Friday, 1 May 2020


Courtesy and Thank you Shutterstock

I don't know how many times I have thought this, contemplated this, ruminated this and sought explanations and solutions that satisfied my intellect and understanding and yet seems so simple and incredulous and yet persists at times and to be frustrating and when dropped calming.

So what is it?;I observe people walking, trees growing, animals moving, fish swimming, insects crawling, bees buzzing, birds flying, clouds moving, myself breathing, hair and nails growing, food for eating and the miracle of Life and all that it encompasses.

How do people walk, I know the mechanics and the brain coordination, chemical messages, nerves, joints and all the biology, yes, but how do they walk, we emerge from space from emptiness and a tree is as alive as me, it grows as I do, I walk and grow, a tree moves not as in walking yet lives and grows, yes I understand the ecology but how does it grow. I know about the Sun and plants photosynthesise and the chlorophyll and all that but how do they do this as we do in our own unique and pertinent way as does all other aspect and functions in nature. 

Yes, yes, OK, whether it be a Big Bang Accident, A creator, Intelligent design, whether like AI somehow from the mud and slime to the Intelligent Creator, there is in my opinion a Prime Directive, be it self taught which I do not subscribe too or the directive of an Intelligent Life Source never the less it boggles my mind as I stare incredulously at this walking of humans, animals, buzzing insects, crawling insects, burrowing beings, birds, mountains, the soil and non moving trees I meditate go to the emptiness of pure awareness and realise even if there was Big Bang, God Almighty an Accident and Spontaneous event with no reason or origin, how, how, how. I cannot rest, it is a paradox and koan of the supreme order, it is the Who AM I of all Who Am I's if I know, feel and intuit this I know about walking and non moving trees, I know intimately and intuitively beyond reason and explanation what is Life and living and all the above share in common. The oneness and inter connectivity, the real internet of everything and everybody.

This knowledge is not logical, intellectual or even remotely understandable indeed it defies logic and academic evaluation and so the human arrogance and stubborn refusal to acknowledge anything superior than the human ego falters on the steps of this transcendental consciousness and intelligence, an intelligence far removed and in another dimension and capacity beyond the flesh brain and yet the flesh brain can catch glimpses like TV receiver that catches a glitch or so of a programme fine and sensitive and is hearkened to a spontaneous, intuitive inspiration beyond mortal thought and received in micro nano seconds, pictures, words, ideas compressed into this lightening bolt, this flash of knowledge and thought processes. 

This seems to arrive when the thinking mind is suspended not by suspension, repression, contemplation and seems to occur when the mind is still, sometimes by washing, up, gazing in an unfixed way, meditation on nothing, an extraordinary letting go of the thinking process and thought filled inner chatter, the so called internal dialogue, the busy mind ceases, not asleep but extraordinarily alert about nothing, an acute awareness, an unfocused alert emptiness and from this space of emptiness there arises either extreme peace and joy or silent words and knowings or this almighty lightening comprehension which maybe had never even been in the realms of the recipient's interest or vocabulary.    

This is the realms so to speak of the Intelligent Directive the Invincible and Invisible Creator and from here Life issues forth and because the thought processes are 'turned off' naturally without any intentional motive only to become still and just be, this provides a chalice as it were a receptivity, an invitation and like electricity a capacity and facilitation which enables the flow from the positive to the negative poles, the potential differences which maybe akin to space being positive and consciousness or the empty brain being negative to accommodate the flow. In plumbing the water tank being higher than the tap.  

I would assume that pregnant mothers feel the life of  the child and may have contemplated this miracle of life stirring within them. Then deeper the information and directive of the cells as they divide to form the fetus and the cells going to perform their duties to the organs and formation of the babe to emerge.  

When living in the wild in Minorca before it was organised, I was awakened by the farmer who I rented my shack from (100 pesetas a month) calling me to assist three men and myself to hold a rope which was tied to the legs of a calf being born in a breech birth, we tugged as the farmer called---izqierda (left) Y (and) derecha(right), two men on the right rope and two on the left, I was on the left, the granjero (farmer accent over 'j' ) called which way to pull. The calf came out with a lot mooing from the cow, and the farmer quickly removed the ropes and told us to get out of the way at a distance, the cow licked the after birth and the calf which staggered to her feet, it was a lovely female calf. I stood aghast and marvelled at the birth as I have done at human births. Incidentally I lived in a cabana del pastor (accent over 'n' --herdsman cottage---my shack)
Courtesy  oneoffplaces
This was the Cabana, this was not the actual one, mine was smaller and a balcony which was a grain store, the finca(farm) was about half a mile away.
My Camera and in Canada in the wild, moved to a smaller one later and then another as I explored
These miracles of birth, the birth of new hair and nails, baby to seniors--as the astonishment and wonder of it all brings to me the gratitude and the miracles of every day living and knowing the technicalities and head stuff takes away the wonder, the vigour and enjoyment, like seeing it for the first time, the child like appreciation and not taking it for granted with the realisation that to experience it is like this, I find my mind empty of thought and therefore comparison and judgement and so it does not remind me of anything, it is pristine, new and alive, everything is reborn when there is no background of thought, and so my astonishment reigns and my fear of not thinking and 'know that I know that I know and be certain and secure' is replaced with I know that I do not know but when I need to know I will know.

Death and dying are the unknown and if experienced with 'no mind awareness', it can be an astonishment as above, another wondrous experience in the cycle of life, this is my hope and prayer for conscious dying, perhaps being reborn in consciousness and directed by it.SHACK  

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