Giphy Giph |
You know all that stuff about the empty atom and it really isn't empty and in the vacuum its all there and are somethings doing their thing and then scientist who are constantly upgrading like the string theory, the loop theory, the many worlds theory, bootlace theory, Feynman, gell- man and so on, the two split experiment, Schrodinger's cat, the God Particle at CERN.
From Blog 2015 Higgs Bosun
Sharing on inculcation, conditioning, brainwashing and programming and all the many articles on the empty atom and no mind, no identity and in SHACK MAHA SAMA and the Buddhist monk in going into Mahasomadi I am proposing because this an idea passed down over centuries and all that meditation stuff from the East could even that 'holy tradition's' be another programme and inculcation. from Blog 2015 Maybe we thought ourselves into existence or were thought into existence or big banged into existence and all this is a mind hack and death is another programme all the meditative experiences and conscious death is another programme 'handed down' by those who did their aesthetics and esoterica.
I think myself alive and live and I think myself ill and I think myself to die consciously as another brainwashed programme even though I think / feel as it it were it came intuitively from Source or the Creator consciousness or as natural consequence of evolution ah la the big bang theory.
Hey Geoff wait a mo.; but I am self aware of myself, I am aware of my presence and aware of my awareness, perhaps this another inculcative programme?
Maybe its all a dream and yet there has to be some content to make a dream or does that have to be? Maybe it is from some other dimension and that also predisposes the same questions as above. |
From Blog 2015 Thursday 5th February 2015 also in blog The Higgs Fake by Alexander Unzicker
OYE VEY and a kopveytik with Shpilkes. Sometimes Yiddish words express the meaning in the sound of their words rather than the meaning. Many Yiddish words appear in movies and have become and 'every day colloquialism'.
From blog above 2015 |
all this to find something that is so small you cannot see it and its all in the mind maybe? Shack
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