Friday, 1 May 2020


Angel in Astronave

Often I have heard and read that the real self or the Kingdom of Heaven is Within, Deep Within you is the Hub and Nexus, it the Centre of Oneself, The Self, The Spirit, God Within and so on.

On reflection a few points came up; if I am a collection of trillions of cells, a community of bacteria, a tangle of veins, muscles, arteries, skin and bone then one could say the center is or just below he navel, then moving to thoughts they are random and come and go unless one is focused on a particular topic and subject and should one dare to say we are inhabited by a spiritual being who is not tangible in itself only in its cladding which is described above, so where is this Heaven Within then? And does this refer to something invisible and can a nebulous energy have a centre or even be tangible or is it just a myth and a programme, another belief by ancient sages and indeed when our body expires that's it and end game.

However I feel deep within can mean when one is in meditation or rare moments when it seems either by the facilitation of meditation, or somehow like washing up and the mind seems focused on nothing in particular and is mechanically in a habitual drying washing and stacking, suddenly the clouds of thought and fantasy, and mind chatter floats away and then one can feel joy, peace and deep within means passing through and dissolving by a natural mind that unclasps itself and one feels one's true self.

This unfurling, this implicate slow drift or sudden jolt from he internal dialogue, like the clouds revealing a gap to let the Sun shine and warm the 'cockles of the heart' and there is a non corporate body that feels and observes the non tangible feeling and it is an awareness that is not contrived or manufactured but is and feels like this point of easy laid back and yet strangely and uniquely spontaneous and 'easy peasy' accomplishment that seems to need no effort and yet nebulous, etheric and yet again a dynamic.

This beyond all means is the Kingdom of Heaven, actually is not within anything that is corporal that has tangible form, it is the Ghost in the Machine and ones awareness has become unfocused from the machine and realises one is the awareness that observes the machine and is sort a feeling consciousness that resides in the machine, like one of theses driver-less cars driven by some computer signals, the car is observable the signal not so, the Ghost is oneself and deep within is passing through the layers of programming, conditioning, brain washing and discovering.  I was and am here before the body and any form therein and will continue in this something indescribable and invisible conscious alive experience and although not somatic which disintegrates and  is either interred or cremated or some such ritual this living alive conscious awareness lives on and seemingly forever.


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