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Like a sugar cube one may feel whole and alive whilst the years are kind to one or lousy if one's life is full of torment and misery. Leaving out fate, parents, reincarnations and so on and that phrases like ' thereby by the grace of God' 'or 'the hand of fate deal me this deal'we can either moan our fate or applaud it. A sort of fait de accompli.
In the last SHACK ? it states about reality and the grip on reality. Many of us have this tight grip on our perceived reality and yet as I have written so many times before our reality may not be so watertight as once thought and felt.
If one should be brave and courageous enough and examine closely as to one's reality it may come down to being a clone in many ways; genetically to a some extent, but mainly through passed down ideas, culture and lifestyle. Certainly a large proportion are one's belief systems, largely hammered into one by inculcation and so imprinted and impressed on one that they are mostly driven into the unconscious and form an automatic response and reaction, like the trained athlete reflexes.
OK, so now perhaps the realisation that 'thereby by the grace of God' I could have been born to another family, religion, culture etc, etc, etc, and become so steeped in that whole belief system that one would fight for it, die for it and so on. Realising this that cube of sugar may become not so compact and comfortable and perhaps questions arise, well if I am an inherited mind clone and maybe even afraid to venture into looking into some other beliefs and maybe coming to a conclusion we are all in the same boat as it were, many of us think and feel to some extent we are free or bound and what is it that binds or frees us? We may realise that the examination with as little bias as possible will bring us to that same place as we are mind clones, fighting one another and to some to the death, my beliefs are sacrosanct and yours of those of an infidel and some may tolerate the differences.
The bringing about by thinking and examining the above beliefs and assumptions may bring distress, bewilderment and shy away from going to the crux and depths of the matter. What if I am not so SURE anymore and realise my reactions and responses are so spontaneous (is spontaneity say of a child before brain washing takes over and firmly grips the open mind and encloses it in a coral--real spontaneity arrives from the free mind) that reactive, even instinctual in some events are masked and are reflex actions instilled by belief and behavioural and coping patterns.
On venturing further and stepping tentatively at first, one becomes less anxious at loosening the grip on one firm felt and thought was my reality and that reality is becoming to be seen as a collection of belief systems many of which have been slightly modified down the ages and these have been hammered strictly or lovingly into the recipient and maybe left little choice and one may even surmise I really believe this and I was taught to be who I am, I always believed this so did my parents, family, culture and this is who I am. I was free and I am not a clone or some one else's ideas, I am a free thinker and not bound by my inherited beliefs and life styles, many may really and truly think this and be resolute and stand firm.
Furthermore I will reject the above and say I am not a mind clone. Yet the early doubt could either drive one to distraction and cover it up and seal it away and yet the yeast, the seed of doubt may arise and one maybe drawn back to the quest and that quest maybe a simple statement; IF we or a majority of us are mind clones who are we really and if we are saying that reality is but a series of beliefs passed down from way back when and we can see that all these beliefs are different only but a few common points and concepts, a few basic morals for survival then who are we without being inculcated, brain washed and going down the byways and highways laid out by others. Then then appears to be no reality and I feel myself loosing my grip on reality OR IS IT reality, is it just a reality I have been taught and so implanted, so by repetition like a training programme, I believe I believe, now I can see its all a mind thing and I could be in any system or not, and what I now come to the conclusion intellectually that is THERE maybe no such thing as a reality ONLY if I give my whole life and energy to a set of beliefs and shut out any other conjectures and possibilities.
What if I dare to feel that 'space' left in my mind and I even go to the idea, the mind is brought about by the content of its thoughts which are based on its beliefs? So when I realise that I am that SPACE vacated and left empty when the content of mind is subsided as in meditation and there is an awareness of awareness and that is all, I may feel this is the only nearness I can get to reality. Reality becomes an emptiness and that emptiness which is consciousness which is awareness which is Life is all there is.
Until one abides in this space of spaces, the collective logic and beliefs hitherto stored over the ages for humanity and this reincarnative past for the individual, in fact humanity and the individual share the same experiences tailored and suited for the whole to the individual a sort of holographic production. Until one can free oneself of the gravity pull of the belief systems of old which is so embedded and firm, that not only a wrench or crane can dislodge it and one may have to chip away and realise as the whittling process reveals gaps and one may have to do this and experience anxiety as the new vistas expose more of the vulnerability of the belief system and the fear of giving way to the emptiness or peace and awareness and the former ego idea of 'not having the safety and security of belief' and the ego detests emptiness because there it is not center stage so to speak.
So journey on and not only the sugar cube as above begins to dissolve as a belief system of itself, but old age creeps in and no matter how fit and well it begins to shrink and get less bodily and yet the mind can get more puzzled and yet again the space accepted more and more. So do we want carry over unfinished mind beliefs and reincarnate to sort themselves out in another life somewhere or somehow or do it now?
Maybe God has the same dilemma? I often cheekily and blasphemously think this at times, dear God I know you know the minds of your creation, but I wonder did you put this creation here for you to find yourself like the potter who looks at the pot and wonders how it got there and where did the idea for this pot come from? Furthermore from my mind says the potter and then what is mind and so on and the quest starts again. OR did God put all this here for us to sort through and come to the understanding like what I have written so many times, that the whole creation is constructed with particles, atoms, molecules and so on and the atom is empty. So emptiness of a sort is seen here and could that space be consciousness, life, and awareness of the true Self and maybe some sort of a reality>
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6.5 octillion atoms estimated in the human body. Might the human body be 6.5 octillion .999999999 bits of something?
Figure out reality in this and then the whole Universe and dimensions and then contemplate this video below;
Whichever way you go psychologically, scientifically, meditation (meditation by Eastern methods, not meditating on a thought, prayer, creative visualisation and so on) you may arrive at the fact YOU ARE THE OBSERVER, the witness in meditation watching thoughts and letting them go by, the observer is a witness and what is the witness but an awareness aware of witnessing and then witnessing itself witnessing.
The human body maybe just a belief and as we explore the nature of reality, which maybe reality is an awareness which is space. We ascend eventually to be just an awareness. SHACK
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