Friday, 1 July 2022


This sunny frosty morning of the February 27 2022 in a torn and shredded world of war, chaos and fear put on humanity by an Ahrimanic perpetuated  agenda by a power lust and greed of inflated sociopath egos and holding the world to fear and terror by what is called psyops, psychological warfare which deadens the mind and many capitulate and fall into the trap of the clever psychologists, yes there is a bad flu and the threat of deadly agonising slow death and deprivation of work brings malnutrition and human rights being sucked away bit by bit by a shaking fearful humanity waiting like sheep to enter the false sheep pen of totally being gradually assimilated into some eugenic, technocratic, cyborg, transhumanistic, genetically modified sort of a resemblance to a once organic being of flesh with an indwelling spirit of the Divine. 

This is how I felt this morning and and wondered again what was my use and purpose here, at 83 years of age and this feeling of doubt and low spirits had come over me several times lately. I was warm in bed and felt to remain and not get up.

Then I felt a 'switch' as it were and I felt the gradual warmth as the 'stillness' beckoned me and a mediocre joy propelled me out of bed. I have this calendar with quotes and readings from the bible and todays reading of the 27 February (no day or year is on the calendar just the date and month) and hey presto this came; Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm.16:11 and the two ladies who made the commentaries were apt, their names were never given (Calendar by ' GOD Calling') 'My touch is still a potent healer. Just feel the touch. Feel My Presence, and the fever of work and care, and fear just melts into nothingness and health, joy and peace, take its place'. It was not jus the words it was the 'ah ha' that flash of energy or whatever that spoke to my soul a sort of recognition of a deeper beyond words to the essence of myself recognising Itself.
Yes and when I relax, let go and sink into this relaxed emptiness, it is a sort of invitation to to be filled with the Presence and experience the bliss of the 'touch' of the Divine.
Quote Master

Actually I do not invite the Prescence of the Divine to fill me, The divine is actually there all the time its my ego agenda of the brain washed outer world so to speak, the busy world of success and material acquisition and that is the goal, however I am and have been always somehow shy of just material hoarding and worldly success, yes it could be the lack of self confidence, lack of drive and ambition, a definite failure in worldly affairs, a timid frightened frail person in many ways, yet many perceived me as a leader a strong person and yet I did not privately as it were. I only to well knew the shortcomings and vulnerability. I was frightened of admitting it openly and feel the loss of approval.

Somehow my NDE back in 1942 and the dread of not wanting to come to Earth in someway I knew, karmically if you will, some deep innate intuitive if you like nudge that has always in some way intimated 'you came here to give up the material, lust loving power hungry world of hedonistic indulgencies and find the still presence of God Almighty and surrender fully to that.

I wondered why I was drawn to Buddha and yet loved Jesus (Yeshua) 
so much and this morning it became clear. The empty mind, 'no mind' of these teachings of course when practiced in meditation or in Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga if it realised not just as stress reduction or keep fit and the performer may realise the joy of the stillness not just as stress relief and physical health but as a 'something else' and pursue it with this feeling and intrigue and realise this is not of the physical world at all and then by pursuing this with patience and actually dare to come to the conclusion this is the Divine. AND then the shock of actually daring to put the toe into the hot or cold bath, this is my true nature, then the solid material ego mind starts its doubts 'come on you are in touch with God who do you think you are? 'You are a a failure in this world and this is a retreat and false assumption, come on grow up, get a life' 'you are always worried about your health, where's your God then' to which I reply well, I have experienced healings and calm in health and calamities when I let go of my torments and doubts' 'Yeah but that is on occasions and its just lucky, the luck of the draw'

I have come to realise when bad health, bad luck or unforeseen events and circumstances arrive it may not be 'punishment' or a self made error, it maybe that it is a lesson to point out an error in action or from ego desire or maybe a test in order to let go the very frightening event and trust the stillness.
Women's Day

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46.10

To me this means to feel that warm love and that feeling is the Presence.  If nations were to embrace the quiet stillness not just the absence of noise or fear in my view that feeling is of love, respect, joy and war would cease not through diplomacy but by a simple time that all dwelt in the silence then they may realise that the written dogmas are human made interpretations and that direct experience joins all humanity. Everyone everywhere would realise that 'The Sunshine of God' shines on all and we all experience the rays of Divine Bliss.

Then came these striking words: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21) With these words, Jesus gave voice to a teaching that is universal and timeless.
I am sure that similar sayings are in many religious bibles and even in many native ethnic prayers, yes I have read them in Native American and Canadian, Maori, Aboriginal and Shamanic writings all over the world.
Yes, when I go into the silence and let go, my racing mind and the ego battle for supremacy and then when they subside and I breathe and I relax they just dissipate, dissolve and evaporate, so I realis they are not real and have no real substance and as they are like fleeting clouds they seem illusionary, here they were in the 'sky and screen of mind' hiding the sun or my calm joyous blue sky of clarity and Presence, so in that way thoughts by ego presentation are mere programmes brain washed and inculcated and have no real POWER only MY THE EMPHASIS AND IMPORTANCE given TO THEM BY THE UNAWARE MIND because it did NOT KNOW ANY OTHER CHOICE at the time of the inculcation. Now it does when the mask of delusion is taken off and I has the courage to live and surrender to one's true nature. I can now see how thinking by ego standards is a mere habit to prove the ego exists, actually it is habit formed by repetition to give me a false sense of security and a false joy of the ego imitating the presence with emotions. The rewards being usually fear or pleasure.

From Bible

To me the one who sat on the Throne IS the Presence and Jesus and many others in human form the one who feels this Presence within their Being or if you like their mind and to me when I have felt this it feels like renewal, even though I may still ache and be in mental confusion, it is not supressing, pushing away, denial and a strong wilful determination to bear the pain, the discomfort, the humiliation NO it is a genuine intuitive knowing that despite all 'I AM WELL AND IN GOOD HANDS' with that presence comes that even unto death I am really, really OK no matter what.








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