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Looking out of the window at my garden I veered towards my lovely trees right in front of the bedroom window and about half a soccer pitch distance.
Many experiences with these beautiful beings had taught me lessons about the source of life.
It had been a trying year and this was December 12th 2020 and the world had become ravaged by a pandemic which was labelled Covid-19, for me as well as others I do not believe or feel that it is as severe as the WHO and other government's have us believe, be that as it may, it has ruined every part of life that one was accustomed too and suicides, depression, alcohol, TV and computer entertainment is rife. The world authorities are talking about a 'great new reset 'and mass vaccinations are in progress and many fear them because they have new technologies in them such as mRNA and nano particles which have never been tried on humans and so we are the guinea pigs. I have written at length about this in my POST Blog www.geofffreed.com.
The trees looking bare and had shed their leaves and approaching cold frosts and possibly snow and one tree was covered in ivy and the tree is a 'female' tree and the other the male and they are about fifteen feet apart and in summer their foliage shields my flat and the other houses in the road behind my block from intrusive viewing of our privacy.
As I stood looking without thought at their stark bare beauty it came to me silently that the leaves, bud and fruit had gone away and the miracle of them returning without maintenance or gardening had often passed by my mind on many occasions. Yet this occasion it was profoundly more significant; the trees did not a thing to get this life, this grow back, in its stillness and vulnerability it had innate trust, it was at the mercy of the elements, humans and other depredation. It came to me the source was an unknown invisible creator, unknown to the physical senses and yet felt by the intuitive quiet self. It taught me to be still more often and quieten the anxious enquiring mind. It taught me in stillness and letting go there the source and I become blended and the personal 'I' seemed to cease.
The zen story always comes back as well; A monk has a profound realisation as 'minor or major satori' (Satori (悟り) is a Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, "comprehension; understanding". It is derived from the Japanese verb satoru. In the Zen Buddhist tradition, satori refers to the experience of kenshō, "seeing into one's true nature".) The monk went to the mountains and built a cabin to 'take in and reflect on the experience' and not be distracted from the monastic and everyday life and with his books, logs and basic food he stayed for a year or so. The winter came and the snow and frost were bitter and all the flowers and trees were bare and the world was utterly silent as the birds and animals went their way for the winter sojourn.
The spring came and the birds and foliage appeared as mysteriously as it had gone and the monk opens his door and says "All this and I did nothing and it came" The monk just got with his life as I do and mysteriously it all happens. I grow whether fit or not, sleep or not and all the functions of life and life around me. This mystery comes from an invisible source, I see its gifts in tangible apparent form and from science I know that it is not as tangible as it seems for there are molecules, then atoms as the building blocks and these atoms are 99.99% empty and they are arranged and come from an invisible intelligence field and named the quantum 'realm'.
This in itself would make a scientific monk state ' all this from the quantum zero field is organised and comes without my effort and I did nothing to make it happen'.
Perhaps when the scientists truly comprehends their 'seeing' of nothing and only traces of impacts from a 'Collider or Particle Accelerator' as one can see at the end of the article, if they pause and consider they and everything is made of atoms and even the minute particles no matter what they call them and no matter how minuscule or nano they are they will go so small that they will disappear in the stillness of the invisible source they arise out of. In fact they are looking at their own composition of particles, atoms and molecules and although they seem solid and tangible they are only moving trees and derive their sustenance from the same source, they are really studying themselves and not realising it.
What is this source 'Be still and know I am the Source within you'
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