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Don't know, perhaps, expect?
One of the traps or ploys of the mind regarding meditation or in fact life at large is that expectation can be a trap in so far as having a lovely experience and expecting and even seeking them and a awful experience and the dread of expecting a repeat and avoiding them so that both of theses expectations can absorb and play in the mind or on the mind as if in and on adequately describe the invisible yet sensed mind, the Zen Roshi says succinctly 'Put your mind on a plate and I will heal and cure it? 'The pathologist cuts the body and still cannot find the mind'.
However they say mind over matter, matter has particles atoms and molecules the mind has not, the pathologist says mind is an electrical phenomena caused by the fertilisation of the egg by sperm and dies with one on death, the spiritual say mind survives death in consciousness. All this is conjecture, however there is and are experiences which suggests that something somewhere is 'alive' and witnessing this either bound up in the experience and is one with it and one can distance oneself from the experience as a witness, an awareness to the experience.
I watch the TV and am caught up and am the film or whatever, the emotions, the dread the pathos and excited and do not realise I am the awareness or I stand back as it were and watch myself watching the TV.
Coming now to meditation; having a wonderful experience or some other uplifting experience the mind will on many occasions expect or subtly wait or even try to manufacture a repeat, although I know that one should just sit and not expect, yet even saying 'I will just sit and not expect' sets of a 'behind the mind in the deep dark passages in the vaults in the unknown recesses of the consciousness' lurks a curious sentinel who will plant a miniscule seed and set of an expectation. And then the insidious ego will give just a touch, a mere whiff and this is enough to cause a distraction and hey presto I am in distraction or waiting for the beautiful 'no mind' warm glow that I feel the grace and I realise I have to go past that and carry on.
There is no static stationary glow, place, direction,there is no actual goal, there is no arriving at Satori this has to be one of the traps, satori and move on, Infiniteness, Eternity are not places they are part of the journey to 'nowhereland' and whatever unfolds in 'waking every day life' should be like free fall, a child waiting to be entertained and not necessarily the same old conjuring tricks and just to be delighted and in that way one is in the pathway so to speak to experience miracles and synchronicities. Trust in Life.
I do not know what life is, I experience it and yet it is as mysterious as the mind that is said to perceive it, so allow the mystery to unfold and realise that the mystery is the cause of life and that should be enough to allow the conjuror to just play the illusion and know it as an illusion but not be deluded by it.
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