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Lovely older forms of expression like 'He Quickeneth the Spirit'. It has such an intrinsic feel for me. It seems to enliven and awaken and ancient, nay, beyond time, beyond mortality feel. It feels to me like the very essence and substance of my being, beyond times immemorial, even beyond the atom and its waves and particles, it rests in the arms and bowels and the very womb of creation.
To me 'HE' as above is symbolic, it could 'She' quickeneth or many other names; The Father, The Mother, HESHE, SHEHE, The Eternal One, Life, The Most High, The Beloved for me not a name of a being, this is far beyond the flesh.
For me I feel quickened when I am still, quiet and in empty mind and another quote 'He that waits upon the Lord' this means to me to be in silent meditation, just a quiet interested aware and alert observer, not requesting or expecting, not in any emotional state, just being, ticking over quietly and at peace with myself and waiting patiently and just feeling the quiet relaxing 'beingness of existence', just Life at the bedrock of Life at its potential without form or sound, the purring joy of just being here now in a moment of no moment, a flow without end or beginning.
Quite expectantly I feel a joy, an enlivening, not physical, but just a sharp alertness, a brightness, a clarity and a shining awareness without a thought to mar the pristine beauty of the light of wonder and creation. I can hardly contain the sheer upliftment and a sort of exuberance which is not buoyant or hilarious, vulgar or sentimental, it as if the heavens have opened and the locker of golden grace and blessings have emptied in a shower on me. The me being not the flesh body but a consciousness which is and has recognised its essence.
I know not how to adequately express this feeling and actually what it means for any attempt to define, categorise, put a logical explanation to it would indeed destroy the feeling, box it, compartmentalise it, bring it to the academic boiler house and scientific analyses, like picking the bones clean after a sumptuous repast, nay leave the sleeping dog to be and dream its own dream.
So what is the spirit and why should I like to call it Holy?; Well as I wait as above in a silent mode of consciousness it is true my body feels tingling and as I wait with non expectancy and sometimes in the slow movements of Qi Gong, washing up, a bus ride, doing absolutely anything and just not thinking, suddenly or a creeping unfolding movement of 'mind' this something arrives, not invited or thought about, it is a spontaneous intuitive event and is a wonderful surprise and gift and it seems to me a gift of grace and love. It is so overpoweringly wonderful that it feels divine and yes, Holy.
Now then what is this 'energy'; its electrical, well in the body it can be measured by various instruments, for instance a blood pressure monitor, EEG, SQUID, electroencephalographs and so on, but these are merely physical indications which alter in meditation, however the experience is not measurable and there are academic postulations that this experience is merely a psychosomatic response and reaction to deep relaxation. However with the same instruments of science mentioned above it has been shown how the energy of a healer and thought experiments can be seen across the globe and recorded. This to me shows that this experience is felt in the body as effect of the experience, however there is the separate energy that travels non locally with awareness as in astral travelling, NDE and other such like phenomena which to me prove that this energy as described above is indeed independent of the fleshly cocoon and chooses to temporarily sojourn in the cocoon for various reasons and at the beckoning of Life itself.
Of course the encapsulated Life force in the cocoon may become so attached to the phenomenon of the cocoon that its forgets its origin in a way that is has been seduced by the cocoon and the realm and habitat of the cocoon and so on the demise of the mortal coil there is a tendency to miss its former habitat and so search for another fleshly habitat and so reincarnate. The magnetic pull as it were of Earthly indulgences lures the 'spirit' back to its former home.
However there may arrive in one such inhabitant the notion that every visible phenomena in Earth and on it has a life expectancy and yes even the heavens, it is all impermanent and transient, this then can get the quest motivated as to 'who am I' and am I just a temporary being always having to go round after round and then perhaps the notion pops up; perhaps when the lure, the glamour and seduction wears off there maybe another option. At first the thought of not returning to the known and familiar causes one some consternation and one may baulk at such a thing and seek a distraction or become distressed and depressed, however the brave explorer, the pioneer, the warrior of the hungry quest to find an everlasting 'me' not in the body but in the mind and not in a hell or heaven but in some other non corporeal form which eventually rots and decays and today in science looking at cyborgs human and machine joined, as immortality and programming the perfect life by algorithms and computers.
Is there a possibility that the awareness experienced as above can live on and be free and not need a corporeal form or any other form? I have a feeling that with continual 'enquiry' as in meditation one can realise and not be duped by science saying its not possible and so on, but trusting one's experience and the 'feel of the real' so to speak, mind you one can dupe oneself by allowing the ego which is the brainwashed self full of programmes, agendas brought about by years of inculcation and is very experienced at getting its own way by trickery, deceit, bribery and all else and keeping the awareness sharp and clear as above eventually breaking free not by force but by experience and gently going deeper into quietness which eventually frees oneself without suffering and force to be a 'free spirit' which does not need a form to live in. It lives as Life and is free of expression and attachment and yet is the essence of all and everything.
So what is the nature of the spirit?; As to that this is what you and I are without form, we are one Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent , there is only One of us, there is no duality and when you experience the 'holy spirit' above it is a common experience to all in the cocoon and it feels you as a separate being, yet on the release truly of the anchors, chains and magnetic pulls of the form of Earthly sojourn, one has not a double and is just the one and one and the all and all.