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This morning the 3rd August 2021 just before rising I had this experience in a dream type scenario; I was the still centre of awareness while all the fantasies, daydreams and flash backs in life were gyrating around me and the rims of the 'space ball gyroscopic concoction' contained flashing depictions of some scene or experience and they rotated willy nilly and in no particular relationship or sequence and I had the feeling and realisation they were not of me or personally significant.
They were passing 'debris' flyway's of no particular interest and like a migrating bird flyway's they would return but in no particular urge or natural cycle.
They were there to entice, allure and lure the awareness into the colourful glamourous attraction and ensnare the awareness into distraction and the witness becomes enmeshed in the graphic which is but a graphic with no real substance and only becomes real and seemingly tangible because of identifying with it.
So the sense of a me, you, us, we, I, becomes identified with the scenario and is only a passing programme manufactured and manifested by the ego, it has no real lasting permanence and has no 'solid foundation' it is a illusion and delusion, a delusion that tricks and seduces the awareness not because the awareness is weak and feeble but BECAUSE over the millions of years and compression through inculcation and brain washing these layers become impacted and seem real and solid.
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Britannica |
I feel there is an analogy in the above image in so far as the build up of inherited culture, religions, country ethos and so on the hand me downs in humanities sojourn so far that basic tenets or Jung's archetypal depictions are built upon and extended and reconfigured with the same base and only altered to suit the era it resides in.
So the strata psychologically is built up and on investigating these rock 'mind' strata and as a collective the ego and realising these are 'belief layers' and as such are just thought structures and can be swapped around once realises their 'illusionary' or at least temporary impermanent nature and this can be seen when reflecting on the nature of thought and its appeal and addiction and when realised I am just a series of thoughts and ideas collated into a system and programmes, conditions and ideals and there are others with differing systems and they like me believe in mine because of exposure to a selected preferred system that was taught to me, educated in a school by parents or authorities and with enough exposure to another system I could well be another 'person' inside this body. This is process of brain washing.
So there are these basic collective unconscious impressions which may contain the basic archetypes and then going deeper as it were to the quantum field of zero field experience and being zero so to speak is unlimited and is the fount of all possibilities and probabilities.
Peel away the rock layers, investigate beliefs and thoughts in meditation and when the rock layers are excavated one comes to the earth and then examining the earth and the stone and bare foundations which were worn down or excavated, one goes to the earth and examines it, breaks it down until there are infinitesimal tiny somethings and then under a scanning electron microscope there are molecules and further particles and bits and then atoms, electrons and so on and these are only seen in colliders and atoms busters as I call them.
Basically as I look at the tiniest whizzing fragments left as dashes, spirals and whirligigs left in a bubble chamber.
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Wikipedia |
The Womb of particles. A bubble Chamber
In a way this is what we are composed of and staring at this one maybe staring at oneself in the basics of the build up from particle to atoms to molecules. These are so fleeting and scientists can spend hours analysing these depictions. Now of course they have cloud and digital chambers. We are composed of trillions and trillions of atoms and they are said to be 99.99% empty so the only 'reality' is ones programmed thoughts and brain washing and thoughts themselves are like clouds and in meditation they are just as mysterious and not tangible and able to be grasped by the hand as it were and a Zen quote 'cut out your mind and put it on a plate and I will cure it for you'
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So be careful when you put a sugar cube in your beverage you might be destroying the human race!!!!?. Well if you already have seen on an intellectual logical level that one has been taught everything we know and can swap any set of brain washings for any other, that is if you are brave enough to come out of your comfort security zone or just went for another option because the one, one is already in is no longer serving you and you feel this offers more security and safety and is more real and then having realised after this swap well is this not fundamentally just a swap and is indeed just another hand me down brain washed somebody else's idea, or a modified one of my own.
PinterestImgflipThe question now might be; well if I am an empty bunch of atoms then who put me together and the Universe and all in there? Perhaps there are no atoms at all and these are only mind concoctions, perhaps there is just awareness and consciousness and this is non tangible only by its demonstrative abilities and perhaps the gyroscope as above just shows the crazy creation that I perceive is but a mind trick and if I am identified with the art work of creation through the physical senses and the rock formations which represent to me the layers of brain washed inculcated impacted hardened make believes and when picked apart show me to be a belief thought patterned individual that has mistaken the illusion of thought as reality.
So do I exist or not? Only my thoughts and fantasies say I do.
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