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The frightening thing is when one finds out that one is a programme, a sort of non definable entity that is not fleshly but is driven by an urge that is different from other prompts and it may seem unreal the search for it is 'The Ghost in the Fleshly Machine'.
So real it seems this haunting phantom which before one became aware of it was running the show and this fleeting glimpse exposed itself and yet this seemed incredible that the real I was a programme, a mere set of ingrained brain washed ideas and concepts pounded into the innocent receptacle of a young or tortured mind.
The brain seems split when one becomes aware of the chasm and a tussle can ensue and sometimes if it becomes an obsession a deeper fissure takes place and some sort of mental illness ensues. Sometimes multiple programmes end up as the ghosts fight or are triggered into play and for centre stage.
When one realises these programmes that were inculcated from birth and indeed in the uterus and the search for who am I without the algorithms of the inculcation (Inculcation is the instilling of knowledge or values in someone, usually by repetition. To inculcate is to instill or impress an idea on someone, so inculcation is the process of instilling or impressing ideas. A lot of teaching is a form of inculcation: teachers repeat information to students, hoping it will sink in.) It may have a disastrous or liberating effect. Disastrous in an overwhelming feeling of 'I am a robot', an inherited conditioned someone else's hand me downs that shockingly they may not even subscribe too and have died in the passage of time before they realised their beliefs and concepts.
The brackets explanation holds words that one is to contemplate 'sink in'. Sink into what? The image above seems to suggest 'constant bombarding of the neural network' and then destroying, sometimes obliterating the real person and ones reality is based on these algorithms and one becomes a fleshly imprisoned robot.
(Up to date neuro research suggests that memory is held in magnetic fields{containment fields} and the brain is a switching centre with the switches being the neural network, and which when triggered set up a holgraphic display which is our perceived reality. Change the programme or algorithm ---change reality ---is this reality really?) (SHACK) Really contemplate 'sinks into what--is there a substance tangible, a solid receptacle and if not it is the realm of dreams, illusions, ideas no more substance the 99.99%of the empty atom--is this reality a lot of ideas which change from time to time and lose their fascination. SHACK
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