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Again hard to describe these inner experiences and so an experience just after listening to a tape of delta frequencies; It felt like a beam or light from a projector was coming out of my third eye and the screen was my mind, so the screen was at distance so to speak in the mind projection and all contained within the mind, there were definite images being projected from my 'third eye'.
I felt the Cosmic Mind did this on a grander scale and they were holograms and were made as three dimensional projections and each form say like the human form had this unique and amazing ability to feel solid, feel emotions and be sentient, as for planets, stars, bugs and spiders they too had this gift of their intuitive senses as per their creation.
I felt that in the future and to some tiny degree the new human Homo energetica spiritulana might have this gift of manifestation and probably the Atlantean / ET have this ability to some extent.
Way back in early SHACKS I described when I was an electrician before changing to forensics, I used to meditate at times in a noisy air conditioning plenum and on one occasion I sensed or felt, more like an inner vision, small spirals getting larger and growing longer and with each spiral a tiny bird, growing larger as the spiral went along the flowing spirals and each growing larger and the bird growing proportionally, concomitant and commensurate until fully grown in the spiral depiction from birth to death again this way of sensing the manifestation by the Universe as a spiralling holographic sentient creation.
I also remember in this previous article and I cannot find it as there are so many that at this plenum I actually saw through a brick wall and came out of the plenum into the workshop to check what was going on in the parade ground which was empty yet I checked with the camera was visited by a group of pigeons and goose flying and pigeons on the ground. To say I was shaken and in awe is an understatement, I have also described in a back article three instances of bi location and friends and workshop attendants to prove, one was a series of visits to teach meditation whilst living in Hendon and the visit to Mill Hill, once at Christmas in Bournemouth staying with friends and bilocated to a church in the Isle of Iona in Scotland and to a friend in the USA some years later.
By far the greatest 'gift' was doing eight hour lectures; many of the workshops commenced Friday evening at six and finished at eight, then Saturday and Sunday they started at ten till six. In many I did not use notes at all and it just flowed. I used to have a minute or two silence after the introductions and then I felt like a 'tap' had been turned on and vice versa the tap as it was turned off. All in all I presented 670 workshops in the UK, Belgium, France, Germany and Canada and saw 3000 sessions with people in one to ones or in clinics. Some were in Universities, Brussels Belgium EU and in Rome at the FAO (Food and Agriculture UN Rome) and a mixture of private venue, houses, churches and various other assortments of venues.
These have as far as I know never happened again since the early70's, there are other gifts such as the puja at a persons demise, intuitive knowings at events to come, sensing through hands (psychometry) and seeing auras, these are not permanent abilities but arise when there is a need for them, the need is not determined by me it is a spontaneous occurrence.
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