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From Previous Articles 1 |
This image 1 fascinates scientists and many thinkers alike. If the atom is empty how is it I / you / we / us and indeed the Universe exist? They say we came from the Big Bang and it was and an accident and I say well an accident has to have a cause, they say God designed the Universe and all that is in it of course the all paramount human the crown and glory of the said God, He(where is She in this) created us in His Image.
Then we see from image 1 that atoms are mainly empty so how do we stand here and the Universe as they say we have the same atomic structure as the stars, are they empty as well, oops. Then it is said everything is impermanent, transient and yet we have five mass extinctions and human type forms came in later and there seems to be a plan or an Intelligence behind all this and I class it under the general heading of Evolution.
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Apollo 8 2 |
Now I am going out on a limb; In the space of the atom said to be mainly empty there is a something that is not substantial and solid as we know it, there is movement and energetic something's, I postulate this is information by the means of consciousness, an intelligence that is informing the atom and by vibratory frequencies informing the atom of its role and purpose in creation a kind of consciousness algorithm, a mind instruction.
Einstein was referring to the Law of Vibration. It states that anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, when broken down into and analysed in its purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern.
Tesla "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." Now I am going out on a limb; In the space of the atom said to be mainly empty there is a something that is not substantial and solid as we know it, there is movement and energetic something's, I postulate this is information by the means of consciousness, an intelligence that is informing the atom and by vibratory frequencies informing the atom of its role and purpose in creation a kind of consciousness algorithm, a mind instruction.
Tesla"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." I am suggesting that atoms are formed by coded frequencies into their allotted role by resonance by frequencies preplanned by the intelligent information. For example liver, bones, brain have atoms designed and allotted to these specific organs and so on throughout the body, nature and the Universe and held together by resonant frequencies in magnetic containment fields, like the different instruments in an orchestra.
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Britannica 3 |
In image 3 it is an image of crystalline lattices and they merely illustrate to the 'net or resonance for individual information frequencies that appear from virtual particles to atoms and then to molecules and so on'
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All of the above is speculative as all of quantum 'stuff' is now I want to delve into mind over matter. Going back to brain washing, inculcations and all of that in many, many articles and those who awaken and realise they are clones and all they are are mainly someone else's idea, partially a cloned mind and replica of their parents, mentors and peers and to some of realising they have been brain washed and their ideas and beliefs are those of a chosen selective parental religion, culture and thereby they could be by fate or destiny be any of the cultures and religions, political agendas and so on and to this end these beliefs have been going on for hundreds of years and been so ingrained as to be sure, secure, untouchable and reality. However waking up to this in sincere awareness of this can lead to shock, ' I am up to this point been sure of my faith, religion 'hook line and sinker' and who am I when I could have been conditioned and programmed in another set of mind patterns? Then a quandary I have no real identity if I realise this and then a number of things ensue, shock, run back to the conditioned self, try other agendas, self destruct and get depressed, suicidal, drop out take on a weird cult idea or just run wild or other options, should one be brave and courageous one explores the apparent no identity and seeming hole and void and take the plunge one may be surprised as other articles include the stateless identity- less consciousness and go further into the 'gap ', the sink hole of existence.
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Existential Crisis 5 |
Taking the point if accepted that atoms are empty and that they are informed to do what they do from the vacuum, god, zero potential or whatever IT is consciousness, Intelligence or a mind that is upholding creation, we are being thought by an informing intelligence, we are a thought form of the Universal Creator AND SO just as we were cloned or brain washed as an ego human, WE ARE CLONED AND brainwashed by a COSMIC PARENT.
So just as we thought our brain washed agendas were real, our beliefs solid and offered safety and security AS LONG as we didn't question them to any depth and went along with the birth old age death, religion, culture and say this is the way of all flesh and this is real until something really shocking awakens one to at least start the doubts about existence. NOW I REALISE I am now cloned by the Universe, I am now identityless and realised I was a human conditioned clone it appears as I have no Identity as such I am alive and somewhat kicking, how so? What keeps me going with relatively very little human egoic thoughts?
So this anathema to being cloned is now with me again, I am now cloned to the Cosmos and Its intelligence. Still this the human ego. Now the empty atom and I am made of 27/6 27the power of 6 atoms all nearly all empty apart from 0.999999 recurring then the shock may come again I HAVE NO INDENTITY and I am a mere thought form THE COSMIC INTELLIGENCE has programmed me , brain washed me to think I AM person, ACTUALLY I do not exist, I THINK OR HAVE BEEN inculcated to think I exist, in fact I believe I exist because I have been made to think and feel I exist and the shock becomes a Cosmic one not an egoic one, I have been programmed to believe I exist Actually I am a mere thought form programmed, brain washed, inculcated to believe I am a human in a flesh body, once one entertains such notions it leads onto the thoughts well if I am programmed to believe and exist then if I should go on exploring this I can only come to a sort of conclusion, WHEN even that idea dissolves and I no longer am real and just a thought form posing as a human, planet or star form then I am ONE with Cosmic Mind. Until that happens one remains in the mystery.
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Reddit 6 |
When it becomes an experience beyond description I can only surmise one becomes one with the Universal Cosmic or Creator or whatever, the dreamer of dreams and realises we have all been duped, that we do not exist and that we have been programmed and brain washed that we exist, then we do not exist as an individual as such we are an awareness without form or definition,
Birth, and death, time and space disappear and there are no more programmes, we are the pure Intelligence that created the Cosmic magicians joke of something that is real, there is nothing that is real, its a mind game. Many mystics have brought people who were apparently dead back to life. The shock of the crowds were really tangible, some fainted, some said it was a trick, however birth and death were just programmed minds and the 'healer wise person knew this' and broke the hypnotic spell and by the act of life giving hoped to awake those caught in the programme, in the net of conditioning and that is how some can walk through walls, UFO do their thing and so on, ONE BREAKS the seal, the veil and goes beyond all programming and is not an individual as such. A wall, a prison cell they are belief thoughts that they are real, however the awakened one knows they are but another inculcated belief that it is solid and real being totally enlightened one is merely one with Cosmic Essence and change the so called reality because any reality is a programme, change the thoughts and change the circumstance, in fact there never was any circumstance just another brain washed belief.
So who are you. Just a sequence of thoughts that one believes are true even knowing this one is thinking this, so in a sense one is mindless of any handed down thought. So as one is programmed to be a form, bang your hand its hurts maybe that whole set up of feeling and so on is a programme as well?
So you happy or unhappy thought forms that think you have a body and do not know it is a programme and one may shake one's head say really? When our day comes for passing over and or had a nightmare your may ask yourself, did I ever exist or was all this a dream and I never was here or anywhere, I was just a passing thought that seemed real at the time and now time has gone with my demise what was the point of it all-----perhaps to prove to you and I we were thoughts only and believed otherwise.
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