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Father / mother God, Great Spirit, Great Source of Life I am often wanting to speak the words in my heart and they are so full of love that I am bemused in how to express them and shout, proclaim as I silently think them. I am so grateful for being me and yet so aware you created me, Mother / Father God I am baffled why you created me in this form, I am not as loving as a human should be, I am terrified of the world as it is this year 2021 and some of the things I have blogged about seem to have gripped on the world and me. I am sure that you are in charge and yet plea for the salvation of vulnerable people my sisters and brothers and my world family and the precious children.
I appreciate you gave us humans free will; I feel this transhumanism, eugenics, technocracy is at odds with your natural evolution, perhaps I am mistaken, please Divine One help me to trust you more, I love Yeshua and his words 'if they do this when the wood is green what will it be when it is dry' I feel this is now and the wood is very dry. The fires of war, the horrific weapons that burn and scold, the chemicals that poison and strike one down, the torture and the killing remotely by drones so as to disassociate the operator from the fact of death, pain, hurt and destruction and the callousness that develops from it. Just like we disassociate with meat and fish in the supermarkets. What would it be if we killed and hunted and the drone operator manually killed women and children in eye to eye cold blood so to speak.
We would have to won and take responsibility for these actions.
Father / Mother God I am ashamed for I have found these distasteful characteristics in me and I wish to purge these from my aura, mind and soul. Yet I feel weak, vulnerable and afraid, I am still aware of my vulnerability over my flesh body and its marvellous creation by yourself and afraid of ill health and nasty illnesses that may befall it. My lack of trust is greater than my faith in you and I am tempted and forgetful of your redeeming power. Mother / Father God I have asked and said to you many times' Mother / Father God forgive for what I do and I am aware of the strife and pain I cause others and myself of my ignorance and sharp anger and temper and massive judgemental attitudes, I feel I have no right for forgiveness, yet your redeeming hand is there when desperation is there and I can surrender to the stillness and trust.
What astounds me and perplexes is me is this, such simple reasoning; Every vibrational frequency in the Universe created by your hand dear God, is in your creation and so is in me, so there must be abundance, vibrant health, well being, fearlessness, good will, unconditional love, rejuvenation, regeneration, healing and most of all the feeling of oneness and communion with all creation and YOUR DIVINE ESSENCE, which I feel is at the centre of all things and creation. Yet somehow, my own will which I would gladly surrender to you is somehow thwarted by my ego, by my brain washed sorry self, by the devil, by my weakness, by my stunted and unloved childhood and how many more confessions and blame. Most of all I know each day is a chance to 'start anew' Yeshua said 'behold I make all things anew' I know you are renewal and I know the stillness is where my ego drops aside and allows your energies to flow through and lift me up.
Dearest God Almighty sometimes I wish I could leave this beautiful frail ageing body as I am tired and want peace and rest. I am sad because I know that you have assigned guardians and angels that look after humanity and my own ones so to speak I am not aware of and would love to be more grateful and feel their presence. I am sure that they have love and care for me and I am not always or hardly ever grateful for their unseen service of Love and Protection.
There is this thought; that I will suffer the years after this month or middle week of September Sunday 19th 2021 and near the full moon and equinox should I survive after this date. I feel death is a great adventure and am looking forward to it and not afraid of passing but truly hope I will not be cancerous, cut about, in a wheel chair and pass with reasonable health in meditation or sleep.
May my guardian angels, guides and silent helper, assist me to have more faith and gratitude and what ever time I have left let me be a able to help my world family with love, dignity and gratitude.
Dearest Great Spirit, Mother / Father God thank you for my life in you. Amen
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