharing, loyal friendship, every adoring parent and child, every soul mate and deep love, every emotional experience from horrific depths to exalted highs, every satanic worship to every holy godlike prayer and ritual these are contained in every human mind and every human has the innate, silent residue and we are given the chance to choose to work out unfinished business in many lives in order to 'clean the slate of every state and experience so called good or bad'.
In my fantasies and dreams I have experienced all the above and feel ashamed sometimes because of it, yet I realise this is how Hollywood and authors, artistic impressions, madness and extreme acts of violence with pathos and poignancy, then loving, complete utter bravery and compassion, real sacrifice for our children and harmlessness of living, caring for nature and one another its all in the 'containment' field in us and in our DNA and it is well that I feel this and recognise this as part and parcel of my past.
This is the human condition and none of us can judge really another for we know not what another went through in another lifetime and incarnation which I feel is the distant past. Indeed what we went through in another incarnation. Indeed what we go through in this life with agendas, brain washing and all.
In some of us these latent innate dormant quiescent 'shadows' lay in wait and are sleeping and hibernating then like the rain in the desert which may only occur every three or four years just this drop will awaken a small flower or shrub which has slept beneath the sand for these years and may remain forever so to speak when the rain ceased. However this 'rain which is a signal' and trigger what may happen especially in these days of media, TV, videos, mobile / cell phones and Hollywood extravagances, the wars, the poverty, displaced folks, asylum seekers, refugees, homelessness, extreme poverty and extreme wealth, space travel, crazy genetics and modified food and climate so this 'hits' the human imagination and so many horrors and loves are triggered and awaken the hibernating 'tendencies of the hidden latent past'.
These could be said to reside in the unconscious, that is the unawareness, not being present, not being present to what is but only that which awakened a past experience memory traumatic or benign. Should one have become aware that these are not me and I have been swept away by an old scenario, a thought, an emotion or anything that evokes the latent past to the fore as of the now, should I 'catch like a native dream catcher over the bed' should I have developed an intuitive awareness and feel this is not me then there is a small glimmer of, of freeing oneself from the predators, the lurking denizens that lay in their den, their lair waiting to feed on their past delicacies and live again, the collective past stored innate tendencies and the collected tendencies in this incarnation are known as an entity and named the ego. This ego has a containment field and perimeters and boundaries and is very alert to its survival and has an energy field of great power this power is the power of illusion and delusion and the ability to make dreams come alive and the past the present and the future as the past and this is the deception and the wheel that turns destiny to the past and so the deception is complete and one may become stuck in the mire of stagnating yet familiar and known and not face the terrors of the perceived unknown. This makes the impermanent permanent.
Sometimes the innate stuff sweeps me away, by me I refer to my awareness without bias, the witness without opinion and judgement and the only judgement is a feeling of not me. Not a feeling of I dislike or I like this, but it feels not me and when the me is apparent I feel deeply and truly me and what's more there is no definition of 'me' it is an innate yet alive and present intuitive knowing and a knowing without rhyme or reason.
So on this morning as above I had one of those unpleasant, cruel anger scenarios in which I used ice cruel punitive acts and was merciless and yet I felt I was justified and made a victim and so on, some of my carnal instincts are like this but more pleasing and usually I am humiliated and wish to serve, the point is I have lived through so many of the above fantasies and I realise instead of stopping them by suppression or repression or extreme will by distaste perhaps realising them as not me and latent innate tendencies that have to be released, given air so to speak and seen and looked at. I used to feel guilty and not worthy and felt the energies of lack of confidence and self esteem arise and the usual childhood parent oh poor me stuff with I am not pleasing or getting love so there must be something wrong with me stuff, yes that is a factor a definite component and is valuable about the ego and my life so far, yet this has a different slant and angle on it, this maybe why I chose this life, my latent 'awareness' was awakening in this incarnation and probably in my last three incarnations the glimmer was turning into a spark and catching fire and in this life with all its glamour, carnage, huge colourful, noisy in your face 24/7/366 it has every graphic horror from extreme pornography, vile child abuse, horrific war scenes, poverty beyond the bounds of decency, viruses, weapons of sonic and atomic beyond belief, space travel and the extreme wealth, power celebrity and fashion, strange movements like woke, cyborgism, cancel history and culture, pandemics, horror vaccinations and restrictions, brain implants, wonderful surgery and medicine alternative and allopathic, drugs that cripple one and so on it is indeed 'THE LATENT HORRORS AND INNATE TENDENCIES IN FULL FORM, the UNCONSCIOUS is being seen not only as felt mind stuff but in open form. This is the monster from the deep as mentioned in the bibles but here and now 'so called tangible' the buried horrors that lurk as shadows and innate tendencies that rule us when we are not aware but are fully present here and now. They are no longer mind stuff but of course to some they are if the realisation by awareness is not in some way awakened.
So if it is difficult to be aware of the deep hidden stuff and lose my awareness to feelings that do not belong to me, HERE is the chance to see them naked and bare before me as tangible see-able here in my face. THIS maybe the incarnation for me and the world populace to recognise the demons of the past and to become aware of the 'not me' me in all of us.
So as long as I do have the guilt and become aware of the guilt as the replay button on the tape recorder of the past only willing to preserve the past and in a way cancel culture and history is OK as long as some mad crazy stuff fills the vacuum and to remain in that peace which is there willing and ready to be recognised as 'me'. When the swamp is drained and the past gone not by force but by recognition then the empty mind is not boring or empty but is a shining light of awareness and felt as tranquillity and peace.
Carl Jung |
Carl Jung