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So many people have hinted or actually expressed a feeling of something just out of reach, not tangible, a sort of silent almost apprehension and yet not so much a fear of imminent extinction or a serious calamity, disease or even their own demise. It is like a silent pressure that is building up to a climax, like a psychological orgasm or just proceeding it, wanting to let go and yet tittering on the edge of an unknown.
Many might feel that this a sign of a nuclear war, a world wide climatic upheaval, devastation of monstrous proportions and yet I feel another type of climax. I feel all the beliefs and life styles, the build of world and milieu over thousands of years have led to a stagnation and the patterns are no longer fit for purpose and mere upgrades, reconfigurations, makeovers and so on will not suffice and that this stagnation and forever round about is slowly decaying and this process of decaying is building up a sort energy of stench and pressure and leading to an eruption. An old saying 'I can feel it my water' an ominous gut feeling and no matter what one may do to seek out an answer it is not satisfying or has a feeling of added pressure.
I feel it is heading to a mental, psychic spiritual event, a Cosmic Orgasm where there is a world wide spiritual (not religious) 'switch on' in ones consciousness, as if a light broke through the clouds of reasoning and brainwashed condensed density and one is out from the crippling local mind views and finds one in non local free space, a rocket broken free of its planetary gravity. The gravity of the ego.
In my view just saying I want break free are mere words, even psychologically breaking free by mantra, meditation and positive affirmations, prayer and shamanic or religious ways and piety or being disciplined and performing endless rituals which maybe a safety net to stay one from going mad, depressed, suicidal or just endless distractions to deaden the pain of this pressure, this pressure which may feel like 'I need to get out of my head'. This requires looking, watching, staying alert and noticing the pains, the aches, the dramas and fear as the pressure builds up to the point of mental, psychological ejaculation and the risk one may perceive of going mad.
Of course the ego will rebel, it has over lifetimes and be it this one, built up an image based on ones inculcations and will defend it at all costs even to the demise of the host, yes our corporeal bodies, which have had to bear the onslaughts of this demanding tyrant. The problem being this image of which we carry buried in the depths of the unconscious has repeated itself so many times that most of us not conscious of our chosen image of which we strive to preserve at all costs and the loss of this beckons to some as empty, barren dark and unsafe and yet once tasted and broken through at odd times sometimes fortuitously and spontaneous only to be dragged down by the anxious ego and places a watchdog, a sentinel who is constantly guarding the perimeters of the ring fenced ego and reacts to the challenge of an intruder by whatever means the ego or local mind has in its arsenal of defence and attack.
This ringfenced set of agendas is world wide and they challenge differing images on the world stage, be it religious, political, personal relationships and the core is the individual and at goes on merrily or anxiously on their path so trodden that the tracks are burned into the memories of that individual and has the national and international customs, life styles and so on. The culture so chosen lives on in perpetuity.
Then there comes a time even in nature when the sell by date is reached as in the five mass extinctions and I feel we are in the sixth extinction and this pressure as above is now reaching the planet, the Solar System and us, the populous and just as animals feel the weather changes, earthquakes and tsunamis so many humans are feeling this as well, and there may come a moment, a blink and AH HA then maybe one may shot out of the ringfence, the sheep pen and a light brief and intense and one is shot into a space and seemingly another dimension and though remaining in one's body or not sees the world in a completely different way and without fear or the sense of loss.