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The morning so quiet, no bird song and even the magpies and squirrels were still, the drizzling rain and the dark ominous clouds, everything eerily still and an atmosphere heavy with a portent of an unexpected event just another one in the recent chain of events and once again shocking the sensitive minds of many and causing a silent trauma that no one wants to admits is affecting them and some just get on with life hoping and praying that their dreary existence turns a shade brighter.
I feel the silent cries of anguish of lost souls those gone from earth and those remaining. The mothers and fathers crying over lost ones bodies, torn, dismembered and some so damaged as not recognisable, they hold their dead babies close to their chest the weep and cry and no one hears them. Where are you God, why have you forsaken us and God says 'you humans in your lust and power, your arrogance and selfish egoic mania expect me to clean up your mess. I did not create nature and the Gift of Free Will to be distorted in this way, you bring about your own destruction, perhaps when you destroy all and everything, a new beginning maybe started over again, but from the beginning you have been war like and tribal'
So I hear the silent cries, I see the atrocities and I wonder what can I do in my relative comfort and ease. I know not how, I sit in silent prayer and I am agitated and I hear my neighbours who are as disconcerted as I, we discuss it and blame who? The politicians, the religious zealots, those escaping tyranny and risking life and limb to arrive at safety and those incumbents of the asylum lands and its inhabitants sending them off to more uncertainty and trauma.
Around the world there is unrest, poverty, abuse and horrific crime, youths with knives and guns, homeless people living in the streets, starvation even in affluent countries and a section of humanity wealthy and rich beyond belief who just look the other way and go their way as if none of the misery of the world existed.
Climate change blamed on us and yet a natural cycle and we contribute fifteen percent by our pollution and they make money out of the carbon footprint and the green of the land pays the price. Even space is full of our rubbish and it is this rubbish and the Moon will it be next, mining and human excreta and then Mars I ask are we fit to got to other planets and repeat the mess we have here and that history shows the fallen Empires where we had chances to start again and then the human condition come in again.
There was a time when man took no more than he needed
that time has gone
There was a time when he gave something
That time has gone
There was a time when he worshipped the Creator and honoured Creation
That time too has gone
And now the waters are polluted and natural resources are all but gone
and creation is dying
It is a time to find our way back to Earth
Will we heed these words or ignore them?
Collective North American Ethnic races
Aborigines, Mauri, Inuit, Amazonian Races
and collective Ethnic peoples and those who care.
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